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    in half примеры предложений

    in half

    1. It was pretty open country, just enough keltoid brush to get her out of sight in half a mile, she had to use their smoke for navigation

    2. The kitchen basin had been cracked in half by the force of the wood growing over it, the pieces were now at angles

    3. wrapped as it is in half life,

    4. There was a huge boulder in the center and it appeared to have been sheared in half; it was used as a great table

    5. He grabbed the disfigured monster and tore it in half and threw it into the air as Lady Isabol flamed it to ash

    6. Ichor ripped two of them in half before they could flame anything

    7. As he went spiraling downward the White flew after him; with claws extended he caught him and tore him in half

    8. Omi said as he tucked in half a chili with his hot bhatura

    9. cut in half, yet still show the

    10. there and back in half a day

    11. The show kicks off in half an hour and regular attendees know this period as The Mumble

    12. He will be there in half an hour

    13. The room is in half light, protected from the outside world by shabby brown curtains that are almost drawn together

    14. She could cut the time in half if she rode coaches thru the interconnects, but that would burn a good portion of what she could get back out of the house

    15. Billy has cut the distance between himself and Jock in half

    16. ‘My train’s due to leave in half an hour

    17. In fact I learned to type in the ballroom of the house – rows of manual typewriters on desks in half the original ballroom; a stud wall completely out of keeping with the original graciously appointed saloon dividing the room into two

    18. in half and held together by a rubber band

    19. He made it back up to within half a mile of sea level in this pass

    20. rapidly against his chest, he reached the bottom within half

    21. ’ Grossin half stood from his chair and gave a

    22. relaxed for the first time in half an hour

    23. ‘The next tour will be in half an hour,’ said the lady

    24. “ Well my friend what if some of us pay and others don't how do propose to cut the hotel in half to facilitate both sides?”

    25. Its body split in half with a flash of silver-fire, the being's lower half walked on while the upper half was on the ground moaning and gazing up in confusion as its lower half walked by

    26. Nathalia kept up with two, three, sometimes even four at a time, but her blades had been reduced to shields, darting in all directions to parry a multitude of blows while every second, a score of her companions were cleaved in half, cut down by the demons' blades as though the wolf helmed beings were reaping wheat

    27. "And you've brought friends?" Nathalia said, seeing a figure wearing a suit of gore-covered plate mail cleave a demon in half with a double headed axe

    28. The birdshot bounced off the Orcs thick hides and, while the brothers were busy reloading, the Orc sergeant stepped forward and, with one massive uninterrupted blow, chopped both of the brothers in half, the blade cleaving through them at chest level

    29. Adros was certain his body would rip in half at any moment

    30. Within half an hour, he was

    31. His body curled into the fetal position and wiped back, until I thought his spine would split in half

    32. With her cart, she could reach the port in half an hour

    33. They had been more than cut in half

    34. Please fold your ballot in half before you place it in the box

    35. “If we jump from boulder to boulder, we’ll do this in half the time

    36. I will be back in half an hour to inspect them and woe betides any man who presents me with a dirty rifle because his feet will not touch and he will be on field punishment for the duration

    37. taking in half the fabric from the seat of his pants

    38. If that Russian ship had not recognized the better part of valor and skeedadled, we would have cut it in half

    39. home was finished it was “sawed in half” lengthwise, as we said,

    40. Lickspittle, who had to stoop almost in half to get to her height

    41. When he reached a T-section, he folded himself in half to turn right

    42. Sicarius threw the old bar—now snapped in half—to the side and replaced it with the boards

    43. In half an hour I could not have got more than two hundred yards

    44. Rufus struck hard and fast, but Esmond had been correct—he was gifted at swordplay and within half a minute, had not only disarmed him, but stabbed him in the side

    45. It was a sound that every old mariner knew—the keel had just shattered in half, which meant there was nothing stabilizing the Calamity against the waves and the ship would flip over in seconds

    46. Larkey spun around to see her ship one last time as it began splitting in half and sinking into the sea

    47. At that, they all laughed, while the tall, rail-thin Halfling put his top-hat back on and gave the reins a quick shake

    48. be in half an hour, when the sun should be fairly set; but it did not

    49. The role of traditional customs in the Modern World may be properly measured in Half Lives

    50. laundress's next door to that! That was the pudding! In half a minute

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