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    1. These offered a special knowledge to its adherents, which was said to be unavailable outside of the cult intelligentsia

    2. Scruton suggests that the professors, the teachers in teacher colleges, and many of the rest of the intelligentsia believe and teach as they do simply because they don’t know anything else

    3. The State and Sci–Coll and all the academics and intelligentsia have been drumming the same message into the people's heads, at every available opportunity: life has no aim, no purpose, no design

    4. Their certitude of the “injustice” of the capitalist economy requires a dedication to “social justice” (as they define it) and literal, material “equality of all” except for the ‘liberals’ and the academic intelligentsia who believe that they are “more equal than equal,” (Italics mine) as labeled by author George Orwell in describing the pig leaders in his Animal Farm

    5. Is shyness which mutes his words and preventing him to greet me? Or worse, would his grandparents have predisposed him against me? If the intelligentsia is not reason enough to tempt him to shorten the distance between us, I have to resort to the charms of the Chanel No

    6. By demanding all kinds of political alternatives it is the intelligentsia who foment dissension, and, ultimately, revolution

    7. There was real concern amongst the thinking class, the intelligentsia, that the country was failing in providing work and welfare for all its citizens

    8. Stalin and his henchman Hrustczov had no doubts that it was the intelligentsia, which included all intellectuals, property owners, churchmen, and all state officials and their families, which had to be destroyed in order to remodel Polish society

    9. Behold thou intelligentsia of mortal

    10. The trouble was that he, like the intelligentsia in Russia, had no coherent plan of action

    11. Why get involved? The fever of his earlier identification with the Russian intelligentsia had subsided

    12. identification by the majority of Israel's intelligentsia with

    13. In the beginning of 1990s, the country’s “Soviet” intelligentsia looked towards

    14. It is not identified with any one class but does rely on the support of the middle class, the intelligentsia, the managers and industrialists, the security services, and the military

    15. Fatwas have been issued by progressive clerics against terrorism (as has been mentioned in the previous chapter), favouring girls’ education[129] and against cow slaughter to maintain communal harmony, but unfortunately, these don’t get as much media publicity as much as regressive ones like those declaring women working alongside men as being un-Islamic or even to kill critics of Islam like Salman Rushdie (and by the way, Rushdie has used very offensive language against Ram and Sita in Satanic Verses, but the saffron brigade has maintained silence over the same, since the Rushdie episode was disgracing Muslims) and Taslima Nasreen, and these fatwas instructing to kill have given a wrong impression to many as regards the very meaning of the word ‘fatwa’ (the idea of there being a fatwa on an individual, implying some sort of religiously ordained death-warrant, is a misnomer)! In fact, instead of endlessly criticizing regressive fatwas and drawing attention of Muslims towards them, the media should report progressive fatwas more, though our liberal intelligentsia, particularly Muslims, should not close its eyes to regressive fatwas, and ought to counter them strongly

    16. The intelligentsia of France

    17. Walter Winchell, who was Joe DiMaggio’s friend and the man who made it possible for Joe to see the scene in The Seven Year Itch that was the catalyst for his beating of Marilyn, couldn’t wait to weigh in when Arthur Miller announced in February 1956 that he and his wife were divorcing: “America’s best known blonde moving picture star is now the darling of the left-wing intelligentsia

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    clerisy intelligentsia