[It was at this point that I realised I had entered a Police Station in error]
“In my opinion, that statement is somewhat in error
Another time the Alsatians were in error occurred when we investigated an alarm going off in a supermarket
He was living on a strange new world; what more proof did he need that the Law was a lie, and if not a lie and simply in error, what then of its divine and infallible nature? All was not well in their world, and Gods were not in the heavens
Perhaps I was in error
With respect and utmost caution, I don’t think I am in error when I say that you no longer have to chastise yourself in this issue
mother, is the son who causes shame, and brings reproach; My son, cease to hear the instruction which causes one to be in error from
Christ is concerned, both of them are in error with
that one’s experience ended at death was in error
a statement from his client, which said Bent's e-mail was in error
The content of the original sentence is not objectively in error or inaccurate,
initial value was not incorrect or in error: it was the value observed in the circumstances
One searches in vain for any admission either that his ideology was in error or his efforts ill-conceived
6 Therefore if you consider that you have now suffered those things for your good that you may not finally be condemned and tormented then you will receive eternal hope; if above all you destroy from your heart vain error on account of which you departed from here
Mark 12:26-27 And regarding the dead and whether they rise: have you not read in the book of Moses how in the bush God spoke to him saying I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob? He is not the God of the dead but He is the God of the living; therefore you are greatly in error
The Pharisees were in error with much of their interpretation of the scriptures
They do not generally believe that they have it, and imagine that we are in error; but in rare cases they are
Your children must have been sinners since they perished; you must be in error, else you would not be so afflicted
Said he: "When an enemy smites you on one cheek, do not stand there dumb and passive but in positive attitude turn the other; that is, do the best thing possible actively to lead your brother in error away from the evil paths into the better ways of righteous living
in error of your belief then admit to
"Because You (ALLAH) have put me in error, I will surely
Today we don’t actually need to worry about this technique as some software tool might be very specific in pointing out not only the statement where the problem exists but also the field that’s in error
Second, the program can end in a normal manner but some of the results wind up in error, say wrong data on a file or report
I also have to mention that the author needs to edit the book more than once because there are certain errors that other people won’t and can’t possibly catch
As far as some of the quotes, I had a few doubts because one quote was attributed to Al Gore – I saw it in some book, which itself could have been in error – and another book listed those words flowing from the mouth of George W
New Testament, are in error
Obviously, one of the two was in error, or maybe both, and this only confirms the fact that statistics are impossible to verify
It also turned out that some of these notices were in error
4T drive and 3 T investment levels above are probably in error
Newspapers make mistakes – we’re well aware of that – but they’re the source of birth and death notices, so any information we find in these two places could be in error
Back then, the time I was listening, he said that I was hearing and seeing, but of a truth, I had little knowledge of what was being spoken, and at that time; knowing Him, I believed it to be true, with little knowledge of the teachings; and thinking Him, I was to be in error, but instead, these sayings, in spite of my thinking, were being hid in my heart, and Jesus knew it
Another six somewhat less frequently, but since they are placed next to the most frequently used keys, I think we can safely assume that they have mostly been pressed in error
“You’re saying Spock and his computer were in error?” Doctor Simmons
them, that what they believe, is in error
How could she continue to treat the Warriors? Was she in error to even build up a rapport with the Medic and with the Warrior patients, and to relish the attention she was getting from the other Warriors? She turned away, frowning
It was even as if Christian had been told to build in errors
criminal activity on the aspiring meddler's actual physical plain of in errors- soul food
However, when they turn from Him they may stumble and fall in error
Thus, is this devilish description appropriate with respect to Al’lah’s messenger (cpth), the most perfect one in all creation, whom Al’lah the Almighty had confirmed in his perfection, and who is the guide of worlds to the straight path? The Almighty says: “And the star when he stoops, your compatriot (Mohammad), is not in error, nor is he deceived! He does not speak out of his own fancy
become anyone’s servant if they can prove me to be in error in my
“If freeing the slaves was his motivation, then biblically, he was in error
But I’m afraid some silly Yank will drop a bomb in error
The railroad had taken the stance that you had been in error and called a bad axle good and discharged you from your employment for that reason
to be in error
Rounding a large thicket of bush, in error, they strayed too close to the wood’s edge,
So, Jerome wasn't in error, but later Christian (and Mormon) translations were in equating "Lucifer" with "Satan"
It also demonstrates that Buddhism is in error about the precise meaning of this
path, and this applies to the more noble attempts like Buddhism, which is still mired in error caused
Instantly she felt that she was in error for thinking that what was transpiring around her was any fault of those shepherding her through the fires and the depravities of the enemy
path that results in error and folly, which is directly contrary to wisdom and discernment
But, on the other hand, thousand of great learned men have lived in error all their
Lay your premises in error, and draw your
lived in error al their lives, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth
Then why oppose error at all? Though I should get no hearing, I prefer to be alone in the truth, than with the multitude in error
But, on the other hand, thousand of great learned men have lived in error all their lives, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth
Lay your premises in error, and draw your conclusions in harmony, and you have a falsehood masquerading in your brain in the guise of the angel of truth
Say, "Whoever is in error, the Most Merciful will lead him on
