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    higher status примеры предложений

    higher status

    1. With due respect to Joseph Conrad, having higher status than Squire Jim

    2. This leads one to conclude an inference that Cain, the firstborn, with the higher status of the two was engaged in that more important occupation

    3. Youssaf hesitated momentarily, as he realized the game of who has the higher status was being played out again

    4. Youssaf hesitated momentarily, as he realized the game of who has the higher status was

    5. These women come out better off and in a higher status because

    6. I think that I did this to keep a higher status with them, but whatever it was, I was wrong doing so, but it would still take over a year to learn just exactly how wrong I was

    7. Other warriors wore more armor to keep up the higher status they had earned in past battles

    8. higher status, and there were servants who did the

    9. moted to the yet higher status of a Kshatriya when he gains the ability to

    10. By business practice, people of higher status (e

    11. Corey's girlfriend has a cat, and she seems to have higher status than him

    12. “Lord Cordus gives some of us higher status and makes us advertise it to the others

    13. Why? Because we have not yet found a higher status peer species that is more powerful, to emulate, copy, and learn from

    14. Because any accumulation of monetary wealth means a higher status

    15. The result is the more specialized your function, the more lucrative it is the higher status it enjoys, the more money you are paid to do it

    16. But killers had higher status

    17. They held most of the higher status positions in German society

    18. The more untouchable you are: the higher status you have

    19. Above–Symbolizing a higher status or relative position of power, authority, or morality to the

    20. symbol thereby holds a higher status and power than the lower symbol

    21. Over– Above serves as a statement of relative status, hence a demonstration higher status or power than a lower symbol

    22. higher status and power of the upper symbol over the lower one

    23. Over– Above serves as a statement of relative status, hence a demonstration higher status or power

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