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    in a few words

    1. In a few words I told Cal some of Vernon’s threats against

    2. this book we have in a few words in Psalms 95: 10:- “Forty years long was I grieved

    3. this that we at spoken be for a warning to us; And now will we come to the declaring of the matter in a few words

    4. “You really said a lot in a few words,” Revorg replied

    5. 17 But let this that we at spoken be for a warning to us; And now will we come to the declaring of the matter in a few words

    6. "Oh, hell," Bannister said, half laughing as he slid in front of Monaghan, "what the sergeant means is he's delighted to have this opportunity to converse with members of the great American press so he can tell them factually in a few words exactly what he thinks of this war

    7. 5 Considering also this that if I take care to communicate to you a part of that which I have received it shall turn to my reward to have assisted such spirits as you all are I gave diligence to write to you in a few words in order that together with your faith you all might have your knowledge perfect also

    8. Theo told them in a few words all that had happened

    9. It is not easy to summarize in a few words all the complexity and wealth

    10. ' And in a few words he related the grisly affair

    11. In a few words the mayor politely asked Howie just what the hell he

    12. In a few words, Howie explained that he

    13. I told him our situation in a few words

    14. I have noticed myself that a number of precious minutes are consumed as the Psychiatrist “flicks” through the patient"s file Then sometimes without even bothering to let the person talk, just tells him in a few words what is wrong with him, what to do, what medication to use in the future and that"s it! Then it"s time for the next appointment

    15. Well, that’s me in a few words

    16. “In a few words, a simple meditation is the training of thought and a deeper spiritual practice is the training of spirit

    17. have deep ties that is hard to explain in a few words

    18. In a few words, the beliefs and the deeds of humanity in this age have exceeded the normal limits, and the corruption and the dissipation have reached its top at most nations, while the others are speedily following the steps of those who antedated them in corruption

    19. She had managed to get in a few words with him the previous day but the conversation had been stilted

    20. Bestowed upon her by her Mama Grandma, by the things she said one cold winter night and by the words of which she granted, it was within a few words that Mary was told that monsters can never hurt you: that faith, if prevalent within one’s being, can save the world and the people within it

    21. “Before I read your summary just tell me in a few words what is at the heart of all this, what is the nub?”

    22. summed up in a few words

    23. The Jewish myth compresses six million years of sinning into one short subconscious message so compact that it skips millions of years in a few words

    24. I shall endeavor in a few words to identify this power

    25. The landlady asked them what they wanted these things for, and the curate told her in a few words about the madness of Don Quixote, and how this disguise was intended to get him away from the mountain where he then was

    26. I answered in a few words that I would do so, and that she must remember to commend us to Lela Marien with all the prayers the captive had taught her

    27. They told each other in a few words the events of their lives; they showed the true affection of brothers in all its strength; then the judge embraced Zoraida, putting all he possessed at her disposal; then he made his daughter embrace her, and the fair Christian and the lovely Moor drew fresh tears from every eye

    28. Dorothea at this instant came out of her room, followed by Dona Clara all in a tremor; and calling Cardenio aside, she told him in a few words the story of the musician and Dona Clara, and he at the same time told her what had happened, how his father's servants had come in search of him; but in telling her so, he did not speak low enough but that Dona Clara heard what he said, at which she was so much agitated that had not Dorothea hastened to support her she would have fallen to the ground

    29. In short, to sum up all in a few words, or in a single one, I may tell you I am Don Quixote of La Mancha, otherwise called 'The Knight of the Rueful Countenance;' for though self-praise is degrading, I must perforce sound my own sometimes, that is to say, when there is no one at hand to do it for me

    30. And now, to complete the enjoyment of the feast and bring the dinner to a satisfactory end, lo and behold the page who had carried the letters and presents to Teresa Panza, the wife of the governor Sancho, entered the hall; and the duke and duchess were very well pleased to see him, being anxious to know the result of his journey; but when they asked him the page said in reply that he could not give it before so many people or in a few words, and begged their excellences to be pleased to let it wait for a private opportunity, and in the meantime amuse themselves with these letters; and taking out the letters he placed them in the duchess's hand

    31. One of the shepherdesses, at length, was the first to speak and said to Don Quixote, "Hold, sir knight, and do not break these nets; for they are not spread here to do you any harm, but only for our amusement; and as I know you will ask why they have been put up, and who we are, I will tell you in a few words

    32. Well, to cut short the tale of my misfortune, I will tell thee in a few words what this youth has brought upon me

    33. ] In a few words, he informed her that he had been a thoughtless, extravagant young man; yet, as

    34. The renegade explained the measures and means he had adopted to rescue Don Gregorio, and Don Gregorio at no great length, but in a few words, in which he showed that his intelligence was in advance of his years, described the peril and embarrassment he found himself in among the women with whom he had sojourned

    35. Don Quixote at once, without any regard to time or season, withdrew in private with the bachelor and the curate, and in a few words told them of his defeat, and of the engagement he was under not to quit his village for a year, which he meant to keep to the letter without departing a hair's breadth from it, as became a knight-errant bound by scrupulous good faith and the laws of knight-errantry; and of how he thought of turning shepherd for that year, and taking his diversion in the solitude of the fields, where he could with perfect freedom give range to his thoughts of love while he followed the virtuous pastoral calling; and he besought them, if they had not a great deal to do and were not prevented by more important business, to consent to be his companions, for he would buy sheep enough to qualify them for shepherds; and the most important point of the whole affair, he could tell them, was settled, for he had given them names that would fit them to a T

    36. In a few words, hurriedly, but with a sort of joy and pride, she explained to me that she had been to a dance somewhere in a private house, a family of "very nice people, who knew nothing, absolutely nothing, for she had only come here so lately and it had all happened

    37. Duncan waited, until, by the cessation of the movement of the hand, he believed the strain was ended, when, by touching his shoulder, he drew the attention of the other to himself, and in a few words explained his wishes

    38. Villefort met them at the door of his study; having in a few words thanked the district doctor, he turned to d'Avrigny, and said,—"And now the priest

    39. "'Such, in a few words, my dear boy, is the history of this terrible business in which I was involved

    40. I introduced him in a few words, and we both sat down

    41. In a few words the emissary from Hernandez expressed his complete satisfaction

    42. Father Roman expressed in a few words his thankfulness at hearing of the Senor

    43. Then, in a few words, he described the story of his arrest and the circumstances of his release

    44. Who could have guessed that it was the prelude to our supreme disaster? Let me say in a few words how the crushing blow fell upon us

    45. " I 'The first day I wanted to find out what sort of religious life he had till now, so I tried to, in a few words, and he said: "Right

    46. In a few words, hurriedly, but with a sort of joy and pride, she explained to me that she had been to a dance somewhere in a private house, a family of "very nice people, WHO KNEW NOTHING, absolutely nothing, for she had only come here so lately and it had all happened

    47. I told her in a few words that we were investigating a shooting that had taken place in the last hour

    48. Anna Mikhaylovna, in a few words, told her the contents of the letter, on condition that

    49. After having sketched its moral face, it will not prove unprofitable to point out, in a few words, its material configuration

    50. What had taken place may be related in a few words

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