While Municipal Corporations and the state government have their responsibilities, with the increasing urban population, haphazard growth of slums and colonies, the problems cannot be solved without the involvement of the people
Further the need and demands of the ‘civilised’ society is increasing every day
Compost Production: Using rock dust in compost production increases its energy level by adding minerals, and increasing the activity of bacteria
It also helps in increasing blood circulation towards the kidneys that helps in cleansing the wastes increasing blood supply
If you must use a chemical fertilizer, use 1/2 as much of the chemical fertilizer while increasing your organic fertilizers
The speedometer was already at 180kmph and increasing
increasing needs of the church, a new building seemed a wise choice
The increasing demand by women to have a voice in church affairs stems from two
The car kicked once and lifted at the front end as the tyres fought for grip, and then, amid a sea of spray, she bit hard into the tarmac and hauled her graceful weight forward at an ever increasing rate of knots
while increasing their capacity to open up to receive all that is
By setting the stimulate/recall level a session could navigate it's search, or read increasing levels of detail
The corruption and the wickedness of the nations are ever increasing to a point of no return
vitamin c is evidently very effective, researchers suggest that it is best to combat factors in increasing skin ageing using multiple antioxidants and not relying on a few that has greater publicity
There is more to life than increasing its efficiency
Indeed, with the decline in rental income caused by the ever increasing costs of insurance, red tape and health and safety initiatives, great-aunt Edith had financed some of the finer pieces in the apartment, including a real Ming chrysanthemum pot and a small Lowry, through her prowess at conducting phishing expeditions across the global email network in search of the details of other people’s bank accounts
The waves, increasing in size and force, continued to invade the boat
It’s about increasing our ability
steadily increasing the pressure downward on
Increase security by increasing tolerance
in rental income caused by the ever increasing costs of insurance,
In between pouring pints and dealing with the steadily increasing trickle of voyeurs and masochists, he tries to get Bex into conversation
Instinctively, she stepped back, increasing the distance between them
droplets that rolled, with increasing regularity,
Yassap stared into the increasing
company, to their increasing interest and concern, about the meeting
A leaf is the model of the tree from which it arises, a snowflake's shape and structure are mirrored by its own construction of ever increasing patterns of its smallest connections, and the examples are endless
Pierce whom White Feathers relied upon in increasing measure
“What?” Their distant profitable relationship had been stable and increasing over the last decade
could see the traffic increasing ahead as the road on
Jill and I both started school again in about 1971 his Pontiac GTO faster than hell because he got the engine blue printed which is a way of increasing the speed by getting the maximum tolerances and clearances and everything
we have increasing revelations of Him, we will begin to clearly
When in any country the demand for those who live by wages, labourers, journeymen, servants of every kind, is continually increasing; when every year furnishes employment for a greater number than had been employed the year before, the workmen have no occasion to combine in order to raise their wages
The liberal reward of labour, therefore, as it is the necessary effect, so it is the natural symptom of increasing national wealth
If this demand is continually increasing, the reward of labour must necessarily encourage in such a manner the marriage and multiplication of labourers, as may enable them to supply that continually increasing demand by a continually increasing population
The wages paid to journeymen and servants of every kind must be such as may enable them, one with another to continue the race of journeymen and servants, according as the increasing, diminishing, or stationary demand of the society, may happen to require
The liberal reward of labour, therefore, as it is the effect of increasing wealth, so it is the cause of increasing population
revelation we can have of God, and with increasing revelation
comes increasing awe of His presence
But the same cheapness of provisions, by increasing the fund which is destined for the maintenance of servants, encourages masters, farmers especially, to employ a greater number
all fullness, increasing with all increasings, having a
The manufacture of linen in Scotland, and that of coarse woollens in the West Riding of Yorkshire, are growing manufactures, of which the produce is generally, though with some variations, increasing both in quantity and value
The demand for labour, according as it happens to be increasing, stationary, or declining, or to require an increasing, stationary, or declining population, determines the quantities of the necessaries and conveniencies of life which must be given to the labourer; and the money price of labour is determined by what is requisite for purchasing this quantity
The plenty of a cheap year, on the contrary, by increasing the demand, tends to raise the price of labour, as the cheapness of provisions tends to lower it
The increase in the wages of labour necessarily increases the price of many commodities, by increasing that part of it which resolves itself into wages, and so far tends to diminish their consumption, both at home and abroad
The rise and fall in the profits of stock depend upon the same causes with the rise and fall in the wages of labour, the increasing or declining state of the wealth of the society ; but those causes affect the one and the other very differently
The wages of labour have been continually increasing during the same period, and, in the greater part of the different branches of trade and
