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    1. The state, by encouraging, that is, by giving entire liberty to all those who, from their own interest, would attempt, without scandal or indecency, to amuse and divert the people by painting, poetry, music, dancing; by all sorts of dramatic representations and exhibitions; would easily dissipate, in the greater part of them, that melancholy and gloomy humour which is almost always the nurse of popular superstition and enthusiasm

    2. and accused that person of indecency, it would be readily accepted

    3. It was then that I decided to hide my indecency for the rescue of morality and dismissed all thoughts that involved kissing or eyes; and with extreme subtlety, I tried to divert the response against-attacking with another question:

    4. Instead of throwing me out for indecency as I’d imagined, I was handed a dozen free passes: I was the lucky-spot winner for the afternoon

    5. She was going to have to be careful about where she was going to wear it, if she didn’t want to be arrested for public indecency

    6. God says: “…communication with God fends away indecency and evil, and remembering God is greater…”

    7. Firstly, this is so in regard to dealing with devils and adhering to what they say, so that the magician may even seek to be near to them in order to serve and fulfill his aim (where he aims at nothing but spreading indecency and wickedness)

    8. The Almighty has revealed to us the importance and value of real communication with Him and its influence on the spirit, saying: “…verily, communicating with God interdicts (humanity) from committing indecency and evil…”

    9. He crushed the paper in his hand and made caustic mental comments on the indecency of these people, clamouring for their money almost before the last workman was out of the place, certainly before the smell of paint was out of it, and clamouring, too, in the face of the Shuttleworth countenance and support

    10. The first and foremost is the indecency of language and overall

    11. 'Acts of gross indecency

    12. It was thus that We diverted evil and indecency away from him

    13. O wives of the Prophet! Whoever of you commits a proven indecency, the punishment for her will be doubled

    14. shop; detected glass in the sugar bowl; accused the waitress of wishing to poison her; declared that young men stared at her; and found herself towards evening slowly sauntering down Jacob's street, when it struck her that she liked that man Jacob better than dirty Jews, and sitting at his table (he was copying his essay upon the Ethics of Indecency), drew off her gloves and told him how Mother Stuart had banged her on the head with the tea-cosy

    15. She was wonder-stricken at his bravery, although she felt in it a sort of indecency and a naive coarseness that scandalised her

    16. He assured him, 'that every woman had her price, and, with gross indecency, hinted, that he should be

    17. But shall our superintendence go no further, and are the poets only to be required by us to express the image of the good in their works, on pain, if they do anything else, of expulsion from our State? Or is the same control to be extended to other artists, and are they also to be prohibited from exhibiting the opposite forms of vice and intemperance and meanness and indecency in sculpture and building and the other creative arts; and is he who cannot conform to this rule of ours to be prevented from practising his art in our State, lest the taste of our citizens be corrupted by him? We would not have our guardians grow up amid images of moral deformity, as in some noxious pasture, and there browse and feed upon many a baneful herb and flower day by day, little by little, until they silently gather a festering mass of corruption in their own soul

    18. I find it possible to treat them as normal creatures and not look at the ground or those furtive glances I’ve always thought the height of indecency

    19. This is an amusement to sharpen the intellect; it has a sting—it has what we call satire, and wit without indecency

    20. sort of indecency and a naive coarseness that scandalised her

    21. Their innocent faces were two delighted surprises; a blossoming shrub which grew near wafted to the passers-by perfumes which seemed to emanate from them; the child of eighteen months displayed her pretty little bare stomach with the chaste indecency of childhood

    22. Young Richard had always been such a bounder he never had two coins to clink together at one time: all of his money had come from old brother Charlie, who had the indecency to remind him of it at all times

    23. In the restorative idleness of solitude, on the other hand, the widows discovered that the honorable way to live was at the body’s bidding, eating only when one was hungry, loving without lies, sleeping without having to feign sleep in order to escape the indecency of official love, possessed at last of the right to an entire bed to themselves, where no one fought them for half of the sheet, half of the air they breathed, half of their night, until their bodies were satisfied with dreaming their own dreams, and they woke alone

    24. Fermina Daza left his study after two fruitless hours, with the feeling that she had allowed herself to be seduced by indecency

    25. To me it’s a bit like indecency: I know it when I see it but can’t say in advance what it is

    26. " Who hasn't heard it ? All these anecdotes are the height of indecency ; but, let me tell you, this kind of indecency is far more deeply rooted and widely spread than we imagine

    27. The time is coming, and will inevitably come, when all the institutions of violence of our time will be destroyed in consequence of their too obvious uselessness, silliness, and even indecency

    28. And to us it seems that when we add to a Greek word the termination logy, and call this science, it will be science indeed; and if we call an indecency, like the painting of naked women, by the Greek word “choreography,” and term it art, it will be art indeed

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