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hold fast
1. Hold fast to His teaching day and night, so that
2. But she had to hold fast to the mission that brought her to Skyrim in the first place: the location and retrieval of her father’s remains, and the truth of what befell him there
3. Although I remain a staunch proponent of the Rule of law, I hold fast to my belief that the Sanctity of Life is more precious than our legal system has properly envisioned
4. Hold fast young 1, this is only the beginning
5. 1Ths 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good
6. Scripture further states we should prove all things and hold fast that which is good
7. 1The 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good
8. " Romans 12:2 By doing the will of God we can hold fast to this promise from the Lord
9. more speedily visit the world in its season; 3 Now therefore hold fast in your heart everything that I command you, and seal it in the
10. hold fast in the toils of your wickedness, and you did uplift yourself always as one who could not be rooted out! 9 But now your time
11. the forests on the plain, and it will hold fast for times, and will exalt itself more than the cedars of Lebanon
12. Heb 10:23 Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)
13. It is the willingness to hold fast to your beliefs when they are not popular with the crowd
14. 2 Therefore have I now taken away Zion so that I may the more speedily visit the world in its season; 3 Now therefore hold fast in your heart everything that I command you and seal it in the recesses of your mind; 4 And then I will show you the judgment of My might and My ways which are unsearchable
15. 8 And you kept conquering that which was not yours and to that which was your you did never show compassion and you did keep extending your power over those who were far from you and those who drew near you you did hold fast in the toils of your wickedness and you did uplift yourself always as one who could not be rooted out! 9 But now your time has sped and your hour is come
16. 5 And after these things a fourth kingdom will arise whose power will be harsh and evil far beyond those who were before it and it will rule many times as the forests on the plain and it will hold fast for times and will exalt itself more than the cedars of Lebanon
17. Whoever devotes himself to these and is able to hold fast by their works shall have his dwelling in the tower with the saints of God
18. “Hold fast!” was Master’s quick advice, “And gird thyself for there is more
19. ‘Twas then I realized this truth: when Master warned, “Hold fast…thy thoughts!” He meant to choose them consciously and not just try—intend—then do
20. I heard my will scream out at me, “Hold fast thy thoughts, choose consciously
21. More desperate than satisfied with her sudden plan, she stabbed the knife into the side of the bench, grabbed the loose end of the rope, and dove into the sea, praying the lifeline would hold fast
22. The Dangler urged his steed to hold fast, to squeeze tighter, to compress the monster to glittering ash just as Silver’s diamond mist had destroyed the bone claw hand of Sorid in the Secret Stream, but the unborn brethren of Syn could not contest the power of a demon that had a heart of its own
23. There are many who still have morals and values that they hold fast to, but many will need to be broken from this in order for the truth to be found
24. heard, and hold fast, and repent
25. We are assembling and reequipping other army divisions as fast as we can but, if the perimeter around Pusan doesn’t hold fast for at least another month, we then could lose every unit we have presently in Korea, be they Army, Marine or Air Force units
26. “Hold fast!” he’s been told, “You’l want to run but hold fast, trust me on
27. ") 1 Thess 5:21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good
28. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without
29. "Seeing then that we have a great High Priest, that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our profession
30. In the first verse you will read, "let us fear,"�in the eleventh verse, "let us labour,"�in the fourteenth verse, "let us hold fast,"�and in the sixteenth verse, "let us come boldly to the throne of grace
31. Paul gives us to "hold fast"?
32. Paul had in view when he wrote the words, "Let us hold fast our profession
33. Paul's words when he said, "Let us hold fast our profession
34. " He would not have called upon them to "hold fast their profession
35. " He would have told them they had no profession to hold fast, and that they were "yet dead in trespasses and sins" (Eph
36. Paul's exhortation, "Let us hold fast our profession
37. Paul says, "Let us hold fast our profession
38. Paul had the heart in view, when he wrote those words, "Hold fast
39. " "Let us therefore hold fast our profession"
40. Paul says, "Hold fast
41. " "Let us hold fast our profession
42. I ask every believer to remember that if he does not "hold fast," he may pierce himself through with many sorrows, and bring great discredit on his character
43. Does any Christian reader of these pages desire much usefulness to others in his religion? Let me assure him that none do so much good in the long run of life, and leave such a mark on their generation, as those who "hold fast their profession" most tightly, and are most decided servants of Christ
44. Paul proposes? He tells us to "hold fast our profession," and not let it go, because "we have a great High Priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God
45. Paul meant when he said, "Let us hold fast," because we have got a great High Priest in heaven
46. We have a great High Priest who is passed into the heavens, and through Him it is possible not only to begin, but to "hold fast" our profession
47. " In myself I see nothing, but I keep ever looking to Jesus, and by His grace I hold fast my profession (Gal
48. I believe, then, that for three centuries there has not been an age in which it has been so needful to urge professing Christians to "hold fast" as it is at this time
49. I am greatly mistaken if there is not a growing tendency to "hold fast" nothing in religion, and a disposition to hold everything as loosely as possible
50. And for the last time I say, "Hold fast, and not loose,�hold fast your profession