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inoculation примеры предложений
1. Nita’s informant among the GPs provided her with the inoculation serum months ago
2. “You can’t survive the death serum without an inoculation, and I’m the only person in the compound who possesses that substance
3. But after my inoculation within the ordeal, life is sweeter
4. – inoculation then seemed to be the intelligent thing to develop for the average mind
5. He was the pioneer of smallpox inoculation which saved thousand of lives in Briton in 1795
6. In this contrarian trading strategy, your media diary acts as an inoculation against the information cascades that build investment crowds
7. Renis of the Upjohn Company observed the following vaginal virus titres in mice 144 hours after inoculation with Herpes virus type II:
8. It is for this reason that, in spite of all the intensified means used by the governments for the inoculation of the masses with a patriotism which is alien to them and for the suppression of the ideas of socialism, which are developing among them, the socialism more and more penetrates into the masses, and the patriotism, which is so carefully inoculated by the governments, is not only not adopted by the masses, but is disappearing more and more, maintaining itself only among the upper classes, to whom it is advantageous
9. Seaver presented a petition of Benjamin Waterhouse, medical doctor, of Boston, stating that he is willing, and wishes to undertake the inoculation of the army of the United States with the "kine-pock inoculation," and praying the aid and patronage of Congress in that undertaking
10. Inoculation of the Army, petition relative to, 709
11. Waterhouse, Benjamin, petition relative to inoculation of the army, 709