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    in such a manner

    1. The muscles that are stretched are used in such a manner as to draw the flesh closer to the bone

    2. expressing their love in such a mannered they do not know the

    3. “Yes, your women do have a way about them,” Duncan emphasized the word ‘way’ in such a manner that Minister Gordon knew what he meant

    4. If this demand is continually increasing, the reward of labour must necessarily encourage in such a manner the marriage and multiplication of labourers, as may enable them to supply that continually increasing demand by a continually increasing population

    5. demand, in such a manner that the average annual produce may, as nearly as possible, be

    6. The person who employs his stock in maintaining labour, necessarily wishes to employ it in such a manner as to produce as great a quantity of work as possible

    7. By preferring the support of domestic to that of foreign industry, he intends only his own security ; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain; and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention

    8. The trades, it is to be observed, which are carried on by means of bounties, are the only ones which can be carried on between two nations for any considerable time together, in such a manner as that one of them shall alway's and regularly lose, or sell its goods for less than it really cost to send them to market

    9. The monopoly is more or less strict, according as the terms of admission are more or less difficult, and according as the directors of the company have more or less authority, or have it more or less in their power to manage in such a manner as to confine the greater part of the trade to themselves and their particular friends

    10. In that constitution, the grossest delusions of superstition were supported in such a manner by the private interests of so great a number of people, as put them out of all danger from any assault of human reason; because, though human reason might, perhaps, have been able to unveil, even to the eyes of the common people, some of the delusions of superstition, it could never have dissolved the ties of private interest

    11. E: -- Designing the text in such a manner that future parts, which were still not written at the time when the earliest books were written, would be crafted to link in with those future texts, capturing the names of people who were yet to exist

    12. “Juliana would never write to me in such a manner, nor would she put me off the ship just because of a few pirates

    13. Allow Grey access to the Sacred Roots but do it in such a manner that it won't arouse his suspicion

    14. Green sheets were laid across her in such a manner that her tummy was exposed

    15. Ms Hardarm sniffed heavily, it was obvious that she was not used to being talked to in such a manner

    16. No amount of tearful entreaties on her part, no argument of the inhospitality of treating an ambassador in such a manner would budge him

    17. fixing her troubles pass in such a manner

    18. I couldn’t understand how I could have been afflicted in such a manner considering the theme of what I was beginning to write about, a new way to view the biblical story of the Exodus

    19. was appreciated in such a manner, and it made her feel

    20. Keeping up the house in such a manner was

    21. I politely informed your mother that Beth was following my instruction and that she had no right to discipline one of my servants in such a manner

    22. First that Myserrah, Moshe thought, then sullen Uruk, now this, lordly Youssaf? What have we done that the gods would plague us in such a manner? -- Careful, the inner voice warned again, he might read your thoughts in your face

    23. In such a manner, the captain led the small band of Hebrews within the larger ring of soldiers, toward a long, low, mud-brick building that formed an ell with the one from which Moshe had so recently been ejected

    24. done that the gods would plague us in such a manner? -- Careful, the inner voice warned

    25. In such a manner, the captain led the small band of Hebrews within the larger ring of soldiers,

    26. His arms were twisted behind him in such a manner they had to be bound together past his elbows

    27. “As a member of the Animal Policeforce I am not permitted to influence the course of legal proceedings in such a manner

    28. A peculiar harness-like contrivance was fastened about his head, though in such a manner that the leather band did not protect his scalp from the spikes

    29. He employed symbols because he wanted to teach certain great spiritual truths in such a manner as to make it difficult for his successors to attach precise interpretations and definite meanings to his words

    30. very fortunate for Harry that he had arrived in such a manner at precisely this

    31. Committee in such a manner

    32. The two seats were situated in such a manner that everyone who was eating could watch TV at the same time

    33. “Yes I did, and I do not know, the story of why anyone would or could do that to such a lovely woman, but you may have brought it back to her, by telling her in such a manner

    34. As he ascertained a safe spot to hitch his horse to some growth several yards down the beach from the quicksand, he wondered how many others this land had claimed during its occupation by man and how many of those had perished in such a manner that was sickening to consider—slowly sinking and futilely struggling in a last effort to save oneself from the inevitable suffocation by the earth itself

    35. “Right,” he said in such a manner

    36. I also stacked stones in such a manner as to

    37. cord around my midsection, noticeably in such a manner that it

    38. He didn’t expect that I would react him in such a manner

    39. Garcia handed the PADD back to him in such a manner that the Doctor

    40. I will not speak to you in such a manner again

    41. SITKARI Folding the tongue in such a manner that the tip of the tongue touches the upper palate, draw the air through the mouth producing a sound of c

    42. Apparently, T’Pau considered it to be a good omen to have been chosen in such a manner and by such an animal

    43. was in such a manner as to keep the Tabernacle and its furnishings in the

    44. If watering is done in such a manner that the soil surface remains

    45. freedom in such a manner that it guarantees the political liberties and

    46. “I will not be spoken to in such a manner

    47. He then turned and collapsed in such a manner that made his body look like a twisted heap of cheap rag-doll limbs

    48. often done in such a manner as to correspond with the chakras and

    49. Kathy was a shadow of her former self, fear and worry having permeated her life, in such a manner it was indelibly etched on her very person

    50. 'My friend says that if we were to wage war in such a manner, we'd be dead within the year

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