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    1. Desa had a big fire going in this damp and chilly weather and this years branchwood was going to be coming in before they could get the hopper cleared from last years

    2. It was a messy job and a lot of material missed the hopper

    3. While I connected up the grinder to the tractor, Fred pushed a wagonload of corn over to the hopper and hooked it up to a rope and pulley hoist suspended from the ceiling

    4. the catwalk where I now stood and was sucked into the funnel of the hopper

    5. Mitch had planted a ladder where the hole would be made in the hopper

    6. from the front of the hopper, it begins to pour from the bottom

    7. It turned out a cross bar in the throat of the hopper crossed

    8. disappeared up into the hopper

    9. In order to investigate this point further, let us think of one of those machines found in amusement arcades, where coins fall through a network of pegs to a hopper below

    10. The most physically demanding regular job I have ever done was shoveling 110 pounds of bean sprouts into a plastic barrel on a scale every 30 seconds, then with a helper, dumping the barrel into a hopper

    11. The cargo ship STAR HOPPER is waiting 140 kilometers above, with 482

    12. the hopper flew out of the shoot at about two coins a second

    13. That meant they had to refill the coin hopper, so you would see peo-

    14. ple would cash out using the coin hopper, and it was easy and con-

    15. given for unloading of the coal in the hopper

    16. When the Red signal is on no tipper should dump coal in the hopper of the crusher

    17. The flat-top progressive quarter machines that were built into the top of the bar still had coin bins that rang out as the coins from the hopper flew out of the shoot at about two coins a second

    18. That meant they had to refill the coin hopper, so you would see people carrying bags of quarters, nickels, and dimes to fill the slot machine back up with a reasonable amount of money

    19. The machine still had to be able to accept coins because people would cash out using the coin hopper, and it was easy and convenient to just feed them back into the machine if they wanted to

    20. John Hopper, however, does not see anything greatly wrong with John Hinckley

    21. In their sporadic sessions together over the last five months, Hopper has seen no signs of delusion or other symptoms of mental illness

    22. John Hinckley trusts Hopper enough to confess that he is “on the breaking point” mentally, but rather than be alarmed, the psychiatrist thinks him a typical socially awkward young man who exaggerates his obsessions

    23. Hopper treats Hinckley by attaching biofeedback electrodes to his forehead and thermometers to his fingers in an effort to teach him relaxation techniques

    24. Relaxation, Hopper believes, is vital to curing Hinckley

    25. John Hopper will be sued by Hinckley’s many victims, saying that Hopper should have known he was dangerous and placed him in a hospital

    26. The client was Lady Purvis, a fortyish mother of three teenagers whose husband, Stocky, was currently in jail next door in Hopper County

    27. Her two oldest teenagers had dropped out of school to look for jobs that did not exist, not in Noland, Hopper, and Curry Counties

    28. Hopper County had contracted with a private outfit to strong-arm the money out of Stocky and other poor people unlucky enough to commit petty crimes and traffic offenses

    29. For about a million years, that boulder was part of Enid Mountain, about forty miles from here, over in Hopper County

    30. Unlike Noland County’s, the Hopper County Courthouse was a baffling modern structure that had undoubtedly once looked thrilling on paper

    31. Racing through the back roads of Hopper County, Donovan kept one eye on his mirror and said nothing

    32. They were from a small town just over the line in Hopper County, and since they lost their home a month earlier Pamela had been looking for a lawyer to rescue them

    33. Top Market in turn took the judgment, reenrolled it in Hopper County, and began using the legal system to collect the money

    34. Samantha found the lamp factory in a badly neglected industrial park outside the town of Brushy in Hopper County

    35. “Well, a half a million is not much for two dead boys, but it’s a lot for Hopper County

    36. It might work in larger cities but not in Hopper County, or Noland County for that matter

    37. “A record for Hopper County

    38. She walked into the Hopper County courthouse, alone

    39. ‘Actual Space Hopper levels of rebounding

    40. It was much more emotional than I had anticipated to see McFee and Hopper gathered together with Johnny Ciambotti—who, while still playing bass and having spent time in artist management, was by then better known as a chiropractor, the Dr

    41. I’d played with John McFee over the years but had only occasionally crossed paths with Sean Hopper, when he was a member of Huey Lewis and the News, but here we were playing these songs again, thirty years after we had recorded them together

    42. Just last summer, some farmer down near Ark City had his hopper go screwy

    43. ” Hedda Hopper couldn’t have done a better job!

    44. Kurt Beyer, Grace Hopper and the Invention of the Information Age

    45. Nat Goodwin and his wife, Hackett and Mary Mannering—when they can meet—Sir Henry Irving, De Wolf Hopper, Miss Annie Russell, bowing to Charles Richman out of a cab, Amelia Bingham, Joseph Jefferson, whose only fault is that he isn’t immortal, and funny, rollicking Fay Templeton, humming a new coon song—old favorites and new ones, you may see them going to supper at the Lambs’ Club, the Players, the Waldorf, Delmonico’s, Sherry’s, any evening they are in town

    46. This cylinder is placed in a box of boards whose sides slope a little inward upon the principle of a hopper, and a tub of water is placed beneath: The potatoes are thrown into this box, and as the crank is turned they are crushed, and the starch or fecula subsides to the bottom of the water

    47. The earth is thrown into a hopper, and the fluid obtained, passed through another of ashes, the alkali of which decomposes the earthy nitrate, and uniting with its acid, which contains chiefly nitrate of lime, turns it into nitrate of potash

    48. The same dirt, if returned to the cave, and scattered on the rocks, or mingled with the new earth, becomes impregnated with the nitrate again, and in a few months may be thrown into the hopper, and be subjected to a new process

    49. The west range (E) is divided into two parts quite to its base, which with the slope of the east range encloses, on three sides, an irregular hollow, called the Hopper

    50. You enter the Hopper from the west, passing along a branch of Green River, and a romantic, wild, and sublime prospect opens before you

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    ground ball groundball grounder hopper grasshopper hop-picker