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immanent примеры предложений
1. It is a symbol of the immanent kingdom of the north that brings judgment upon Israel, but ultimately will be destroyed by the coming of the Messiah on the Day of the Lord
2. They are inseparable and immanent of the society
3. …rejecting the notion that virtue or (goodness) is an applied rather than a natural condition…that the will toward moral excellence or (goodness) is not (necessarily) assigned by (formal) conventions…(although a society scripted in exceptional manners would likely encourage lofty manners)…that seeks its (own) goodness for its (own) sake… rather than goodness‘ sake…(that nevertheless offers its own special rewards)…that, notwithstanding, would (equally) satisfy universal sentiments…and that a society, however primitive or advanced, seeks its own goodness because it is considered good for that society to do so…that it naturally follows its (own) immanent understanding of what is good, whatever its form, to begin with…setting aside, for the moment, such advantages that might otherwise accrue to that society…(and) that…such goodness, however, should never be confused with eternal standards of goodness or (moral excellence) that naturally evolve in communion with Humankind‘s (inherently) perfectible nature, that, properly informed, provides meaning and (further) insight and guidance into the essential nature of things or ideas or what it meant by ―Good‖…
4. Faith does not imply a paucity of discernable evidence but an immanent reflection of ideas, rather, that must (necessarily) exist in the mind however apart from the mind inasmuch as ideas have foundations of their (own) that support their (own) existence
5. As in, made from, made of, part of, immanent in, Love
6. While God is immanent in (or present
7. Far from being the immanent philosophy of the Proletariat, Communism
8. experience, immanent; those, on the other hand, which transgress these limits, we shall call transcendent
9. What in Aristotle’s thought was the unconscious principle of motion and immanent form of the world, the Unmoved Mover, became, especially at the hands of Aquinas in the
10. this is a simple but absolute truth! Roland figured out its immanent cause, so he build the site "CityKnown
11. O Supreme Person, source of beings, Lord of creation, and ruler of the universe, reveal to us, your creatures, the power whereby you abide immanent! God has made the sun and the stars; he is bright, pure, and self-existent
12. “We’re right on top of their star!” the science officer screamed, as only a sane man who sees his immanent destruction can
13. ” Most of the mystics were panentheistic: the divine is within and beyond all, both immanent and transcendent
14. no thing, that it is immanent in all things, yet is transcendent to everything
15. in All, actively conscious that All are One in transcendent and immanent unity
16. on both ships thought there would be an immanent collision
17. · Jesus faced the immanent prospect of a horrible death, spiritual powers wanted to remove him
18. This is the truth that God is immanent, all pervading everywhere, He materialises
19. When love is idealized as the god of love, love transcends by becoming universally immanent – the idealized realized
20. Seeking the extension of self into comformicating relationships with others, the immanent tool-bodymind transcends,” again pointing at the entourage
21. Thus, the quest to be like x is to live mythically as that which is beyond self, but to be x is divine, for it is to transcend to the not yet self calling the immanent self to a re-unity beyond
22. lives have their origin in the immanent Divine – “in
23. When Scrooge was faced with his immanent demise: he was not laughing
24. As an abstraction, we call it the ONE LIFE; as an objective and evident Reality, we speak of a septenary scale of manifestation, which begins at the upper rung with the One Unknowable CAUSALITY, and ends as Omnipresent Mind and Life immanent in every atom of Matter
25. A story of life immanent in each
26. [This is like the world of technology: it knows its own immanent law, and it submits to that law in its impetuous and unrestrained development, in spite of the fact that it has long evaded the task of understanding the cultural purpose of that development, and may serve evil rather than good
27. All that which is technological, when divorced from the once-ocurrent unity of life and surrendered to the will of the law immanent to its development, is frightening; it may from time to time irrupt into this once-occurrent unity as an irresponsibly destructive and terrifying force
28. , a philosophy of the various domains of culture and their unity in the form of a theoretical transcription from within the objects of cultural creation and the immanent law of their development