secondly, by increasing it in others beyond what it naturally would be; and, thirdly, by
apprenticeship restrains it more indirectly, but as effectually, by increasing the expense of
its limits like every other ; and the increase of stock, by increasing the competition,
declining state, and the superabundance of hands is continually increasing
The number of workmen increases with the increasing quantity of food, or with the growing improvement and cultivation of the lands ; and as the nature of their business admits of the utmost subdivisions of labour, the quantity of materials which they can work up, increases in a much greater proportion than their numbers
The increasing abundance of food, in consequence of the increasing improvement and cultivation, must necessarily increase the demand for every part of the produce of land which is not food, and which can be applied either to use or to ornament
The value of a free-stone quarry, for example, will necessarily increase with the increasing improvement and population of the country round about it, especially if it should be the only one in the neighbourhood
This rise in the value of silver, in proportion to that of corn, may either have been owing altogether to the increase of the demand for that metal, in consequence of increasing improvement and cultivation, the supply, in the mean time, continuing the same as before; or, the demand continuing the same as before, it may have been owing altogether to the gradual diminution of the supply: the greater part of the mines which were then known in the world being much exhausted, and, consequently, the expense of working them much increased; or it may have been owing partly to the one, and partly to the other of those two circumstances
Desperate, she gathered more power, increasing the force of her efforts, sinking her energy deeper into Whimly's twisted soul
More knob turning and another swing and it roared into life, moving forward with increasing speed
Fleetwood himself, however, seems, with most other writers, to have believed, that, during all this period, the value of silver, in consequence of its increasing abundance, was continually diminishing
In every different stage of improvement, besides, the raising of equal quantities of corn in the same soil and climate, will, at an average, require nearly equal quantities of labour; or, what comes to the same thing, the price of nearly equal quantities; the continual increase of the productive powers of labour, in an improved state of cultivation, being more or less counterbalanced by the continual increasing price of cattle, the principal instruments of agriculture
The greater part of Europe was, during this period, advancing in industry and improvement, and the demand for silver must consequently have been increasing; but the increase of the supply had, it seems, so far exceeded that of the demand, that the value of that metal sunk considerably
and had gone on continually increasing till 1695; at which time, as we may learn from Mr Lowndes, the current silver coin was, at an average, near five-and-twenty per cent
The increasing produce of the agriculture and manufactures of Europe must necessarily have required a gradual increase in the quantity of silver coin to circulate it ; and the increasing number of wealthy individuals must have required the like increase in the quantity of their plate and other ornaments of silver
The increasing consumptions of East India goods in Europe is, it seems, so great, as to afford a gradual increase of employment to them all
The remainder may be no more than sufficient to supply the increasing demand of all thriving countries
After a certain period, therefore, the annual consumption of those metals must, in this manner, become equal to their annual importation, provided that importation is not continually increasing; which, in the present times, is not supposed to be the case
During a long period in the progress of improvement, the quantity of these is continually diminishing, while, at the same time, the demand for them is continually increasing
The extension of tillage, by diminishing the quantity of wild pasture, diminishes the quantity of butcher's meat, which the country naturally produces without labour or cultivation; and, by increasing the number of those who have either corn, or, what comes to the same thing, the price of corn, to give in exchange for it, increases the demand
As the efficacy of human industry, in increasing the quantity either of wool or of raw hides, is limited, so far as it depends upon the produce of the country where it is exerted ; so it is uncertain so far as it depends upon the produce of other countries
It may surely be of some use, or, at least, it may give some satisfaction to the public, to have so decisive a proof of the increasing value of by far the greatest, the most important, and the most durable part of its wealth
It lowers the price of vegetable food; because, by increasing the fertility of the land, it increases its abundance
The wages of the labourer, it has already been shewn, are never so high as when the demand for labour is continually rising, or when the quantity employed is every year increasing considerably
So far as it is employed in the first way, it promotes prodigality, increases expense and consumption, without increasing production, or establishing any permanent fund for supporting that expense, and is in every respect hurtful to the society
There would immediately, therefore, be a run upon the banks to the whole extent of this superfluous paper, and if they showed any difficulty or backwardness in payment, to a much greater extent ; the alarm which this would occasion necessarily increasing the run
The gist of the story, without increasing the
In order to support the circulation of those notes, which were continually returning upon it as fast as they were issued, it had been constantly in the practice of drawing bills of exchange upon London, of which the number and value were continually increasing, and
sound counter intuitive, sometimes increasing the price can also increase
