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    1. She’s pretty taken with him too … though she hides it very effectively

    2. From the bow, the gentle fold that hides her knees,

    3. hides, comes back and hits again

    4. "Nothing that hides behind this stuff is going to hurt Desa," Luray said

    5. and hides her glass slippers

    6. Finally, with that hook of uncertainty still snagging and scratching at their hides, they decided to seek out a talisman, a lucky charm that would protect their love for each other forever and ever more

    7. Blankets made from the hides of the indigenous animals of Aura were best suited to keep one warm in this kind of weather

    8. One shines in the light and protects; the other hides in the dark and wishes us harm

    9. snagging and scratching at their hides, they decided to seek out a

    10. hath found, he hides, and for joy thereof goes and sold all that he hath, and purchased

    11. magic which hides them

    12. There is a lump in his throat and his heart rate has jumped up a notch, but he hides it well

    13. The pig hides it well, but can't you see he is a

    14. Half-ears and mangled hides were everywhere; one dog was missing an

    15. that hides its attractions extremely well

    16. It is like a king who has a valued treasure and he doesn’t want a fool to find it and use it unwisely, so he hides it where only a wise man can find it

    17. God hides his pearls for the hungry and wise ones to find

    18. When the greater part of the Highland cattle were consumed on their own hills, the exportation of their hides made the most considerable article of the commerce of that country, and what they were exchanged for afforded some addition to the rent of the Highland estates

    19. Everything else he hides, even from himself

    20. He hides it, but it's there for all to see

    21. The birdshot bounced off the Orcs thick hides and, while the brothers were busy reloading, the Orc sergeant stepped forward and, with one massive uninterrupted blow, chopped both of the brothers in half, the blade cleaving through them at chest level

    22. The smell of hides and tanning mixtures was

    23. behind a maze of hanging hides

    24. The quantity of wool or of raw hides, for example, which any country can afford, is necessarily limited by the number of great and small cattle that are kept in it

    25. The same causes which, in the progress of improvement, gradually raise the price of butcher's meat, should have the same effect, it may be thought, upon the prices of wool and raw hides, and raise them, too, nearly in the same proportion

    26. But the market for the wool and the hides, even of a barbarous country, often extending to the whole commercial world, it can very seldom be enlarged in the same proportion

    27. I have not been able to find any such authentic records concerning the price of raw hides in ancient times

    28. But this seems not to have been the case with raw hides

    29. five ox hides at twelve shillings ; five cow hides at seven shillings and threepence ; thirtysix sheep skins of two years old at nine shillings; sixteen calf skins at two shillings

    30. The price of cow hides, as stated in the above account, is nearly in the common proportion to that of ox hides

    31. The price of raw hides is a good deal lower at present than it was a few years ago; owing probably to the taking off the duty upon seal skins, and to the allowing, for a limited time, the importation of raw hides from Ireland, and from the plantations, duty free, which was done in 1769

    32. This circumstance must necessarily have some tendency to sink the price of raw hides produced in a country which does not manufacture them, but is obliged to export them, and comparatively to raise that of those produced in a country which does manufacture them

    33. The exportation of raw hides has, indeed, been prohibited, and declared a nuisance; but their importation from foreign countries has been subjected to a duty ; and though this duty has been taken off from those of Ireland and the plantations (for the limited time of five years only), yet Ireland has not been confined to the market of Great Britain for the sale of its surplus hides, or of those which are not manufactured at home

    34. The hides of common cattle have, but within these few years, been put among the enumerated commodities which the plantations can send nowhere but to the mother country ; neither has the commerce of Ireland been in this case oppressed hitherto, in order to support the manufactures of Great Britain

    35. Whatever regulations tend to sink the price, either of wool or of raw hides, below what it naturally would he, must, in an improved and cultivated country, have some tendency to raise the price of butcher's meat

    36. As the efficacy of human industry, in increasing the quantity either of wool or of raw hides, is limited, so far as it depends upon the produce of the country where it is exerted ; so it is uncertain so far as it depends upon the produce of other countries

    37. tannery, with its labyrinth of hanging hides and stench of

    38. The notion hides two possibilities that, to my knowledge, have never been expressed before: 1) If our future has been changed by entities from the future, all we see is the new future

    39. hides a cute and friendly man

    40. 15, which puts hides and skins among the enumerated commodities, and thereby tends to reduce the value of American cattle

    41. Of this kind are all naval stores, masts, yards, and bowsprits, tar, pitch, and turpentine, pig and bar iron, copper ore, hides and skins, pot and pearl ashes

    42. The importation of sheep's wool from several different countries, of cotton wool from all countries, of undressed flax, of the greater part of dyeing drugs, of the greater part of undressed hides from Ireland, or the British colonies, of seal skins from the British Greenland fishery, of pig and bar iron from the British colonies, as well as of several other materials of manufacture, has been encouraged by an exemption from all duties, if properly entered at the custom-house

    43. It has been observed, in the foregoing part of this work, that 'whatever regulations tend to sink the price, either of wool or of raw hides, below what it naturally would be, must, in an improved and cultivated country, have some tendency to raise the price of butcher's meat

    44. chap, 7, the exportation, not only of raw hides, but of tanned leather, except in the shape of boots, shoes, or slippers, was prohibited ; and the law gave a monopoly to our boot-makers and shoe-makers, not only against our graziers, but against our tanners

    45. In that rude state of things, it is commonly paid in a large quantity of those necessaries, in the materials of plain food and coarse clothing, in corn and cattle, in wool and raw hides

    46. A part of their wool and raw hides, they had generally an opportunity of selling for money

    47. about to congratulate her on saving their hides when something beeped on the tactical monitor

    48. For a long moment the world stood still, nothing but the inky black of the storm, the pelting of the hard raindrops against their bodies, against the thick hides of the horses, and there was nothing …

    49. BEHOLD! The power of My love hides them away!

    50. Judging the one who hides with mystery

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