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    ill-advised примеры предложений


    1. ‘Torbin, you would be ill-advised to enter that building

    2. Nothing could have stopped 9/11 as it was way out and unexpected but what happened afterwards was a nightmare of ill-advised decisions which strengthen the terrorists in many ways

    3. They did not succeed in general terrorism but draw you into an ill-advised occupation of two countries

    4. The greatest (moral) ―tragedies‖ are oftentimes self-inflicted by individuals who choose to orchestrate their own disappointments by making ill-advised (decisions) without giving proper thought to the consequences of their actions, who are/were nevertheless capable of critically examining every aspect of such decisions; that is to say, their moral and rational dimensions, had they been properly inclined to do so and who, having suffered the unhappy effects of ―unexpected‖ outcomes, are wont to attribute their personal misfortunes to Chance rather than their own indomitable designs and indiscretions

    5. ” It appears, from recent history that this is exactly what has been done through this ill-advised dogmatic interpretation

    6. I found an inn for the night and told Carlotta about Yquingare and Kikthawenund and how they had tried to enlighten me away from my youthful ill-advised idealism

    7. Not mincing his words, Roger castigated Castro for his mismanagement of the Cuban economy through hit-and-miss policies, for his relentless persecution of people who dared to disagree with him, and for his ill-advised and damaging adventurism with Cuban soldiers into world conflicts thousands of miles away from Cuban soil

    8. Now, Josie’s resolution to her ill-advised quest through a homosexual psychiatrist became painfully evident to her loved ones

    9. I do admit that the gas attack in Sming and the spell-craft attack in rural Finitra were wasteful and ill-advised, and those responsible will be beaten several times

    10. 2 The earnest and longing repetition of any petition, when such a prayer is the sincere expression of a child of God and is uttered in faith, no matter how ill-advised or impossible of direct answer, never fails to expand the soul's capacity for spiritual receptivity

    11. 7 Andrew was deeply chagrined at this ill-advised effort and its dismal failure

    12. The one truly to blame for the death of those five persons is Doctor Sheryl Ekart, of the Agency for Archaeological Field Research, who sent them on their ill-advised mission

    13. “But at least ill-advised

    14. He wondered if the book was some sort of ill-advised practical joke

    15. with an ill-advised prior investment by the Bank into

    16. with inventors, entrepreneurs, chancers, technocrats, the insane, the ill-advised and

    17. “Woohoo!” Robert ill-advisedly took his hand off the snowmobile and pumped his fist in the air

    18. I cannot say ill-advised, because she asked no one's advice

    19. How is it that you should feel so vastly superior whenever you do not happen to enter into or understand your neighbour's thoughts when, as a matter of fact, your not being able to do so is less a sign of folly in your neighbour than of incompleteness in yourself? I am quite sure that if I were to take most or any of my friends to those pleasant yellow fields they would notice nothing except the exceeding joltiness of the road; and if I were so ill-advised as to lift up a corner of my heart, and let them see how full it was of wonder and delight, they would first look blank, and then decide mentally that they were in the unpleasant situation of driving over a stony road with that worst form of idiot, a bore, and so fall into the mood of self- commiseration which is such a solace to us in our troubles

    20. Mitch cast another ill-advised glance at the body, a lapse of judgement he would regret

    21. And at night, if it were so ill-advised as not to sleep, she would pick it up and take it to the window and impress its soft mind all over with shining little stars

    22. He flinched, then smiled and said, “That was ill-advised, young one

    23. to the words of the ill-informed and ill-advised around you and that

    24. manuscript, with, in large letters at the beginning, the title of "Novel of the Ill-advised Curiosity


    26. See, then, Anselmo, the peril thou art encountering in seeking to disturb the peace of thy virtuous consort; see for what an empty and ill-advised curiosity thou wouldst rouse up passions that now repose in quiet in the breast of thy chaste wife; reflect that what thou art staking all to win is little, and what thou wilt lose so much that I leave it undescribed, not having the words to express it

    27. Lothario repaired to his own house, and Anselmo remained in his, as well satisfied as Lothario was troubled in mind; for he could see no satisfactory way out of this ill-advised business


    29. " An agreement to this effect was made between the friends, the ill-advised one and the treacherous, and Anselmo returning to his house asked Camilla the question she already wondered he had not asked before--what it was that had caused her to write the letter she had sent him