The fact is that Nature, and Scripture, and human Life are better understood than they were eighty years ago, and the conviction is now widely spread that the notion of the unconditional consignment to everlasting woe of the countless multitudes of the heathen who have been born in error, bred in superstition, and abandoned to die either in total ignorance of the true gospel, or in rejection of a gospel message, but partly revealed to them, cannot possibly be true under the government of Perfect Justice, Boundless Wisdom, and Eternal Love
The first is some words that I have read in the preface; the next that the language is Aragonese, for sometimes he writes without articles; and the third, which above all stamps him as ignorant, is that he goes wrong and departs from the truth in the most important part of the history, for here he says that my squire Sancho Panza's wife is called Mari Gutierrez, when she is called nothing of the sort, but Teresa Panza; and when a man errs on such an important point as this there is good reason to fear that he is in error on every other point in the history
For they too are in error, like the astronomers; they investigate the numbers of the harmonies which are heard, but they never attain to problems--that is to say, they never reach the natural harmonies of number, or reflect why some numbers are harmonious and others not
able to prove to you how completely you are in error
When they first went up over Hawaii, the men were surprised to learn that their arctic gear hadn’t been issued in error
Then said Christian to his fellow, Now do I see myself in error
For all that, however, it must be acknowledged that Mr Plan was a sincere honest man, only he sometimes lacked the discernment of the right from the wrong; and the consequence was, that, when in error, he was even more obstinate than when in the right; for his jealousy of human nature made him interpret falsely the heat with which his own headstrong zeal, when in error, was ever very properly resisted
The text message had said Salander could not work out if it had been sent three times in error or if it was an absurd attempt to be over-explicit
“And unless my memory of your reports is in error, all but two of those terrorists killed themselves when they realized they couldn’t escape
It was always possible that strength estimate had been in error, but now, as he studied them in the early-afternoon sunlight, he realized there’d been absolutely no rush to man those fighting positions
If you believe my judgment was in error, I will of course instruct the local intendants and inquisitors to resume a more active policy
We’re marching south, toward Jonesboro, in the morning, unless I’m greatly in error
In our discussion of the valuation of common stocks, later in this book, we shall point out that the placing of preponderant emphasis on the trend is likely to result in errors of overvaluation or undervaluation
Know that this is thinking in error, but cannot stop staring
For most other companies, though, predictions frequently will be in error by relatively wide margins whether those companies are automobile assemblers, aluminum producers, semiconductor equipment manufacturers, health-care providers, bank lenders, pharmaceutical firms, retailers, building product suppliers, or, as a matter of fact, just about any kind of U
933), seems to be in error from our point of view
He decides to conduct a study and to test the null hypothesis that there is no increase in error rate as a result of working longer shifts against the alternative that the frequency of errors increases by at least 30%
5, 64% are assigned correctly by the classification scheme, while just over 6% who are actually poor prospects (with scores of 3 or less) are assigned in error to the high category
The government has just audited 200 of your company’s submissions over a 4-year period and has found that the average claim was in error in the amount of $135
If you received this in error, please contact the sender and
Only fanatics and those in error deny it
Marius was in error
In that, however, I was in error
” It was with great reluctance that the Guards accepted these notes in payment, though the forgeries were cleverly executed, and afterwards accepted in error even by the Russian banks
On the other hand, the prince, although he had told Lebedeff,—as we know, that nothing had happened, and that he had nothing to impart,—the prince may have been in error
And why are you so firmly, so triumphantly, convinced that only the normal and the positive—in other words, only what is conducive to welfare—is for the advantage of man? Is not reason in error as regards advantage? Does not man, perhaps, love something besides well-being? Perhaps he is just as fond of suffering? Perhaps suffering is just as great a benefit to him as well-being? Man is sometimes extraordinarily, passionately, in love with suffering, and that is a fact
The Lutheran catechism says: "Our Church is a holy Christian society of believers under Christ, our Master, in which the Holy Ghost, by means of the Bible and the sacraments, offers, communicates, and dispenses the divine salvation,"—meaning by that, that the Catholic Church is in error, and has fallen away from grace, and that the genuine tradition has been preserved in Protestantism
"I should be very happy if the Congress would prove me in error
But I doubt if it can prove history, nature, and God in error also
“I say that I was quite in error, Yakov Petrovitch, and that for my part, quite without false shame, I am
Yet, I ask the question: is not the spirit which it breathes disgraceful? Is it not disgraceful to abandon the exercise of all our commercial rights, because our rivals interfere with a part; not only to refrain from exercising that trade which they prohibit, but for fear of giving offence, to decline that which they permit? Is it not disgraceful, after inflammatory recapitulation of insults, and plunderings, and burnings, and confiscations, and murders, and actual war made upon us, to talk of nothing but alternatives, of general declarations, of still longer suspension of our rights, and retreating farther out of "harm's way?" If this course be adopted by my country, I hope I am in error concerning its real character
says it is principally found in Virginia, but in his General Zoology, I think he says that Seba was in error when he represented its native country to be North America
But he is himself in error when he speaks of the “Life and Works of Antoine Louis Barye,” written by me and published by the Barye Monument Association as a catalogue
He is also in error in ascribing the first use of the term "lax-archaic" to Brunn's article in the Muth
we have gone on so long in error that it is not easy to say what should be done, 88;