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    house of lords

    1. The rest, as they say, is history, although throughout his long years of retirement, when he published his memoirs and his diaries and tried to settle into a state of fatherly grace in the House of Lords, the once great politician told anyone who would listen that he had been right, that his opponents had been wrong and that a report with blank pages was exactly what he had intended all along

    2. The councils, which, in the colony legislatures, correspond to the house of lords in Great Britain, are not composed of a hereditary nobility

    3. House of Commons and House of Lords

    4. Lord Ashburn was given a warm reception in the House of Lords during their session after the government findings were released

    5. There was no evidence that her company was awarded the contract as a result of an exchange of political favours or political manipulation from influential members of the House of Lords

    6. And sadly, because Rome was to be the last great classic western empires, it’s influence on future governments can still be seen today in such forms at the British House of Lords and House of Commons (a ridiculously bloated

    7. 8 o'clock in the House of Lords Information Office

    8. At the same moment, the Leader of the House of Lords stood (“in another place”) to repeat the statement to an equally full House, while in Dublin the Irish Taoiseach, Michael O’Leary, was also on his feet to make a similar announcement

    9. They were led at that time by the avuncular Joe Gormley – later to gain respectability in the ermine of the House of Lords

    10. that makes Britain’s House of Lords seem almost modern and

    11. If you don't want ' ~ a 99er' in the White House, House of Lords, or URHouse, then occupy the eyes of justice by videoing your citizen-neighbors so you can blackmail them in case they are thinking of voting against the 99%

    12. He’d boasted about how he should attend the House of Lords, but never did, and a stone set into the wall indicated the present Hagham Hall dated from 1732

    13. In ten days the Easter recess would be over, and he was due in the House of Lords, where he had been put down for a speech on the Home Rule Bill from the point of view of simple faith, and how was he to leave things in this muddle at home, and how was he to have the peace of mind, the empty clarity, appropriate to a proper approach of the measure if his inward eye went roving away to Redchester all the time and to the increasing confusion on his study table?

    14. Select Committees work in both the House of Commons and the higher House of Lords the responsibility being to check and report on a number of areas ranging from the work of government departments to economic affairs

    15. Committees in the House of Lords specifically concentrate on the four main areas of Europe, science, economics, and the British constitution

    16. they set up a House of Lords

    17. Lord Preston has a lot of political influence in the House of Lords but he's a Tory—very conservative

    18. With no-one suspecting that a political party may have been behind the fire at the House of Commons, parliament takes place as usual in the House of Lords

    19. He smirks while he pours the rest of the drinks exactly as he was told to, before taking them into the main room of the House of Lords, where the meeting is being held

    20. Today it is where the House of Lords reside

    21. The former British prime minister was elevated to baroness in 1992 and made a member of the House of Lords after a lifetime as a commoner

    22. A resolution was a resolution, and an amendment was an amendment; then there was what was called an amendment to an amendment; the procedure of the House of Commons differed very materially from that of the House of Lords - and so

    23. `It is childish to imagine that any measure of Tariff Reform or Political Reform such as a paltry tax on foreign-made goods or abolishing the House of Lords, or disestablishing the Church - or miserable Old Age Pensions, or a contemptible tax on land, can deal with such a state of affairs as this

    24. They have no House of Lords in America or France, and yet their condition is not materially different from ours

    25. Briefly, putting two and two together, six sixteen which he pointedly turned a deaf ear to, Antonio and so forth, jockeys and esthetes and the tattoo which was all the go in the seventies or thereabouts even in the house of lords because early in life the occupant of the throne, then heir apparent, the other members of the upper ten and other high personages simply following in the footsteps of the head of the state, he reflected about the errors of notorieties and crowned heads running counter to morality such as the Cornwall case a number of years before under their veneer in a way scarcely intended by nature, a thing good Mrs Grundy, as the law stands, was terribly down on though not for the reason they thought they were probably whatever it was except women chiefly who were always fiddling more or less at one another it being largely a matter of dress and all the rest of it

    26. Accordingly, when the two angry men had sat back in their seats, bleached in the face with passion, and panting and out of breath, I rose up in my chair at the head of the table, and with a judicial solemnity addressed the council, saying, that what we had witnessed was a disgrace not to be tolerated in a Christian land; that unless we obtained indemnity for the past, and security for the future, I would resign; but in doing so I would bring the cause thereof before the Fifteen at Edinburgh, yea, even to the House of Lords at London; so I gave the offending parties notice, as well as those who, from motives of personal friendship, might be disposed to overlook the insult that had been given to the constituted authority of the king, so imperfectly represented in my person, as it would seem, by the audacious conflict and misdemeanour which had just taken place

    27. He and Bulstrode rode back to Middlemarch together, talking of many things—chiefly cholera and the chances of the Reform Bill in the House of Lords, and the firm resolve of the political Unions

    28. And in London another Lord Greystoke was speaking to HIS kind in the House of Lords, but none trembled at the sound of his soft voice

    29. I hold a document in my hand which, perhaps, the gentleman may object to, as coming from the opposition party in Great Britain; it is the depositions of sundry merchants of great wealth and respectability, taken before the British House of Lords, on the subject of the Orders in Council

    30. And when this crying sin was opposed by Lord Chatham, in the House of Lords, the employment of these Indians was justified by a speech from one of the Ministry

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