    30. The deception was carried on for some time, until at the end of a few months Fortune turned her wheel and the guilt which had been until then so skilfully concealed was published abroad, and Anselmo paid with his life the penalty of his ill-advised curiosity

    31. He began to write, but before he had put down all he meant to say, his breath failed him and he yielded up his life, a victim to the suffering which his ill-advised curiosity had entailed upon him

    32. "The Ill-advised Curiosity" had been found, and that he might take them all away with him as their owner had not since returned; for, as he could not read, he did not want them himself

    33. The curate thanked him, and opening them he saw at the beginning of the manuscript the words, "Novel of Rinconete and Cortadillo," by which he perceived that it was a novel, and as that of "The Ill-advised Curiosity" had been good he concluded this would be so too, as they were both probably by the same author; so he kept it, intending to read it when he had an opportunity

    34. They brought her back to her unhappy father, and questioned her as to her misfortune, and she confessed without pressure that Vicente de la Roca had deceived her, and under promise of marrying her had induced her to leave her father's house, as he meant to take her to the richest and most delightful city in the whole world, which was Naples; and that she, ill-advised and deluded, had believed him, and robbed her father, and handed over all to him the night she disappeared; and that he had carried her away to a rugged mountain and shut her up in the eave where they had found her

    35. "One of the faults they find with this history," said the bachelor, "is that its author inserted in it a novel called 'The Ill-advised

    36. "Why, to be sure I am!" returned the now unnosed squire; "Tom Cecial I am, gossip and friend Sancho Panza; and I'll tell you presently the means and tricks and falsehoods by which I have been brought here; but in the meantime, beg and entreat of your master not to touch, maltreat, wound, or slay the Knight of the Mirrors whom he has at his feet; because, beyond all dispute, it is the rash and ill-advised bachelor Samson Carrasco, our fellow townsman

    37. drudgery, the result of which was never equal to the author's labour, and that to avoid this he had in the First Part availed himself of the device of novels, like "The Ill-advised Curiosity," and "The Captive Captain,"

    38. And in the whole tone of his insistent statement there was suggested the regret that the officer in charge (who is dead now, and mercifully outside the comic scope of this inquiry) was so ill-advised as to try to pass clear of the ice

    39. If only our leaders had followed the letter of the Constitution, we might have been spared the frustrations of this ill-advised legislation

    40. "I cannot help thinking that ladies are ill-advised in not making an effort

    41. volunteering, which, it is well known, was very readily done; for the ministers, on seeing such a pressing forward to join the banners of the kingdom, had a dread and regard to the old leaven of Jacobinism, and put a limitation on the number of the armed men that were to be allowed to rise in every place—a most ill-advised prudence, as was made manifest by what happened among us, of which I will now rehearse the particulars, and the part I had in it myself

    42. Wodehouse, and later realized that Roderick Spode and his Blackshorts was not a comic fantasy but a jab at Oswald Mosley, so it was shocking to find that the author was later regarded as a collaborator or even a traitor for making ill-advised broadcasts from Germany while interned by the Nazis

    43. In so doing, however, we have not advocated speculation in place of investment but only intelligent speculation in preference to obviously unsound and ill-advised forms of investment

    44. These conversions proved very ill-advised, since the price of the common fell to 43 in 1929, against a low of 89 for the bonds

    45. It is true also that rampant speculation (called “investment”) in bank and insurance-company stocks leads to the ill-advised launching of new enterprises, to the unwise expansion of old ones and to a general relaxation of established standards of conservatism and even of probity

    46. It might seem ill-advised to attempt any broad statements about new issues as a class, since they cover the widest possible range of quality and attractiveness

    47. “Aiding and abetting your completely ill-advised involvement when we both know you should be out on the porch with a gin and tonic, your butt in a chair and your legs over the railing

    48. Vega an ill-advised sound bite for the six o’clock news when someone plucked me out of the mob by my elbow

    49. Whitman believes it is ill-advised for investors to pay much attention to the trend of macro-factors (like employment, movement of interest rate, GDP, etc

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    Синонимы для "ill-advised"

    foolish inappropriate rash reckless thoughtless unwise imprudent madcap wrong confused