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    interest rate примеры предложений

    interest rate

    1. e) Reduction in interest rates due to the fiscal decisions of RBI

    2. Your offspring is late with payments, init? Interest rate of 100% applies after failure to repay a loan on the agreed date, init?"

    3. "The original interest rate was 12

    4. was just deposited that month, bringing that account, with a modest interest rate also compounded, to roughly $13,000

    5. money paid for the use of money lent - interest rate n

    6. Increased (government) spending increases interest rates which decreases private investment

    7. 6% unemployment, low interest rates and the Dow Jones Industrial Average hovering around 12,000?), I must confess some disappointment, however, over this Administration‘s failure to encourage a (―friendly‖) Republican Congress to follow its tax cuts with concomitant reductions in federal spending

    8. “Dave, what were assets in your mutual fund earning in interest? Was it pretty close to the interest rate you would have had to pay to finance your car?” asked Charles

    9. Interest rates on government debt are far lower than average long-term returns in the stock market

    10. Federal Reserve - 40%, (he lowering of the interest rate and keeping it low from 2003 to 2007 was the

    11. Those in the new system would be given credit for their past contributions (at the prevailing interest rate of 1

    12. because of the climbing adjustable interest rates, families were finding

    13. If they bail out, or if interest rates go up, it’s sayonara to the economic security of the country

    14. During the year 1996 in South-Africa, the interest rate came very close to 24%

    15. loan to your mortgage look for the next lower interest rate

    16. getting a savings interest rate at the same rate as your

    17. If interest rates go down keep the higher payment going,

    18. happens via the interest rate charged daily

    19. ” You simply take whatever interest rate

    20. The only thing he would have to look out for would be a stampede if the coupon interest rates were a few hundred basis points higher than the competitors

    21. That was a sign of how bad the 1974 recession triggered by the second Arab oil embargo within three years was going to be both on jobs and mortgage interest rates

    22. Interest rates had suddenly skyrocketed, while the bank

    23. Interest rates on home mortages moved over 20%, creating the death knoll to the housing industry

    24. Actually, that provision was not contained in the versions of the tax reduction bill passed by either the Senate or the House, but was inserted in the dead of night to help “pay for” dividend and interest rate tax cuts

    25. There is always the specter of rising prices and interest rates, inflation and more to cope with as well, so building preparedness for that into your budget is also a priority

    26. ƒ Check the interest rates on your card, consolidate accounts, go through the exercise of balance transfers et al

    27. ƒ Use a line of credit if you can as the interest rates are typically lower

    28. Employees will then be able to buy the stock from the foundation at a low interest rate

    29. ” It reported, “He has provided an opportunity for some of his key employees to buy sizeable shares of his holdings at low interest rates, and for the remainder of his empire to go public when he’s no longer there to run it

    30. ’ The remainder will be offered to the Park companies’ management, at low interest rates

    31. ” In states where there is a maximum interest rate, those with poor credit might be considered

    32. “Market exchange” was a sham, because the central authority fixed all wages, prices, and interest rates

    33. They were prices, wages, and interest rates in name only

    34. dropping (though interest rates

    35. which is a country’s interest rates and interest rate policy

    36. typically raise interest rates to control growth and inflation

    37. Higher interest rates are attractive to foreign investors and as a result they will need to buy Aussie dollars in order to invest in Australia, this of course will drive up the demand and price of the currency and lessen the supply of it

    38. The Fed can use the tools at its disposable to lower, raise, or leave interest rates unchanged, depending on the evidence it has gathered on

    39. So while interest rates are the main driver of Forex price

    40. money market account with low interest rates had drawn the

    41. whose currencies are exchanged, the demand for money is determined by the level of domestic income and domestic interest rates, then a higher income increases demand for transactions balances while a higher interest rate increases the opportunity cost of holding money, reducing the demand for money

    42. that the central bank will raise interest rates in order to avoid or fight inflation

    43. Construction indicators are cyclical and very sensitive to the level of interest rates (and

    44. Low interest rates alone may not be able to generate a high demand for housing, though

    45. inflation is raising the interest rates, and higher interest rates tend to support the local currency

    46. respective interest rates as well

    47. This is the interest rate differential, a basic factor in the markets

    48. Traders react when the interest rate differential changes, not simply when the interest rates themselves

    49. reasons behind the interest rate change, and the perceived importance of the change


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