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    higher up

    1. On they flew over woods and lakes, over seas, and many lands; and beneath them the chilling storm rushed fast, the wolves howled, the snow crackled; above them flew large screaming crows, but higher up appeared the moon, quite large and bright; and it was on it that Kay gazed during the long long winter's night; while by day he slept at the feet of the Snow Queen

    2. She was very beautiful; a more clever, or a more lovely countenance he could not fancy to himself; and she no longer appeared of ice as before, when she sat outside the window, and beckoned to him; in his eyes she was perfect, he did not fear her at all… (they flew away) and higher up appeared the moon, quite large and bright; and it was on it that Kay gazed during the long long winter's night; while by day he slept at the feet of the Snow Queen

    3. “Keep on with it, boy,” she barked from somewhere higher up on the bed

    4. The slope was scattered with loose rocks, some of which were debris from the crash, and was angled at almost forty-five degrees, although it got even steeper higher up

    5. Holding on as tightly as he could, he began to shuffle his feet higher up the cliff face, making full use of the available footholds

    6. “It’s going to take time to complete a thorough list without drawing attention, but I’ve started with the higher ups

    7. Darkburst pushed on, ignoring the cold cloying touch of the water as it moved higher up his legs, but by the time it had reached halfway up his body, the young cub began to feel cold and tired

    8. She dropped lower to the ground and moved off the path, heading for rocky areas higher up where the rabbit warrens lay in a maze of underground tunnels

    9. Watts went back to his task, hands bleeding and raw as he slowly moved higher up the rope

    10. Another male suddenly appeared from higher up and he left them in charge on the low branches, after issuing a muted growl of caution

    11. He would have to check the shoreline more often from now on, he resolved, and it might be well to look for a place to move their shelter a little higher up from the water’s edge, just in case

    12. Suddenly Fandango fandango’d the night breaktastic and pounced the ground into fast Air Flares, (which are the same as atomic flares except your legs are higher up in the air

    13. Farther from the house, higher up the hillside, stood the natural bush, and this is where Ikati reigned

    14. Scrambling into thorn trees, festooning tops and sides of boundary walls, they completely covered a rose arbour – a dreamily lovely place where one could pause between the lower garden and the natural woodland higher up

    15. She’d fixed two of those problems when a higher up thought a resignation would get them out of their jobs

    16. pond originate higher up in the mountains where contaminated soil is washed into them

    17. higher up in the gene pool" if it had such intentions

    18. to any one of the higher ups

    19. 1 to discuss my work in MS with higher ups

    20. I was constantly being sent by the Navy to the Army JAG School on the campus of UVA in Charlottesville for training and to Crystal City, VA, to discuss my work in MS with higher ups

    21. Regrettably, some higher ups at PSL who had been acting outside the law and PSL’s internal Policies and Procedure erroneously believed that they were above the law

    22. Looking up at the trees around him he jumped up catching a higher up branch he pulled himself easily up

    23. The river, thick and gray with the ash that had been washed from the partially uncovered land, began to run somewhat higher up its banks than usual, helping the flotilla to move more rapidly toward the City that was again seen dimly in the distance

    24. You keep your eyes up ahead of me to see anything that I might miss farther on, especially if any soldiers come into view higher up the hill

    25. Any�body higher up?"

    26. The only "higher up" Court knew was his Dad's cousin, Major General Albert Whisenand

    27. began to run somewhat higher up its banks than usual, helping the flotilla to move more rapidly

    28. “As the proverbial insider, meeting the higher ups of the world

    29. Higher up, branches of the vine reached out more than six feet, and he sprayed the tips of those that grew beyond the leaves of the lower oak branches

    30. Their journey had taken them higher up into the mountains again and their pace had slowed drastically, as the heavy snow brought with it a total white-out to cut through

    31. Calvin could think of only one explanation, someone higher up the chain than Pellew had given him contrary orders which he had to obey

    32. would increase as we move higher up on the multiverse’s energy ladder

    33. was for those who were higher up to leave in case of an emergency

    34. By the way, publicity wise, the higher up the chain you go from community to regional to state

    35. higher up, and I couldn’t figure out the cause

    36. The lab enjoyed higher uptime

    37. I put on a humorous skit at the nightclub with a handsome New Zealand ski instructor, who had led me higher up the mountain than I'd have dared on my own, then let me feel his taut bronzed abs before the precipitous descent

    38. Within minutes the car park was flooded, drains failed to cope and, at the edge of the road, a street-lamp illuminated a fountain of storm-water gushing metres into the air as overloaded drains from higher up forced their burden out the first available exit

    39. The barn was lit by a solitary bulb that dangled from higher up in the recesses of the barn roof

    40. He didn’t bump into Louise either, as she worked two floors higher up the building and rarely came down to his floor

    41. He pushed the skirt higher up her thigh

    42. And higher up on the slopes the smaller Aquilonian host stood grimly silent

    43. He needed someone higher up to remove Brossard as chief

    44. Then again, higher up the pathway leading down to the jetty

    45. of the higher ups of the

    46. the trees higher up

    47. The sun was now higher up on the

    48. If the shot were higher up, it would have done less damage

    49. However, the exit polls in this outcome may have indicated some finagling by higher ups to ensure four more years

    50. There are some higher ups in the business that do have scruples, but others could care less one way or the other

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