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hashish примеры предложений
1. I suppose it was some kind of narcotic – taking into account that Zisis often provides Aphrodite with hashish, and who knows what else
2. One occasionally wonders if morphine, cocaine, heroin, opium, hashish, laudanum, or whatever would help
3. Emile kept hashish in it
4. Nick scored some very strong African hashish from a Hispanic alderman, and we got so wasted that I could not walk well enough to return to Phoenix for two days after the bong was passed
5. He was selling hashish and sex
6. I knew it was illegal for foreigners to smoke hashish and had been told it was the eyes that gave you away
7. God has put into the form of hashish a power
8. ‘We brought this sticky lump of stuff wrapped in tinfoil back with us; panicked at the airport where there was a Last Chance to throw away your Contraband bin, and dropped about eight thousand dollars worth of hashish into it - probably to be picked out and smoked by one of the customs officials
9. In Pakistan heroin, hashish and alcohol addiction in the
10. hashish, the other marijuana
11. Police were chasing a bear through the neighborhood and the commotion led the hashish harvesters to throw their plant out the window over a high fence, fearing a drug bust
12. Lebanese hashish, which he sold to tourists in the expensive hotels by the beach
13. ransacked the room, but couldn’t find any money so he took the hashish
14. He managed to sell the hashish that same evening, but didn’t realise the value
15. Harry was making millions of dollars importing literally tons of kef and hashish into Australia, all of it coming out of Lebanon through one of Yusuf’s discrete connections
16. chewing on a lump of hashish, he was puffing on massive pure marijuana conical
17. It was a bit like the hashish
18. The most productive crop is Hashish, grown for the western consumer
19. Each one of them took a small amount of peyote, hashish, and wild mushrooms that had been ground together and made into a powder used to coat pieces of deer-meat smoked jerky
20. World War Two soldiers did the same with added things like Benzedrine, soft drinks, K-rations, and every addictive substance they could get their hands on including hashish, marijuana, cocaine, opium, and a host of pills called uppers or downers
21. Examples of these addictive drugs are hallucinogens, barbiturates and benzodiazepines, methamphetamine, cocaine and other stimulants, marijuana, hashish, narcotic pain killers, inhalants, and club drugs
22. The cannabis (marijuana and hashish) may be used as examples in this instance
23. He said people should stop using heroin, and chars, which is our word for hashish
24. "Then," cried Franz, "it is hashish! I know that—by name at least
25. hashish of Alexandria,—the hashish of Abou-Gor, the celebrated maker, the only man, the
26. When you return to this mundane sphere from your visionary world, you would seem to leave a Neapolitan spring for a Lapland winter—to quit paradise for earth— heaven for hell! Taste the hashish, guest of mine—taste the hashish
27. Tell me, the first time you tasted oysters, tea, porter, truffles, and sundry other dainties which you now adore, did you like them? Could you comprehend how the Romans stuffed their pheasants with assafoetida, and the Chinese eat swallows' nests? Eh? no! Well, it is the same with hashish; only eat for a week, and nothing in the world will seem to you to equal the delicacy of its flavor, which now appears to you flat and distasteful
28. "Ah, yes, the hashish is beginning its work
29. He recalled his arrival on the island, his presentation to a smuggler chief, a subterranean palace full of splendor, an excellent supper, and a spoonful of hashish
30. With it was effaced the last trace of the preceding night; and then supper, Sinbad, hashish, statues,—all became a dream for Franz
31. " He recounted, with circumstantial exactitude, all the particulars of the supper, the hashish, the statues, the dream, and how, at his awakening, there remained no proof or trace of all these events, save the small yacht, seen in the distant horizon driving under full sail toward Porto-Vecchio
32. Only he is not quite sure about the women, for they did not come in until after he had taken hashish, so that what he took for women might have been simply a row of statues
33. formed a match to the one I had made into a box for the purpose of holding my hashish pills
34. There was also the Ugly Club, whose Members were suppos’d to be the most loathsome-featur’d in all of England; and the Lying Club, whose Members were mostly Lawyers; and the Divan Club, whose Members fancied Turkish Dress, Turkish Tobacco, Hashish, and Revels in the Turkish Style
35. Having neither opium nor hashish on hand, and being desirous of filling his brain with twilight, he had had recourse to that fearful mixture of brandy, stout, absinthe, which produces the most terrible of lethargies
36. He felt that they were not analogous to the fantastic and unreal dreams due to intoxication by hashish, opium or wine