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    in such a way

    1. that second encounter was so significant in such a way

    2. Similarly they should praise within limits and definitely not in such a way that the child stops believing you

    3. The main idea is to turn the pile over in such a way that you are turning the layers together except for the center of the pile

    4. It will change you in such a way that

    5. Why did it happen in such a way?

    6. ‘Kate, no point pretending I don’t find you exciting, is there?’ he said, looking at me in such a way that my heart starts pounding

    7. congregation in such a way as to maintain unity

    8. That wisdom needs to be expressed in such a way that when Christ returns and casts him in the pit, everyone knows

    9. " This woman did run deep, and intersected her own life in such a way

    10. Can we confess our faults one to another? Are we willing to humble ourselves in such a way that we are willing to display our faults and our struggles to the community? We all have our faults

    11. When we will die in such a way as to bring God’s message and bless them that curse us, then we are truly offering freedom to the captive and sight for the blind

    12. Is our freedom constituted in that our death serves an ultimate purpose of God? Can we die in such a way as to express a mystery? Revelation 12:11 says that they loved not their lives even unto death

    13. Just as Jesus was resurrected and thus given a name above every name – including the name of the Father – we are resurrected and brought into unity in such a way with God and man, flesh and Spirit, Israel and Church, man and woman, black and white, cross-national, and any other distinction or separation that God then exults us as He exulted Christ

    14. On either side of the first step a few young scallywags had positioned themselves in such a way to have a clear view up the skirts and dresses of any visiting females

    15. Choose a hard chair before a table and sit with your elbows on the table in such a way that when you place your palms over your eyes you can do so without bending your head

    16. He also kept moving in such a way as to draw her out of the water, presumably so he could get a good look at the rest of her

    17. For two days the blissful romance that should be the ambrosia of all newly weds was forced to give way to lessons in using the Hoover, heating up baked beans and loading the washing machine in such a way that the clothes didn’t all come out shit colour drab

    18. They had everything positioned in such a way that Collin and the White were hidden from view behind the canvas

    19. ‘The Gotteshouse is formed in such a way that it harnesses the power of the stones … don’t look so confused, Lintze, I’ll try to explain

    20. Her red hair was stunning, framing her face in such a way that he was affected deeply

    21. An organization of labels and directions, understandable expressions of tangibles and intangibles had to be structured in such a way to provide unambiguous communication from one person to another

    22. 'You will not treat this delegation in such a way!'

    23. mutate our species in such a way that we required things like intelligence, like co-

    24. “The asteroid interacts with the magnetic field in such a way that it gives off a vibration resembling a pulse, emitting a neutralising signal across the entire area so that

    25. The robe she wore covered enough to be appropriate for business, but it did so in such a way that her proximity was distracting

    26. When it reaches our sun, which, as we know is simply a massive ball of fire, it affects it in such a way as to distill the Life-Light into an energy that we can use

    27. But the brigadiers could still not get past the enormity of being addressed in such a way by a mere non-commissioned officer, so he simply shook his head and shouted, ‘guards!’

    28. How to be an artist in such a way that your actions Are not repeated: this will happen, “Nevermore

    29. in such a way that you have another job waiting for you

    30. By reacting unconsciously, I mean reacting to what happens in such a way that you are no longer in control of your thoughts and emotions

    31. Because for Jesus we should live our lives, we should live it in such a way that

    32. He approached his task in such a way that it was a flow experience for him

    33. She would school him carefully and well, she promised herself, and she would do it in such a way that he would never dare tell his mother about the things they would be doing together

    34. It seemed unlikely that he would be able to phrase questions in such a way as to fool it into answering

    35. To provide more detail and insight into the attributes hidden in this passage: Imagine you were asked by a client to write a work of literature in such a way that it would meet very specific requirements and conform to his detailed design specifications

    36. The only logical way in which one would be able to accomplish something as elaborate as this, would be to enjoy total freedom from our dimensionality - to exist outside of time altogether and be able to influence every person in such a way that they would be swayed to carry out the requirements for the design

    37. To be able to place each letter in the Bible, in such a way that it conforms to specific structural and numerical designs and also form part of various other levels of design, while even containing accurate information about current events and people living today, can only be explained through the involvement of a Designer with supernatural abilities

    38. Another question is, if Jesus is the Messiah who has already fulfilled more than 300 prophecies from the Old Testament, was He aware of the fact that he was the Messiah, or did this just happen by chance from his point of view? Also, can one assume that someone could plan to live their lives in such a way that they would fulfil prophecies intentionally? It may be possible if those prophecies did not include facts such as your genealogy, your birthplace, the nation into which you were born

    39. C: -- Ensuring that historic events occur in such a way that would one day provide a model of events that would happen at specific times in the future and also serve as pointers to milestones which are achieved as time passes

    40. D: -- All of the information contained in the book is ordered in such a way that the text ends up demonstrating amazing numerical, structural and chronological features when analysed - the design structure demonstrating that every letter’s placement was carefully planned, positioned and anchored

    41. F: -- Structuring the text in such a way that it would seem that each book was written last - due to the fact that words exclusively used in that specific book were divisible by 7

    42. Today we know that God put the Bible together in such a way that we can clearly understand his attitude towards sin, which is presented to us in the Old Testament

    43. Adem didn’t understand how gold could be manipulated in such a way, even an enchanted spear, though he tried not to think on such things for too long

    44. Any others across the park, he noticed, were far enough from him that their voices should not carry in such a way

    45. that a mass pulled into the Matrix in such a way is going to follow us on our chosen line of transit

    46. In other words, to govern in such a way that the terrorist will receive no further support for his cause or his cause disappears all together

    47. A surveillance occurred which according to the rumours afterwards was done in such a way that Van Rooyen became suspicious but then he would have been anyway for his victim did escape and he probably knew it

    48. Strive to help others evaluate things in such a way that they feel productive and happy, no matter what is going on “out there”

    49. They (correctly), forever after blamed the Army for surrendering them in such a way

    50. computer game should fade in such a way with some relaxing background music

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