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    1. 'What?' Mama said while Omi, Ish and I made valiant inroads into the food

    2. We make considerable inroads into the task, laughing as we work together

    3. “Those two gentlemen you met in the Park today allowed for the coup de grace, you might say, of the slow inroads I've made into the grip these northern New York manufacturers have on the markets in New England

    4. But in recent years, our Lydian enemies had made deep inroads into our eastern reaches

    5. At Christmas, Diane was well enough to fly home to Mississippi, but in January a new CT scan showed the disease was making inroads again

    6. His arrest had come as the result of a tip slipped to Edgar because the cocaine came from a new Colombian lab making inroads in its competitor’s marketplace and using the distinctive image of the cartoon character Tweety-Bird as its logo

    7. They used ground acorn meal as their food of choice although some inroads had been made by centli

    8. Before, during, and after this period, the ideology of John Calvin was making inroads into the Church of England

    9. ” I had wanted to go to Alaska, where the guidebooks were making inroads

    10. There are several books in the last two years and presently coming out, which chronicle many of the specific ramifications today of the inroads of Socialism (as adopted by the

    11. Beijing was also highly impressed by the inroads that the Assistant Trade Attache had made with the South African Government

    12. ” During the course of the first week he became accustomed to the inroads that time and the rain had made in the health of his concubine, and little by little he was seeing her as she had been before, remembering her jubilant excesses and the delirious fertility that her love provoked in the animals, and partly through love, partly through inter-est, one night during the second week he awoke her with urgent caresses

    13. Technology has made several inroads into this field and at the same time

    14. This was in ’93, when we were trying to make some peace inroads with the Tehran

    15. as an area where they could possibly make inroads and establish themselves, was becoming pro-

    16. ‘Except for Muslims, we had made inroads in all communities

    17. Bob's marketing flair began to make inroads with the Banking

    18. “Stress and the consequent anxiety are making increasing inroads into

    19. But then came Islam; the Persian empire perished, and the repugnance of the Hindus against foreigners increased more and more when the Muslims began to make their inroads into their country; for Muhammad Ibn Elkasim Ibn Elmunabbih entered Sindh from the side of Sijistan (Sakastene) and conquered the cities of Bahmanwa and Mulasthana, the former of which he called Al-mansura, the latter Al-mamura

    20. However, when they disobeyed the Envoy of their Provider and made inroads upon what was banned to them, neither their constructions or cities, nor their gardens or palaces could avail them anything

    21. thatched cover, fi ghting to gain inroads against the tangles of ivy

    22. philosophy, the pagan immortal soul teaching had made some inroads with some Jews by the time of Christ

    23. soul teaching had made some inroads with some Jews by the time of Christ

    24. philosophy, the pagan immortal soul teaching had made some inroads with

    25. teaching had made some inroads with some Jews by the time of Christ

    26. From their contact with pagan philosophy, the pagan immortal soul teaching had made some inroads with some Jews by the time of Christ

    27. Her soul, tortured by pride, at length found rest in Christian humility, and, tasting the joy of weakness, she saw within herself the destruction of her will, that must have left a wide entrance for the inroads of heavenly grace

    28. David couldn't really argue with that, though his inroads with Distal's management team

    29. Like their neighbors, they had followed Montcalm into the territories of the English crown, and were making heavy and serious inroads on the hunting-grounds of the Mohawks; though they had seen fit, with the mysterious reserve so common among the natives, to withhold their assistance at the moment when it was most required

    30. Men who’d been as utterly defeated as the Army of Shiloh, the Army of the Sylmahn, and now the Army of Glacierheart might be excused for wondering if God had truly been on their side to begin with, and the Charisian clergy had made some significant inroads among those who’d been in custody longest

    31. He could tell of consumption making inroads appearing in Atlanta’s best families

    32. It’s his home base, and he probably is more likely to have made inroads into the police there

    33. Iceman, who runs our college training program, has made significant inroads at some schools, getting college credit for our summer trader training program

    34. The management team of a business may fear that a competitor is making new inroads into its core business or creating a new market for its customers

    35. The havoc that months had previously wrought was now emulated by the inroads of hours

    36. In the first two years of her married life she made considerable inroads into her capital

    37. I only know that our worlds and our creations called us and we tried to save them, and the only saving thing we could do was wait out the century here on Mars, hoping Earth might overweight itself with these scientists and their doubtings; but now they're coming to clean us out of here, us and our dark things, and all the alchemists, witches, vampires, and were-things that, one by one, retreated across space as science made inroads through every country on Earth and finally left no alternative at all but exodus

    38. I only know that our worlds and our creations called us and we tried to save them, and the only saving thing we could do was wait out the century here on Mars, hoping Earth might overweight itself with these scientists and their doubtings; but now they’re coming to clean us out of here, us and our dark things, and all the alchemists, witches, vampires, and were-things that, one by one, retreated across space as science made inroads through every country on Earth and finally left no alternative at all but exodus

    39. The little rusticities and awkwardnesses which had at first made grievous inroads on the tranquillity of all, and not least of herself, necessarily wore away, and she was no longer materially afraid to appear before her uncle, nor did her aunt Norris’s voice make her start very much

    40. For any form existing in lesser numbers would, as already remarked, run a greater chance of being exterminated than one existing in large numbers; and in this particular case the intermediate form would be eminently liable to the inroads of closely allied forms existing on both sides of it

    41. My journey had been my own suggestion, and Elizabeth therefore acquiesced, but she was filled with disquiet at the idea of my suffering, away from her, the inroads of misery and grief

    42. It further appears to your committee, that a division of the said Territory will become a matter of right under the aforesaid article of the ordinance, whenever the General Government shall establish therein a State Government; and the numerous inconveniences which would be removed by an immediate separation, would have a direct tendency to encourage and accelerate migration to each district, and thereby give additional strength and security to those outposts of the United States, exposed to the inroads of a savage neighbor, on whose friendly dispositions no permanent reliance can be placed

    43. Deena’s anxiety had made such inroads into her health that her father took alarm and called in her old friend Dr

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