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    in the front

    1. When she got back to her, Yorthops was standing in front of the honor wall in the front hallway where Kulai commended his employee of the year

    2. She'd slept a couple hours, a couple more on the cushion in the front room, when she was supposed to be ready to say hello loudly

    3. I was in the front room ironing some sheets and watching an American detective show on TV

    4. ’ Stephen muttered as we reach the car; he’s got one of those automatic unlocking devices on his car and, by the time the crowd have caught up with us, I am in the front seat buckling on the seat belt and he is starting the engine

    5. shepherds of the flock to be in the front leading and guiding them

    6. He relaxed in the front court of the house once lunch was done

    7. It was in the front hallway on his way out when he was trying to get Blaise against the wall so he would at least answer him

    8. ‘What will you do if you come across, Iain?’ she asked as he settled himself opposite her in the front room

    9. The cottage was a nice little house, she decided as she tidied up the curtains in the front room

    10. in the front of which a door hangs ajar

    11. He had enough conscious to check the aging files first, they were right in the front

    12. With a minute to go, we hear a key in the front door and very soon Katie’s standing in the kitchen doorway

    13. He could hear voices in the front room

    14. In the front room he could see four young men, none of them

    15. might be in the front room he became aware that the night air had

    16. Karen and the old woman sat in the front pew as usual

    17. He carefully puts Anna in the front and then opens the back door for me, quietly thanking me for being with Anna last night

    18. twitch in the front rooms of the houses of those who lived close

    19. She could see the display herself, as could everyone in the front row

    20. Owen is driving their car, having successfully talked Dave down; Dave is sitting in the front with him with Chris and I in the back

    21. A group of the footballers in the front row stand on their chairs and chant, "You're not welcome at the bar…you're not welcome at the bar!"

    22. It was my job was to make sure the carpet in the front room was clean and I also had to wash the kitchen floor at least once a week … whenever it needed doing really

    23. Traffic on the new by-pass, which runs immediately behind the house, is already building up and Jock Cascarino, who is sitting in the front passenger seat, watches the cars and their drivers

    24. Jock had it all sussed out, but, sitting in the front of the Lexus as Ken pulls in to the courtyard at Sillick Farm, Jock is having to consider an alternative future, one with foundations made of sand

    25. Several hours later, they stand together in the front room of her house; her head cocked on one side, Chrissie stares at the wall for a good ten minutes before pronouncing her opinion

    26. I sat where I always did in the front row of

    27. I grabbed a pen and paper off the desk in the front of the room

    28. Roman sat in the front row of the class—probably because no one else

    29. They stood by the coffee machine in the front office of the police station

    30. in the back of the leg where the crease is, instead of in the front

    31. men in the front, the women bringing up the rear

    32. “I did too,” he said, and they embraced right there in the front hallway near the room where Ava and Tahlmute were still arguing in a lower register

    33. It was built much the same way but it had the kitchen in the back and main room in the front

    34. here in the front row

    35. Eventually he stood and joined her in the front of

    36. There was space for me, Johnny, and the trunk in the front row, more than

    37. seated in the front row

    38. A thug in the front row

    39. She was kicking herself for opening her mouth, when he stepped out the door saying, "I thought you were in the front room

    40. As she looked into his flashing black eyes, she thought back to the first time she’d seen him standing in the front yard of Jim's

    41. By the time the kids came home, she’d striped the small table in the front room of the pictures and created a desk for herself

    42. She did as told standing at the edge of the doorway she watched as he and several children flipped the switch, and lit the giant tree that stood in the front yard of the church

    43. She had just started to run her fingers along the ledge, when she heard someone in the front of the house

    44. Carl sat in the front seat because the Tavern

    45. From the shadows in the front of the arena came a rustling—the soft

    46. Somehow or other they got behind some sort of a lumberyard type delivery truck and I don't know exactly what happened but somehow or other a steel pole from that lumber truck came through the windshield and literally pierced the passenger in the front seat

    47. Zlifonn was alone in the front room and asked what he found out

    48. In the front of the column of evil rode the Chief, Basel Ratford

    49. Then the front windscreen had been smashed out and two drivers sat in the front two seats, one to control the horse’s reins and the other to steer the Jag

    50. In the front of me, a

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