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hierarchy примеры предложений
1. " Theo worked for both agencies with direct responsibility to Europol and the Interpol hierarchy above that
2. It's written for cherons, I built a whole hierarchy from the base up, I didn't use any of the standard derived classes of cherubs, not even pets
3. ’ Kara said, wondering just how deep the rot went in the Guild hierarchy
4. Minister Gordon explained about the hierarchy of the Scather civilization
5. The hierarchy of the prison system clicked in and the next rung on the ladder stepped up to lead
6. His ideas and beliefs had caused quite a raucous within the Magi's hierarchy, a disruption that nearly ended with the man's dismissal from the Order
7. He had appointed himself some captains and, below them in the hierarchy a group of lieutenants
8. Bishopric in Pamiers meant that the Church hierarchy
9. rigorous hierarchy, as the Catholic Church becomes
10. That’s why the rigidity of the hierarchy of the church
11. “Excuse me Zune, but it’s a hierarchy problem, don’t you see? There’s nothing wrong with classifying and grouping and organizing and all that, but the deal is, when we end up on top of the taxonomical pyramid, that tends to give us illusions of grandeur and superiority that are not at all justified when a global point of view is taken into consideration
12. “Ah, my friend, but that’s the nature of hierarchy
13. , Maslow’s Hierarchy), and protecting against risk, or trauma
14. Zolla said, ‘These beings, it seems, have fooled the selected – or at least those lower down the hierarchy – into the belief that only a small fraction of this planet’s population were killed in the war
15. The truth: It had been a hierarchy of fear; the Nine had kept the elected leaders under threat
16. Surprised someone from the upper echelons of Turgonia’s social hierarchy had heard of him, she only said, “Yes
17. The plantation owners kept a racial hierarchy in place, whites at the top, followed by Japanese, other Asians, other nonwhites, and Native Hawaiians at the bottom socially and economically in their own homeland
18. I wanted them to know that, even though I had received part of the unexpected news, since nobody had provided me with concrete details of the forthcoming homage, neither the time nor the intensity of the surprise will ever be able to diminish either the degree of satisfaction or the hierarchy of the honor received
19. hierarchy, and offer the roles (jobs) you want
20. Is it any wonder then, that there is a clearly defined pack or herd hierarchy? The safety
21. “They have a socially organised hierarchy,” Conal cut across her
22. ” It looked as if it would only be a matter of time before they would be discovered in the parked jeep, and someone in the military hierarchy would intervene to bring an end to Colling’s acting as Elizabeth’s chauffeur
23. The Nuremberg trial of the Nazi hierarchy continued to hold top place in Stars and Stripes, Life and Newsweek, as well as the newsreels that preceded every movie
24. Was the “new name” that of the highest Christian leader, the bishop of Rome, which seemed to mysteriously morph into the title of “pope”? And might the “white stone” be metaphorically the headpiece and vestments put upon the newly anointed as he ascended to the highest office in the Catholic (universal) hierarchy, in the name of Jesus? And regarding the “new name that no one knows,” does this explain the many challenges to the later addition of and legitimacy of the “Office of the Papacy
25. The horse, translator of power and motive force, both before as well as in his day, was as ubiquitous in his vision as it was in the hierarchy of power in his time, while today we deal regularly in multiples of that force applicator in our everyday life situations
26. The Bible tells us that Joseph persevered with God’s help, and, through an attitude of honesty, loyalty, and integrity, all selfless, giving natures, was “greatly prospered,” gaining high office among the Egyptian hierarchy
27. In the long “protest” initiated by Marten Luther and carried on by others, the heretofore monolithic Church was now challenged on the basis of its answers, they must accord with the Bible, members of the “Protest” declared as they appealed to the hierarchy to reground their answers
28. Finally as he elevated these spirits to the celestial realm he began to understand a kind of hierarchy among them, but they seemed too remote to have a care for the needs of mankind
29. The Gnostics had subscribed from the beginning to a similar position in having recognized Jesus as one of their “Divine Beings,” but they resisted the placing of the Christian God at the top of their cosmological hierarchy
30. Angels are often represented as the messengers of God…There are thought to be several degrees of rank among them, perhaps three, four, seven, or nine, which the later conception of the “heavenly hierarchy” arranged in ascending order: Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Thrones, Cherubim, Seraphim
31. Cherubim: “One of the order of heavenly beings which in the angelic hierarchy are next to the seraphim
32. in the ever-expanding buildup of cultural hierarchy
33. Also, it visualizes and it analyzes the relations of causes and results according to the hierarchy of the presented problems
34. ( user04) This Theory utilizes the following elements: a) Coordenational Structure is new organization style in that there are not hierarchy or organization chart to accomplish any socioeconomic intention with low cost
35. “In order to clear codependency, we will have to empower you to be in the driver’s seat over your mind, where you can take charge of your cognitive operating system and create a vertical hierarchy where you are driving your mind and your mind is driving your body
36. All that comes from joy, efficiency, and power is the fruit of a well-balanced vertical hierarchy, spirit over mind, and mind over body
37. “A vertical hierarchy of spirit over mind and body is the evolutionary plan that will bring humanity to a much higher level of consciousness
38. Establishing a vertical hierarchy, ‘soul over mind and mind over body,’ is the essence of the real spiritual evolution and all that we need to enter in next stage of the human evolution
39. respect, the hierarchy because of a woman who took advantage of
40. - In the hierarchy, he is beneath me
41. Finally he explained that nobles were the tier just below the king, although there was a hierarchy of nobles
42. I asked my friend Gonzalo about it, and he just shrugged and told me that many people in the Church hierarchy were more interested in politics than in the Church
43. Hobbs calmed down as soon as the hierarchy was restored, “Damn right we will, that was too easy
44. Views such as Singer and others of his persuasion profess may be shocking to many Americans, as well as to many of their fellow scientists, but not to the administrative hierarchy of Princeton University
45. them, there exists a hierarchy of beings, from the lowest to the
46. This hierarchy applies to the females, too
47. Are any of us ‘dumb enough’ to believe that it is what God would do!! It sure doesn’t comply with His Teaching! --- either in supporting the hierarchy or rejecting ‘His representative on earth’s’ teachings, which is done in ‘His Name’
48. There they destroyed everything, created a strict hierarchy, and fought among themselves
49. The infernal hierarchy that they had created valued evil in all aspects
50. Walter Thompson, although there was probably less political maneuvering there than in the hierarchy of our large client corporations