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    1. I regard it as necessary that the navy force an entrance into the harbour of Santiago not later than the 6th inst

    2. As long as it was burning he could distinguish the normal from the abnormal because there was a whole frame-work of normality to compare things aga inst

    3. “It's Dominic inst it?” Jo insisted ignoring Ricky

    4. Holly, Heaven inst as

    5. The m ocke ry m a de him fe e l a n outside r; a nd fe e ling a n outside r he be ha ve d like one , which incre a se d the pre judice a ga inst him a nd inte nsifie d the conte m pt a nd hostility a rouse d by his physica l de fe cts

    6. He pre sse d him se lf a ga inst he r

    7. His he a d ba nge d a ga inst the wa ll

    8. By his he re tica l vie ws on sport a nd som a, by the sca nda lous unorthodoxy of his se x-life , by his re fusa l to obe y the te a chings of Our Ford a nd be ha ve out of office hours, 'e ve n a s a little infa nt,'" (he re the Dire ctor m a de the sign of the T), "he ha s prove d him se lf a n e ne m y of Socie ty, a subve rte r, la die s a nd ge ntle m e n, of a ll Orde r a nd Sta bility, a conspira tor a ga inst Civiliza tion itse lf

    9. Re fusing to com e to m y pa rty a nd so turning the m a ll a ga inst m e !" He kne w tha t wha t he wa s sa ying wa s a bsurd in its injustice; he a dm itted inwa rdly, a nd a t la st e ve n a loud, the truth of a ll tha t the Sa va ge now sa id a bout the worthle ssne ss of frie nds who could be turne d upon so slight a provoca tion into pe rse cuting e ne m ie s

    10. But in spite of this knowle dge a nd the se a dm issions, in spite of the fa ct tha t his frie nd's support a nd sym pa thy we re now his only com fort, Be rna rd continue d pe rve rse ly to nourish, a long with his quite ge nuine a ffe ction, a se cre t grie va nce a ga inst the Sa va ge , to m e dia te a ca m pa ign of sm a ll re ve nge s to be wre a ke d upon him

    11. Nourishing a grie va nce a ga inst the Arch-Com m unity-Songste r wa s use le ss; the re wa s no possibility of be ing re ve nge d on the Chie f Bottle r or the Assista nt Pre de stina tor

    12. "It's fla tly a ga inst a ll the ir sle e p-te a ching

    13. The whip wa s ha nging on a na il by the door, re a dy to ha nd a ga inst the a rriva l of re porte rs

    14. Carnegie Inst Wash Publ 241, 1916, p

    15. Monday 18th inst

    16. John Horner, 26, plumber, was brought up upon the charge of having upon the 22nd inst

    17. Listen to this: ‘Lost, on the 9th inst

    18. Leib, on request, had leave to withdraw his resolutions submitted for consideration on the 8th inst

    19. The Senate resumed the consideration of the resolution for a recess of Congress from the 29th inst

    20. In the large tabernacle, on the 3d inst

    21. for Wilmington Memorial Inst

    22. , for Le Moyne Inst

    23. , for Student Aid, Tillotson Inst

    24. (12 of which for Avery Inst

    25. , (8 of which for Student Aid, Gregory Inst

    26. 77, for Hampton Inst

    27. , for Tillotson Inst

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    inst instant