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herb примеры предложений
1. For more info see specific plant or herb
2. Tansy: An infusion of this herb with a dash of natural soap will deter most insects
3. Solar Tea: Solar Tea is made by placing the ground up dried leaves of the herb into panty hose tied into a ball (becomes a tea bag) then place into a gallon (or larger) glass container of pure water (not city water, distilled or filtered water is best but stream water is OK)
4. The strength of this mixture will depend upon the purpose and the herb used
5. Method 2: Slowly bring water to a boil (use low flame), then turn off heat, add 1 cup of the herb, steep for 5 minutes, turn on heat to low and simmer for 5 min
6. Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that
7. herb garden all those years ago
8. Down here, down amongst the trees he could smell the wild thyme and smiled remembering her little herb garden all those years ago
9. She took a wherry across the river to the Southwark side where the warehouse was situated, strolling along the lanes behind the Shakespearean theatre where herb gardens, supplying the nearby centre for the Herbmasters, occupied neat little patches of ground carefully tended by a cadre of gotteswomen specially trained for the purpose, the purple outfits of their calling showing up clearly as they toiled amongst the neat rows of plants
10. ‘It is a long, two storey building fronting the street, with four bedrooms and some spare rooms upstairs, three living rooms and two kitchens – mother uses one for her herb concoctions
11. I'm only bringing this up because the herb is, I guess, always mixed with tobacco before rolling
12. slightly overgrown herb garden
13. of a cooking herb
14. been assisting the lay brothers of the convent in the herb
15. and threw long shadows across the herb garden growing
16. He watched and listened to the birds in the herb garden
17. ‘We fed them a special herb that we bought from a
18. Though these bushes only grow on Chios, I knew of a common herb with a similar effect
19. It’s another herb I collect
20. When he arrived at Darniil’s house he found him out back, tending to his small vegetable and herb garden
21. I’m quite partial to this herb, you know
22. Gen 1:29,30 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat
23. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so
24. Gen 2:5,6 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground
25. Well, you know that Rosemary is the name of an Herb
26. When she came into the sitting-room again Shelagh was smiling at Jack and explaining to him about herb growing
27. Chamomile can be substituted for any other fragrant herb
28. It is one of the most highly researched herbs and probably the first herb to reach for in the case of mild stomach upsets caused by nervousness or hyperactivity
29. Chamomile is very helpful in gastric disorders and inflammatory bowel problems plus it is the first herb to try for any variety of anxiety problems
30. “Herb, can I call you Herb? After all, we go back what, 5 years? All those times I busted your balls for being incompetent? How you never seemed to actually solve anything but somehow managed to take the credit for everything? The way I treated you with such disrespect every time I ran into you? The practical jokes, teasing you about your social ineptness, I know I’ve been an asshole to you and I’m sorry
31. Like all herbs that have this effect, abortion may result so it is better to stay away from this herb during pregnancy
32. Accusing me of an affair with the wife of Tony Reilly and implicating us in his murder? Holy shit, Herb! We’re in unchartered territory here
33. Clivers are a safe herb with no contraindications associated with animals though an allergic reaction is always possible
34. Dandelion is considered a “bitter” herb which means when a small amount is taken into the mouth, the recipient immediately experiences a sudden increase in saliva
35. As the bitter herb reaches the stomach, bile and other digestive agents are triggered into action
36. This makes Dandelion a great herb to consider when optimised digestion and waste elimination are necessary
37. An excellent herb for relieving tension and stress without causing drowsiness
38. As with Devil’s Claw which is from the same plant family – this herb should be avoided in diabetes, pregnancy and where cardiac treatment is in progress
39. Hawthorn is generally considered to be a very safe herb for animals, however, should be avoided in cases where conventional cardiac drug treatment is in place as it may enhance the effects of these drugs and increase their effects
40. Animals that have plant allergies may be sensitive to nettle, which may cause allergic dermatitis (aside from the irritant reaction which the fresh herb causes when touched)
41. In summary, if you are unsure about the safety of an herb during pregnancy, assume it is contraindicated and don’t use it!
42. “It’s a herb that dulls the intellect and renders the drinker susceptible to manipulation,” Hollowcrest said calmly
43. What was it this time? What did the old herb mixer promise you, Gold? Jewels? Part of the kingdom? Well I will not disappoint you
44. Hollowcrest held a single cup of apple herb tea
45. Basil: This herb is Neutral and Very Beneficial to the Nerves
46. Camomile: This herb is good for relieving Stress, Calming Tension and Promoting peaceful
47. Her man Junya was just played for a herb in front of the
48. the green herb, as the grass on the house tops, and as corn blasted before it be grown up
49. More and more roses were added, shrubs, a herb and vegetable garden
50. 12 Whilst it is yet in his greenness, and not cut down, it withers before any other herb