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impassable примеры предложений
1. If the weather was stormy in those hills, these gullies would be an impassable torrent
2. ‘Because the trail is impassable to heavy wagons
3. We stare in horror as the pictures show us a town with flattened buildings, film taken from the air as the roads are impassable
4. a month the mountains would be impassable
5. A high-road, though entirely neglected, does not become altogether impassable, though a canal does
6. But what we call the cross roads, that is, the far greater part of the roads in the country, are entirely neglected, and are in many places absolutely impassable for any heavy carriage
7. “The moat will become impassable, and we will be safe!”
8. We will tell him that Madame died during the winter when the roads were impassable
9. “No, the bridge has been washed away; it is impassable
10. The rest of the way was rough, made almost impassable by torrential rains that had fallen a few days earlier
11. 8 The ocean impassable to men and the worlds that are beyond it are governed by the same commandments of their Master
12. hopefully circumvent the impassable section of the gorge,
13. The protective magic field appeared impassable to them
14. was practically impassable in their tiny boats,
15. Black stems, thick and thin, crashed into the shallow river as Jai cleared a path of twenty fins through the formerly impassable brambles
16. After a meal of epic proportions, she mounted up and had me fly north towards a Kingdom that had little commerce with Khafra as the huge Mountain range separated the two kingdoms and was nearly impassable for an army to travel over
17. The track next door was rutted and almost impassable
18. The back of the ranch is protected by a crocodile infested river that is impassable so we should send a few men into the main entrance and overpower the guards
19. One man on a horse could traverse country an army would find impassable
20. No one would expect an army to approach what was thought to be impassable but Laioli had shown me a vehicle called a swampcat that rode on a cushion of air above the water and reeds
21. "The mountains are impassable in winter
22. The ground to each side of the road is very uneven and almost impassable for vehicles and, a little way off to one side, running roughly parallel to the road, is the depression of a dry river bed
23. Figuring that the road was impassable, she
24. Her quavering voice had alerted David that something was wrong, but Connie assured him it was no big deal, she would tell him once she got home, which wouldn’t be that night because she’d heard on the radio that roads were impassable
25. 'The carriers say the road to the west is impassable
26. However, just as he feared, the rocky terrain up ahead seemed impassable with bare feet
27. We have seen that there is an impassable barrier between the organic and the inorganic, and that the only way that matter can unfold is to be impregnated with life; as a seed reaches down into the mineral world and begins to unfold and reach out, the dead matter begins to live, a thousand invisible fingers begin to weave a suitable environment for the new arrival, and as the law of growth begins to take effect, we see the process continue until the Lily finally appears, and even “Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these
28. The officer leant forward and rested his hand on the roof of the car, Michael was thankful he was providing some respite from the rain, “The road ahead is flooded, and it"s impassable
29. The lands of the Senin aren’t as open as the Lore, it’s much more mountainous and rugged, and there are entire nations there that are separated by impassable terrain, making the people of the Senin Valley much more secluded and isolated
30. There's no easy route; the choices are: the difficult or the impassable
31. In fact the path can seem so impassable that many give up without further effort
32. the streams were then impassable from the heavy rains, the cold wet weather would be
33. Because the streams were then impassable from the heavy rains, the cold wet
34. was closed at the second coming, nor will impassable streams or cold weather be a
35. Some reasons for the slowed migration could’ve been that people lost the skills needed to build ships capable of ocean voyage or perhaps parts of the land bridge became impassable by rising water or heavy storms for years at a time
36. Because the streams were then impassable from the heavy rains, the cold wet weather would be hard on those who were fleeing
37. 70, and it will be no problem if the gates of Jerusalem, or any city was closed at the second coming, nor will impassable streams or cold weather be a problem at the second coming
38. He, a Jew, a member of a nation where the first principle of thought was monotheism; where the gulf between the finite and the Infinite, the creature and Creator, was held to be impassable and unfathomable; where for a man to claim divine honours was held to be the consummation of wickedness; where men would die rather than allow the statue of Caligula in the temple; where no such phantasy had ever crossed the mind of any Hebrew since the formation of the Commonwealth,—John distinctly asserts of this peasant-carpenter of Nazareth, his Master and Friend, that He was the 'Word made Flesh,’ that Word by whom 'everything was made that was made
39. And it is He who merged the two seas; this one fresh and sweet, and that one salty and bitter; and He placed between them a barrier, and an impassable boundary
40. impassable from the heavy rains, the cold wet weather would be hard on those who were fleeing
41. 70 and it will be no problem if the gates of Jerusalem, or any city was closed at the second coming nor will impassable streams or cold weather be a problem at the second coming
42. Oh! these bleak winds and bitter northern skies, and impassable roads, and dilatory country surgeons! And, oh, this dearth of the human physiognomy! and, worse than all, the terrible intimation of Kenneth that I need not expect to be out of doors till spring
43. But the way was rugged, broken, and in spots nearly impassable
44. Those who would, as it were, force a passage to his heart, found an impassable barrier
45. Their number was formidable, now that he had begun to fear, and yet these names, powerful though they were, had often caused him to smile with the same kind of satisfaction experienced by a traveller who from the summit of a mountain beholds at his feet the craggy eminences, the almost impassable paths, and the fearful chasms, through which he has so perilously climbed
46. But the bottom is thick mud, making it impassable
47. The men were told to begin walking up a nearly impassable trail, winding up the side of a mountain
48. The mud was impassable along the roads; two mills were carried away, and the weather got worse and worse
49. The place which Maple White's chalk-marks had indicated as his own means of access was now entirely impassable
50. 'Bridey, don't be so Jesuitical,' said Sebastian, but I knew that this disagreement was not a matter of words only, but expressed a deep and impassable division between us; neither had any understanding of the other, nor ever could