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    increasing примеры предложений


    1. While Municipal Corporations and the state government have their responsibilities, with the increasing urban population, haphazard growth of slums and colonies, the problems cannot be solved without the involvement of the people

    2. Further the need and demands of the ‘civilised’ society is increasing every day

    3. Compost Production: Using rock dust in compost production increases its energy level by adding minerals, and increasing the activity of bacteria

    4. It also helps in increasing blood circulation towards the kidneys that helps in cleansing the wastes increasing blood supply

    5. If you must use a chemical fertilizer, use 1/2 as much of the chemical fertilizer while increasing your organic fertilizers

    6. The speedometer was already at 180kmph and increasing

    7. increasing needs of the church, a new building seemed a wise choice

    8. The increasing demand by women to have a voice in church affairs stems from two

    9. The car kicked once and lifted at the front end as the tyres fought for grip, and then, amid a sea of spray, she bit hard into the tarmac and hauled her graceful weight forward at an ever increasing rate of knots

    10. while increasing their capacity to open up to receive all that is

    11. By setting the stimulate/recall level a session could navigate it's search, or read increasing levels of detail

    12. The corruption and the wickedness of the nations are ever increasing to a point of no return

    13. vitamin c is evidently very effective, researchers suggest that it is best to combat factors in increasing skin ageing using multiple antioxidants and not relying on a few that has greater publicity

    14. There is more to life than increasing its efficiency

    15. Indeed, with the decline in rental income caused by the ever increasing costs of insurance, red tape and health and safety initiatives, great-aunt Edith had financed some of the finer pieces in the apartment, including a real Ming chrysanthemum pot and a small Lowry, through her prowess at conducting phishing expeditions across the global email network in search of the details of other people’s bank accounts

    16. The waves, increasing in size and force, continued to invade the boat

    17. It’s about increasing our ability

    18. steadily increasing the pressure downward on

    19. Increase security by increasing tolerance

    20. in rental income caused by the ever increasing costs of insurance,

    21. In between pouring pints and dealing with the steadily increasing trickle of voyeurs and masochists, he tries to get Bex into conversation

    22. Instinctively, she stepped back, increasing the distance between them

    23. droplets that rolled, with increasing regularity,

    24. Yassap stared into the increasing

    25. company, to their increasing interest and concern, about the meeting

    26. A leaf is the model of the tree from which it arises, a snowflake's shape and structure are mirrored by its own construction of ever increasing patterns of its smallest connections, and the examples are endless

    27. Pierce whom White Feathers relied upon in increasing measure

    28. “What?” Their distant profitable relationship had been stable and increasing over the last decade

    29. could see the traffic increasing ahead as the road on

    30. Jill and I both started school again in about 1971 his Pontiac GTO faster than hell because he got the engine blue printed which is a way of increasing the speed by getting the maximum tolerances and clearances and everything

    31. we have increasing revelations of Him, we will begin to clearly

    32. When in any country the demand for those who live by wages, labourers, journeymen, servants of every kind, is continually increasing; when every year furnishes employment for a greater number than had been employed the year before, the workmen have no occasion to combine in order to raise their wages

    33. The liberal reward of labour, therefore, as it is the necessary effect, so it is the natural symptom of increasing national wealth

    34. If this demand is continually increasing, the reward of labour must necessarily encourage in such a manner the marriage and multiplication of labourers, as may enable them to supply that continually increasing demand by a continually increasing population

    35. The wages paid to journeymen and servants of every kind must be such as may enable them, one with another to continue the race of journeymen and servants, according as the increasing, diminishing, or stationary demand of the society, may happen to require

    36. The liberal reward of labour, therefore, as it is the effect of increasing wealth, so it is the cause of increasing population

    37. revelation we can have of God, and with increasing revelation

    38. comes increasing awe of His presence

    39. But the same cheapness of provisions, by increasing the fund which is destined for the maintenance of servants, encourages masters, farmers especially, to employ a greater number

    40. all fullness, increasing with all increasings, having a

    41. The manufacture of linen in Scotland, and that of coarse woollens in the West Riding of Yorkshire, are growing manufactures, of which the produce is generally, though with some variations, increasing both in quantity and value

    42. The demand for labour, according as it happens to be increasing, stationary, or declining, or to require an increasing, stationary, or declining population, determines the quantities of the necessaries and conveniencies of life which must be given to the labourer; and the money price of labour is determined by what is requisite for purchasing this quantity

    43. The plenty of a cheap year, on the contrary, by increasing the demand, tends to raise the price of labour, as the cheapness of provisions tends to lower it

    44. The increase in the wages of labour necessarily increases the price of many commodities, by increasing that part of it which resolves itself into wages, and so far tends to diminish their consumption, both at home and abroad

    45. The rise and fall in the profits of stock depend upon the same causes with the rise and fall in the wages of labour, the increasing or declining state of the wealth of the society ; but those causes affect the one and the other very differently

    46. The wages of labour have been continually increasing during the same period, and, in the greater part of the different branches of trade and

    47. secondly, by increasing it in others beyond what it naturally would be; and, thirdly, by

    48. apprenticeship restrains it more indirectly, but as effectually, by increasing the expense of

    49. its limits like every other ; and the increase of stock, by increasing the competition,

    50. declining state, and the superabundance of hands is continually increasing

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    Синонимы для "increasing"

    increasing enlarging swelling flourishing multiplying heightening advancing escalating sharpening