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    in succession

    1. Brass plates inscribed with the names of each year's classes were to be mounted, in succession, after commencement exercises were completed

    2. This means that the distances between the letters are so vast, that it requires all 39 books in the Old Testament 9 times in succession to complete the code

    3. cultivation, and a certain succession of crops, during the whole continuance of the lease

    4. He was a wise man, and once he realised the powers that were held inside the Globe, mostly by vanquishing his enemies, he ordered the Globe to be given to each King in succession and the secrets to be passed on from King to his son down the ages

    5. The two Ansahs acted as prompters, going through the motions in dumb show, while the lesser chiefs passed, salaaming with outstretched hand to each officer in succession down the line

    6. He flung the rocks in succession

    7. He cleared his throat twice in succession and saw Raul’s penetrating gaze fix upon him

    8. Othman: “He had been a relative and lieutenant of the prophet Mohammed and had married in succession two of the prophet’s daughters

    9. She paused, then sang three songs in succession that were subtly different

    10. ’ It may appear to arise in succession but in fact it

    11. I can scarcely recall my Sire’s last words as he bundled me in his cape amidst the chaos and death that clung to our friends, while fires broke out throughout our home and as vampire heads in their gruesome natural form rolled in succession across our polished wooden floorboards

    12. When the sun rises in the heavens, he comes out through that fourth portal thirty, mornings in succession, and sets accurately in the fourth portal in the west of the heavens; And during this period the day becomes daily longer and the night nightly shorter to the thirtieth morning

    13. Your thoughts and feelings exist in succession,

    14. The trouble of the first stroke is the injury of the eyes; the trouble of the second stroke, of the hearing; and so in succession, all the strokes shall overtake you; And Adam so speaking to his sons, groaned out loud, and said: What shall I do? I am in great grief; And Eve also wept, saying: My Lord Adam, arise, give me the half of your disease, and let me bear it, because through me this has happened to you; through me you are in distresses and troubles; And Adam said to Eve: Arise, and go with our son Seth near paradise, and put earth on your heads, and weep, beseeching the Lord that He may have compassion on me, and send His angel to paradise, and give me of the tree in which flows the oil out of it, and that you may bring it to me; and I shall anoint myself, and have rest, and show you the manner in which we were deceived at first

    15. When the sun rises in the heavens he comes out through that fourth portal thirty mornings in succession and sets accurately in the fourth portal in the west of the heavens; And during this period the day becomes daily longer and the night nightly shorter to the thirtieth morning

    16. The trouble of the first stroke is the injury of the eyes; the trouble of the second stroke of the hearing; and so in succession all the strokes shall overtake you; And Adam so speaking to his sons groaned out loud and said: What shall I do? I am in great grief; And Eve also wept saying: My Lord Adam arise give me the half of your disease and let me bear it because through me this has happened to you; through me you are in distresses and troubles; And Adam said to Eve: Arise and go with our son Seth near paradise and put earth on your heads and weep beseeching the Lord that He may have compassion on me and send His angel to paradise and give me of the tree in which flows the oil out of it and that you may bring it to me; and I shall anoint myself and have rest and show you the manner in which we were deceived at first

    17. In succession, seven of them supposedly ruled Egypt for thousands of years before a hybrid child, created by mating with a human mother, was chosen to be the first pharaoh

    18. He probably knows—and certainly cares—no more than any of us… One thing we have done, although it isn't absolute proof, is send back—that is, have sent back to us—two items in succession, one after a slight delay

    19. supersets is that you are using different muscles in succession

    20. rounds in succession without the gun ever getting jammed

    21. ―What‘s going on?‖ many voices yelled in succession

    22. it may be taken on many different notes in succession, in a sort of arpeggio

    23. on an indefinite number of people in succession; in testing it on a closely-

    24. In chain succession Joey fired Bluebursts at each of the targets

    25. He blinked rapidly in succession, then smacked his lips

    26. She put the tray on top of Maria’s desk and bowed in succession to each of the other five women, speaking in Dari, then in Italian and English

    27. She completed that routine with a plank and brick breaking demonstration, attracting a concert of disbelieving exclamations when she broke in two a concrete block with her fist while letting out a paralyzing kiai scream, then smashed in succession through two thick wood planks, one with her fist and the other with her left foot

    28. Both then grabbed in succession the two crates of grenades and the four Afghan policewomen, pulling them up to the rooftop

    29. Parisa’s excitement mounted as she watched in succession the two interviews, culminating with a defiant declaration from the general commanding the Lebanese forces to the effect that his soldiers would continue resisting the Israeli invasion of their country, along the fighters of the Hezbollah

    30. Walking in succession to each corner of the yard, Brunet then read off the coordinates indicated by his personal locator system

    31. The other half of your unit will in the meantime liberate the camp of Natzweiler/Struthof, in the Alsace region, before freeing in succession two transit camps situated inside France proper

    32. A marvelous, soothing sensation overtook Tatiana, who stopped resisting and looked in awe at Nancy as the Canadian moved her hands in succession to various parts of the Russian’s body, healing the nasty bruises and burns covering it in less than two minutes

    33. Leaving the lounge, she walked down the grand staircase and then crossed in succession the Salon Willette, the Salon des Tapisseries and the Salle des Prévôts before emerging outside and climbing down the few stairs to the wide plaza facing the town hall

    34. The captain then gave the order to immediately turn 180 degrees to port and fired his four aft tubes in succession, watching the boat’s compass as he did to spread out his four aft torpedoes

    35. One, two, then three KATEs were hit in succession, falling in flames or breaking up in midair before they could drop their bombs

    36. He smashed those in succession to the floor

    37. ings and large rings of water in succession with rings of land

    38. Next, Heracles applied gently his hands in succession on the spots where she sported bruises, slowly healing them through his mind the way he had been taught to do like all the children of the World Council and of Edon

    39. � Taking out her car keys, which were attached to a remote control unit, she pushed in succession two buttons

    40. He then called in succession his two rifle companies and his support company to order them to stand to and waited for the illumination rounds to light up the sky

    41. Her spirit then went to inhabit in succession another ten persons as the centuries progressed, to finally link with a newborn German baby girl named Ingrid

    42. Deploying her last two missiles, infrared seeker models, she fired them in succession, finishing off the bomber she had already damaged with cannon fire and destroying an eleventh bomber with her last missile

    43. Jenny pointed in succession four different locations, all widely separate but also all inside China, close to the Vietnamese border

    44. They dove first on the Hezbollah boats, firing in succession volleys of unguided rockets and destroying three boats in their first pass

    45. Gordon was the first to introduce himself to Emily, then the rest in succession

    46. A second shot in succession, this time hitting her in the chest

    47. ‘’Actually, Judith of Francia, who is presently eighteen years old and is said to be very beautiful, was previously Queen of Wessex, having married in succession two of their late kings, Aethelwulf and Aethelbald of Wessex

    48. The young woman looked at something behind the box and pressed a button, then had Joseph lay in succession both of his hands on a glass surface laid on the counter

    49. Nancy then repeated the process in succession with the other fourteen girls and young women held in the Beauchamp Tower

    50. After a moment of stunned silence, the young Australian officer led Elizabeth to a nearby tree and, using it as partial cover, pointed in succession a series of hills to the South of the airstrip, maybe 600 meters away

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