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    impress upon

    1. What these sacred texts are trying to impress upon us is how the universe

    2. One of the soldiers stopped him to impress upon him the need for able-bodied sons of Skyrim in Ulfric’s army

    3. Why did he always believe that his dreams were from the gods and had some sinister, hidden meaning? Maybe it was the only way he could keep the nation in check, making up these dreams to impress upon them his close ties to the gods

    4. Shouldn’t he impress upon them the need to follow his example and

    5. The reason I told you all of this is to impress upon you what this

    6. They impress upon their young respect for the elders and for the things that surround them

    7. He went along for the moment, but hastened to tell Josie to impress upon the nun the urgent need for her to place the boys immediately in a different home

    8. To impress upon you

    9. That you should impress upon

    10. to understand the implications I've tried to impress upon you

    11. Thou shalt impress upon their minds that whatever hurts one should

    12. Another point that it is necessary to impress upon our students is that in

    13. do that which he is trying to do, or they impress upon him the absolute

    14. Practical y every chapter in this book is written to impress upon you the fact that

    15. 1 While sojourning at Amathus, Jesus spent much time with the apostles instructing them in the new concept of God; again and again did he impress upon them that God is a Father, not a great and supreme bookkeeper who is chiefly engaged in making damaging entries against his erring children on earth, recordings of sin and evil to be used against them when he subsequently sits in judgment upon them as the just Judge of all creation

    16. And I tell you this story to impress upon you that the Father and his Son go forth to search for those who are lost, and in this search we employ all influences capable of rendering assistance in our diligent efforts to find those who are lost, those who stand in need of salvation

    17. 14 This was one of the most touching and effective of all the parables which Jesus ever presented to impress upon his hearers the Father's willingness to receive all who seek entrance into the kingdom of heaven

    18. The composite and confused concepts which the founders and promulgators of Christianity have sought to impress upon the world

    19. 6 Jesus had long tried by direct teaching to impress upon his apostles and his disciples that his kingdom was not of this world, that it was a purely spiritual matter; but he had not succeeded in this effort

    20. Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus, I cast myself on my knees in your sight, and with the most fervent desire of my soul, I pray and beseech you that you would impress upon my heart lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity, with a true repentance for my sins, and firm desire of amendment, while with deep affection and grief of soul I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate your five precious wounds; having before my eyes that which David spoke in prophesy of you, O good Jesus: ‘they pierced my hands and feet; they have numbered all my bones

    21. The three main things I want to impress upon you are that I do not work with

    22. She didn’t need to impress upon them that they needed to be quick and quiet

    23. “She tried to impress upon him that it was wise to spare the meager monies for the survival of the survivors but just the same he put the old woman on a ruinous dialysis course, making his young wife bear the brunt of his sentimental treatment

    24. He had used hard approach, soft approach and taunting tactics but he still failed to impress upon this young man’s iron steel heart!

    25. With his cool and composed fatherly affection, he used to impress upon

    26. Even cultural doctrines, Powerpoint layered one upon another to impress upon us graphic visions of our statistical possibilities, trend fashions of belief to be worn as alter-incarnations in metaphysical mazes where one searches for meaning in the green screen fog of our CG caves

    27. Throughout this prosperity program I have been trying to impress upon

    28. simplest action you can take: to daily put aside five or ten minutes to reimpress upon your mind the truths of prosperity consciousness

    29. offer this here now to impress upon you the importance of having

    30. to hopefully impress upon other less learned air travellers in the future

    31. Slowly shaking his head to impress upon himself that it was time to change his thoughts, he let his hands fall to the table and looked at them

    32. I want to impress upon your mind that the habit of forming mental images is of the greatest value

    33. The most important habit I impress upon my coaching

    34. whether your ignorance will now lay waste to this entire civilization and impress upon all of you, the

    35. In concluding this chapter I wish to call your attention in a specific way to some few scriptures that have been used, but which I wish to further impress upon you, and explain some that may not seem clear

    36. For I want to impress upon you with all the power at my command that man in his normal state is a God-life creature

    37. Alexander was somewhat needlessly interfering with the lesson, since the object of the strong general statement made to the learner was sufficiently obvious—to impress upon him the proper, ordinary signification of the verb to strike, and the radical idea to which all the secondary and idiomatic meanings are clearly traceable

    38. Now that one can talk to you, I should like to impress upon you that it is essential to avoid the elementary, so to speak, fundamental causes tending to produce your morbid condition: in that case you will be cured, if not, it will go from bad to worse

    39. "I will take care," said Carrasco, "to impress upon the author of the history that, if he prints it again, he must not forget what worthy Sancho has said, for it will raise it a good span higher

    40. This is a fact that you should impress upon your

    41. Caris said: “If you want the town to abide by your wishes, you may need to impress upon them that this is your

    42. And yet all that he had to impress upon me might have been said in a sentence, for it was that I was to remember that I was there as a protection to himself, and that I was not on any consideration to leave him for an instant

    43. Therefore, on those rare occasions when she placed a hand on my shoulder or took one of my hands in hers to impress upon me the importance of what she had to say, I was always surprised by the weight of her touch, by the strength of her grip

    44. It's just what he WOULDN'T!" she could still impress upon me

    45. I impress upon my traders to pay closest attention to whether they could have been bigger responsibly in a trade, specifically where and why

    46. Please impress upon Leppich to be very careful where he descends for the first time, that he may not make a mistake and fall into the enemy’s hands

    47. "I cannot impress upon her a sense of the gravity of her transformation

    48. While he was explaining this, he looked several times at Nekhludoff as if wishing to impress upon him these important facts, in hopes that, having understood it, Nekhludoff would make his fellow-jurymen also understand it

    49. With the very first awakening of the child, they begin to deceive him and to impress upon him with solemnity what those who impress do not believe in themselves, and they continue to impress him, until the deception, becoming a habit, is engrafted on the child's nature

    50. You hear the strange, loud sounds, and admire the gymnastic exercises performed by his fingers; and you see that the performer wishes to impress upon you that the sounds he is producing express various poetic strivings of the soul

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