The success of this operation, therefore, without increasing in the smallest degree the capital of the country, would only have transferred a great part of it from prudent and profitable to imprudent and unprofitable undertakings
increasing the user base
Parsimony, by increasing the fund which is destined for the maintenance of productive hands, tends to increase the number of those hands whose labour adds to the value of the subject upon winch it is bestowed
The annual produce of the land and labour of any nation can be increased in its value by no other means, but by increasing either the number of its productive labourers, or the productive powers of those labourers who had before been employed
Were two men of equal fortune to spend their revenue, the one chiefly in the one way, the other in the other, the magnificence of the person whose expense had been chiefly in durable commodities, would be continually increasing, every day's expense contributing something to support and heighten the effect of that of the following day ; that of the other, on the contrary, would be no greater at the end of the period than at the beginning
Consequently, the increasing of the
box but they kept crawling out, increasing the bite marks
Thus, what was truly an adversarial relationship was also one that greatly aided the two species to advance themselves through continuous adaptive behaviors, thereby increasing their chances for survival and growth over the decades and centuries through a process of co-evolution
As the expense of purchasing those unnecessary utensils would diminish, instead of increasing, either the quantity or goodness of the family provisions; so the expense of purchasing an unnecessary quantity of gold and silver must, in every country, as necessarily diminish the wealth which feeds, clothes, and lodges, which maintains and employs the people
He tapped on the table with increasing agitation
The freest importation of foreign cattle could have no other effect than to hinder those breeding countries from taking advantage of the increasing population and improvement of the rest of the kingdom, from raising their price to an exorbitant height, and from laying a real tax upon all the more improved and cultivated parts of the country
A nation may import to a greater value than it exports for half a century, perhaps, together; the gold and silver which comes into it during all this time, may be all immediately sent out of it; its circulating coin may gradually decay, different sorts of paper money being substituted in its place, and even the debts, too, which it contracts in the principal nations with whom it deals, may be gradually increasing; and yet its real wealth, the exchangeable value of the annual produce of its lands and labour, may, during the same period, have been increasing in a much greater proportion
Rather than think of these paths as involving years of hard sacrifice, think of them as paths involving increasing joy
Then you will find happiness effortlessly increasing in your life
to this was increasing industrial age of the pass
With an increasing high-pitched murmur it engulfed the two dogs, Labrador and terrier
This law, however, though we read of its having been executed upon one or two occasions, was either neglected or evaded, and the inequality of fortunes went on continually increasing
His voice wavered and was lost on the increasing winds, winds which brought the encroaching fog in closer to the shore
Their consumption increases so fast, that, though in consequence of the increasing improvement of Jamaica, as well as of the ceded islands, the importation of sugar has increased very greatly within these twenty years, the exportation to foreign countries is said to be not much greater than before
Since the establishment of the act of navigation, accordingly, the colony trade has been continually increasing, while many other branches of foreign trade, particularly of that to other parts of Europe, have been continually decaying
It has been estimated that the number of adult women who carry out this sort of “molest” operation is increasing rapidly in our urban areas, even in the smaller cities
water is accelerated if there is increasing in
Some moderate and gradual relaxation of the laws which give to Great Britain the exclusive trade to the colonies, till it is rendered in a great measure free, seems to be the only expedient which can, in all future times, deliver her from this danger ; which can enable her, or even force her, to withdraw some part of her capital from this overgrown employment, and to turn it, though with less profit, towards other employments; and which, by gradually diminishing one branch of her industry, and gradually increasing all the rest, can, by degrees, restore all the different branches of it to that natural, healthful, and proper proportion, which perfect liberty necessarily establishes, and which perfect liberty can alone preserve
First, those colonies, in preparing themselves for their non-importation agreement, drained Great Britain completely of all the commodities which were fit for their market ; secondly, the extra ordinary demand of the Spanish flota has, this year, drained Germany and the north of many commodities, linen in particular, which used to come into competition, even in the British market, with the manufactures of Great Britain; thirdly, the peace between Russia and Turkey has occasioned an extraordinary demand from the Turkey market, which, during the distress of the country, and while a Russian fleet was cruizing in the Archipelago, had been very poorly supplied ; fourthly, the demand of the north of Europe for the manufactures of Great Britain has been increasing from year to year, for some time past; and, fifthly, the late partition, and consequential pacification of Poland, by opening the market of that great country, have, this year, added an extraordinary demand from thence to the increasing demand of the north
It not only hinders, at all times, their capital from maintaining so great a quantity of productive labour as it would otherwise maintain, but it hinders it from increasing so fast as it would otherwise increase, and, consequently, from maintaining a still greater quantity of productive labour