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    in this respect

    1. The quality of grain depends chiefly upon the quantity of flour or meal which it yields at the mill ; and, in this respect, English grain is so much superior to the Scotch, that though often dearer in appearance, or in proportion to the measure of its bulk, it is generally cheaper in reality, or in proportion to its quality, or even to the measure of its weight

    2. In this respect, as in many others, the

    3. without have had a tradition in this respect,

    4. A late act of parliament has, in this respect, somewhat slackened their fetters, though they are still by much too strait

    5. Whether the advantages which one country has over another be natural or acquired, is in this respect of no consequence

    6. Their interest is, in this respect, directly opposite to that of the great body of the people

    7. [216] We learn much about the Self in this respect in the Bhagavad Gita

    8. The policy of Portugal is, in this respect, the same as the ancient policy of Spain, with regard to all its colonies, except Pernambucco and Marannon; and with regard to these it has lately adopted a still worse

    9. Though their beneficial effects, however, have been in this respect accidental, they have not upon that account been less real

    10. In this respect, therefore, all the European colonies have, without exception, been a cause rather of weakness than of strength to their respective mother countries

    11. She realized she might be kidding herself in this respect, but what did that matter

    12. She waited, giving him some time to accomplish a penetration, but when she was certain he was not going to be successful in this respect, she seized his cock and aimed it at her hole

    13. exported ; and the two insignificant trades of the horner and comb-maker enjoy, in this respect, a monopoly against the graziers

    14. } In this respect, therefore, the class of cultivators can have no sort of advantage over that of artificers and manufacturers

    15. The unavoidable effects of the natural progress of improvement have, in this respect, been a good deal enhanced by a great revolution in the art of war, to which a mere accident, the invention of gunpowder, seems to have given occasion

    16. But in this respect, as well as in many others, nations have not always acted consistently; and in the greater part of the commercial states of Europe, particular companies of merchants have had the address to persuade the legislature to entrust to them the performance of this part of the duty of the sovereign, together with all the powers which are necessarily connected with it

    17. In this respect, the teachers of a new religion have always had a considerable advantage in attacking those ancient and established systems, of which the clergy, reposing themselves upon their benefices, had neglected to keep up the fervour of faith and devotion in the great body of the people; and having given themselves up to indolence, were become altogether incapable of making any vigorous exertion in defence even of their own establishment

    18. Before I state the hypothesis, let us discuss this subject in a little more detail to provide a better understanding of my arguments in this respect

    19. But though, in Scotland, the law gives the benefice, without any exception to the person presented by the patron; yet the church requires sometimes (for she has not in this respect been very uniform in her decisions) a certain concurrence of the people, before she will confer upon the presentee what is called the cure of souls, or the

    20. The following short review of some of the principal taxes which have taken place in different ages and countries, will show, that the endeavours of all nations have not in this respect been equally successful

    21. Ground-rents seem, in this respect, a more proper subject of peculiar taxation, than even the ordinary rent of land

    22. The laws of excise, though more effectual for the purpose for which they were instituted, are, in this respect, more vexatious than those of the customs

    23. included Jean in this respect, eyeing up Peter and seeing them lark

    24. What Douglas MacArthur gave us in this respect cannot be improved on

    25. In its tenets there is no question of doing good here and being rewarded in the next world, and in this respect, it differs greatly from the lowest forms of Hindoo idolatry, for even the Thugs professed to think they would reap a rich posthumous reward for every victim they secured with the sacred noose and pickaxe of Kali

    26. In this respect most Moderate to Liberal Republicans vary little with their Democratic counterparts

    27. In this respect it was much better than those of a Casspir whose side windows were much smaller and we normally poked our head out of the roof to shoot or observe

    28. linked to in this report) is helpful in this respect because it removes

    29. In this respect, we create the world

    30. In this respect

    31. In this respect remember

    32. In this respect they agree with

    33. In this respect, governments have followed a course that is a downward spiral to evil

    34. So in this respect the goal should be initiation in the path for the search for truth

    35. ” The outward sign of election to grace he thought was moral behavior, and in this respect he demanded the uttermost from himself and from his followers

    36. 10 How then was the one like to the other? In this respect were the goats like him: they were fair and equal so that when they saw him coming they were astonished at the likeness to the goat

    37. Since then He has displayed so great mercy towards us and especially in this respect that we who are living should not offer sacrifices to gods that are dead or pay them worship but should attain through Him to the knowledge of the true Father whereby shall we show that we do indeed know Him but by not denying Him through whom this knowledge has been attained? For He himself declares "Whosoever shall confess me before men him will I confess before my Father

    38. ” The bird made an odd gurgling noise, and in this respect, it

    39. (In this respect, the DL resembles a capacitor

    40. The living room was plenty big enough for the three of us to stretch out in, besides, none of us had been pampered in this respect

    41. similar in this respect)

    42. In this respect there is an irreversibility in knowing

    43. In this respect innocence is more a state of mind than a lack of knowledge

    44. Gāndhi was different in this respect from other Indian leaders

    45. differ much in this respect

    46. why the older languages are better in this respect than modern tongues

    47. for they receive in this respect an education in the spirit of brotherhood

    48. outer shells, and His work in this respect is an example of the variety of

    49. Ellen would become his mentor in this respect, a task for which he would become eternally grateful

    50. In this respect he and James were much alike -- they both wanted to call down fire from heaven on the heads of the disrespectful Samaritans

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