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    1. “As First to Queen Naria, I hereby read the charges: For those countless boys that you corrupted; for the many innocents that you stole from, raped, and murdered; for following a man you knew to be mad and doing his bidding; for attempting to kill Lord Tarak; for plotting to murder the Queen and aiding Lord Boras in taking the throne, you are hereby sentenced to death

    2. "I hereby announce that henceforth you shall be known as Lady Sera, Mistress of Miners Hold

    3. And hereby we

    4. “Contrition is all well and good,” Varn’m said, “But because the All of Knowledge of All of Lands does not permit shonggot to me made or sold by it’s vendors and purveyors, your business with the Kassikan and all its subsidiaries is hereby terminated and all accounts must be settled within one year

    5. by the Bishop of Pamiers, I hereby take this man into

    6. All students are hereby informed that they must produce

    7. “Let it be known that I, Nebuchadnezzar, Monarch of this great city of Babylon, hereby decree the following

    8. He has made known to me its contents and I hereby press you for the interpretation

    9. “By the authority of the Empire and the Imperial Legion, you are hereby under arrest

    10. I hereby order all personnel on Callisto Orbital Station to stand down and allow us to board the station without resistance

    11. Hereby they knowingly subject themselves to a false doctrine, instead of that which is true: For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished

    12. I hereby confess to not having a single creative bone in my body

    13. I hereby confess to failing to understand how these degenerates have been able to rise so far in American politics

    14. I hereby confess to being a retired United States Navy Chief Petty Officer, my last ship having been the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier U

    15. I hereby differ with the wisdom of the ages, and maintain that it is a dish best served not only warm, but steaming

    16. I hereby suggest that we change its name to the Tactical Petroleum Reserve

    17. Rufus Lickspittle, I hereby arrest you for the murder of Mrs

    18. “In front of these witnesses, I hereby revoke your title of Commander of the Armies and all privileges and rights associated with that rank

    19. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us” (1 John 3:24)

    20. “I hereby arrest them as enemies of the State,” said the Russian, “That takes precedence

    21. ” I paused and looked them over, then said, “As ranking battlefield officer I hereby award you all with the Medal of Honor

    22. “I can confirm that after numerous investigations by ourselves and our colleagues at the Met, we have hereby charged Mr Harry Rowlandson with the attempted murder of Miss Rebecca Trevor

    23. “Mr Harry Rowlandson, you are hereby charged with the attempted murder of Miss Rebecca Trevor in the early hours of Friday the 5th of June

    24. 15 Hereby you shall be proved: By the life of Pharaoh you shall not go out from here, unless your youngest brother comes here

    25. 15 Hereby ye shall be proved: By the life of Pharaoh ye shall not go forth

    26. 33 And the man, the lord of the country, said unto us, Hereby shall I know

    27. After he listened to Myers orally debrief and answer questions from the MACV people, Lochert said he had nothing to add except that Myers and Detachment A-302 of the 5th Special Forces Group were the best unit he had ever been in the field with, and he, Major Wolfgang Lochert, hereby notified the assembled officers that he was putting the Mike Force Team in for a unit citation and submitting SFC Charles Haskell, better known as Snake, for the Medal of Honor

    28. “I hereby formally resign as your Pastor

    29. We hereby judge you as guilty of the worst crimes imaginable

    30. I hereby announce that the cup has been

    31. I hereby absolve M

    32. Any goal that you can think of, large or small, basically reduces to the statement: "I hereby promise to change in the following way

    33. To prove this point, let me hereby grant you 100% ownership, absolute, of the planet Pluto - all ten trillion acres

    34. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us

    35. in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him

    36. (13) Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit

    37. You are hereby banned from further contact!”

    38. In view of public opinion interest, the Governor hereby announces a referendum on allowing naturism in public and at work in fourty eight hours

    39. A founder of the Positivist school of criminology, Lombroso hereby opposed social positivism developed by the Chicago school and environmental criminology

    40. Alan Evans said, “Dan Hammond, you are hereby suspended from your duties

    41. “Rose you are hereby requested to assist in your civilian capacity

    42. Subject to the terms and form public recitations of the Work and to conditions of this License, Licensor hereby communicate to the public those public



    45. I, Pretty Boy, hereby promise that I will in fact be your

    46. I, Laura Skunk, shall hereby abide by the same oath and

    47. Town is now hereby the capital of Earth

    48. hereby reserved, including but not limited to, the exclusive

    49. limited by law the Licensor shall not be liable and hereby

    50. God says: “…it is lawful for you to eat the flesh of the beastly cattle other than that which is hereby announced to you

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