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    housework примеры предложений


    1. "I waited," he answered, "as long as I thought prudent, Kulai has more on my list than the housework

    2. I had attacked the housework like a maniac after talking to Ted this morning

    3. As she worked, she thought of Billy – she’d never considered it before but he must do all the housework at the house … maybe next time she went there she would offer to help … there was something strangely satisfying about making things clean and tidy

    4. This reaction surprised her; she’d never thought about housework in that way before

    5. 'I suppose Janine will have to manage the housework

    6. And get rid of that vague feeling that you ought to be doing something useful, like housework

    7. "You can do the housework," she told Gretel, "then I'll make a meal of you too!" As luck would have it, the witch had very bad eyesight, and when Gretel smeared butter on her glasses, she could see even less

    8. We were sitting in his old shed, swigging beer, it being the only place where we felt safe from Aunt Martha's housework

    9. After my husband left for work in the morning, I did the housework, practised singing for at least an hour (the discipline I’d learned with piano lessons served me well), did shopping, went to rehearsals (if any), then started dinner

    10. During a recent conversation with a friend, I offered to help her get some of her housework done

    11. He went on and on about how they don’t have servants there and his daughter cleverly involved him and his wife in all the housework

    12. It was an isolated existence with overburdened housework

    13. It was a form of mild bullying which appeared to amuse him as much as not being allowed to help her with the housework

    14. I helped them with the housework, and

    15. When the housework was finished, she and Talus set out for the short walk to where the Sub-Council of Meditation planned to meet today: in the ruins of the market place

    16. housework and phone calls and could cook up a satisfying meal from the emptiest of fridges

    17. Between the job and the extra housework caused by her boarder she might become neglectful, and that would never do

    18. settling bills, leaving me at home to carry on housework when I wasn’t working at the crèche

    19. The thing that most annoyed her though, was losing the guy who paid the rent and did all the housework

    20. ‘They invented all those labour saving devices that freed women from housework, giving them an unwarranted sense of importance

    21. Women then began to imagine they were too good for mere housework, and idiotic males infected with Victorian pseudo medieval crap about the sensitivity, nobility, and mystery of women have allowed them to act like spoiled princesses, demanding their husbands provide more and more luxuries; insisting that a real man would give his wife her every desire

    22. First thing in the morning until noon was housework, then work on stripping and sanding

    23. Desolé was well paid for her trouble and the visitors assisted with house cleaning and cooking, which pleased Desolé who hated housework

    24. Still don’t believe that helping out more at home is going to help? Still struggling with the concept that you doing some of these things is really going to help matters? Okay then, give some of them a try and see for yourself; try getting some of those jobs done that she’s been going on at you for ages about, do some housework for a change, surprise her and clean a bathroom or two, hoover the house without being asked to, or go wild and take a day off and clean the house from top to bottom and then pickup the kids from school – then see for yourself what the results are - depending on the stage that you’re at with fixing your relationship this could take time, and granted she may not suddenly run to the bedroom shouting “take me big boy” if you’ve just hovered the lounge, but it is absolutely sure to have a very positive, rather than a negative, impact

    25. 15 The cooking and the housework at the large Zebedee home, where Jesus and the twelve made their headquarters, was for the most part done by Simon Peter's wife and her mother

    26. assistance with child care and housework than do mothers anywhere else in the world

    27. Kara began to take over the housework, preparing some meals, doing the laundry, dusting and vacuuming the bungalow, and so on

    28. tires, never complains, does all of the housework, never raises

    29. about a revolutionary cleanser that will simplify your housework?” Again,

    30. She felt like she used to do when she was a teenager, and her mum had expected her to do just about all the housework, while she went out with boyfriends

    31. “I keep telling her hat she needn’t spend so much time on housework, that she should

    32. It was mid morning, and Nicky had finished her work on her website and all her housework

    33. housework to joining the local canoeing club

    34. There's few things in this world I can't stand more than housework

    35. Offended, yet forced to continue the call, the Baroness confined such conversation as she made to questions that had a flavour of hostility: where was it possible to get such shoes, and did the Frau Pastor think toes so narrow good for the circulation and the housework?

    36. Hey, I've just read a blog about mums who when they're playing with their kids feel guilty about not having done the housework, and then when they're doing the housework, feel guilty that they're not playing with their kids Sound familiar?

    37. She might be a professional author but she still had to keep on top of the housework

    38. The same thing with our kids we’ve always taught our children that chores are something that everyone has to do but then he comes along with the rule that housework is women’s work and the kids start getting confused

    39. We had some of the pastry and then she went back to her housework and Sisi showed me my room and my cupboard

    40. All day she was busy with the housework

    41. Instead, I should have had some affairs myself; only with childbearing and the confinement of housework I did not have the opportunity

    42. There was a pile of housework to do, but she didn't feel like it

    43. Or with your mother and sisters? or in womanly housework? or the

    44. She took interest in the housework, went to church regularly, and looked after her servant with more severity

    45. Morel talked again to her son, who was helping her with her housework

    46. There was nothing for her to do now but the housework; for all the rest he had gone to Miriam

    47. She had tried to get some work to do herself, but generally without success; there were one or two jobs that she might have had if she had been able to give her whole time to them, but of course that was not possible; the child and the housework had to be attended to, and Slyme's meals had to be prepared

    48. There was no fire in the grate, and the cold hearth was untidy with an accumulation of ashes, for during the trouble of these last few days she had not had time or heart to do any housework

    49. Little Elsie had made an arrangement with her to be allowed to take the baby out for walks, and in return Ruth did Elsie's housework

    50. the doctor's instructions - to lie down: and then she would worry and fret because she was not able to do the housework and because Owen had to prepare his own tea when he came home at night

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