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    Используйте «introspection» в предложении

    introspection примеры предложений


    1. I was totally unprepared for the inevitable introspection of solitary confinement

    2. This took time, introspection and countless hours of self-reflection to achieve

    3. The necessity of introspection was not to be ignored

    4. In the end, his introspection would make the situation clearer to him

    5. Introspection: or Quality Time with Oneself

    6. The flip side of shame is that it can lead to introspection

    7. But again she rescued him from further introspection as she exclaimed, “I think I see something above the water over there!”

    8. little introspection is always useful… just be careful

    9. Additionally, such introspection empowers us to be more aware of what we think, say, and do – thereby leads us to change our unskillful behavior, and in the process plants positive seeds in our mind stream, to then experience pleasing outcomes in the future

    10. John seemed instinctively to respect my quiet introspection

    11. M: Weak desires can be removed by introspection and medita-

    12. He should go to bed, get the sleep he needed without this introspection

    13. “There is much introspection in the program

    14. 29 This suggests that the unusual skills of savants can be used as a diagnostic tool to probe information from lower-level mechanisms which is not available to introspection in the normal mind

    15. She regarded him through deep introspection, finally saying,

    16. should be warned on no account to overdo his introspection and allow

    17. moods of mournful introspection, and such as these find a ready home in

    18. He was inclined toward melancholic brooding when he joined the apostles, but contact with Jesus and the apostles largely cured him of this morbid introspection

    19. Jesus' philosophy of life is without religious introspection

    20. 6 Prayer is an antidote for harmful introspection

    21. introspection to find the root cause

    22. Introspection is good

    23. observation or reflection and introspection (of men)

    24. As interest in introspection increased, so did themes of personal responsibility and

    25. Putting the pencil down he kicked back and put his feet on the corner of the desk as the hypnotic look of introspection eased into his perplexed stare

    26. Maybe he should pack up and leave, but go where? How could he explain that to Jan and his friends? The confusion edging its nakedness into his mind seemed to take control when this introspection suddenly turned to thoughts of the kidnapped nurse

    27. ‘Beyond the Acropolis’ by Beaton was never considered to have depth or character necessary for such introspection

    28. Wondering to yourself is not a sign that you are crazy, introspection is important

    29. In the case of a confession, I will still make a telepathic mind introspection, in order to insure that an accused is not being intimidated into such a confession

    30. She stayed like that for a good two minutes, while the parents and uncle of the girl sweated profusely as they waited nervously for the result of her mental introspection

    31. real healing process began through deep introspection

    32. Star left him to his moment of peace and introspection, guessing it was a prayer, as requested in Ray’s letter

    33. “What has happened to her? Is she ill? Why didn’t she come?” I started introspection

    34. Very quietly kneeling besides the Taliban, Parmat then started cautiously a telepathic introspection of the young man’s mind, basically inducing him to dream about why he came to Quetta

    35. Watching the mind is introspection

    36. He who does daily introspection can find out his own defects and remove them by suitable methods and can have gradually a perfect control over the mind

    37. Find out by serious introspection the various impediments that act as stumbling blocks in your concentration and remove them with effort one by one

    38. This keeps us so busy that there isn't any time left for worry or introspection

    39. In other words, there is no introspection and little explanation, only declaration

    40. ‘proudly South African’ drum? Is it perhaps time for introspection and re-

    41. And a good day for introspection

    42. To realize I was suffering from emotional unavailability took some seriously deep introspection and it was not until the weekend of my graduation that I had a major epiphany as to how this dysfunction had been expressing itself in my life

    43. At times this mind which wanders in the external world starts introspection and analysis of its

    44. It's an incessant staccato introspection of what, who, and how? This is the life of the new seeking: the urgent search for It

    45. Something opened up my awareness and flowed its introspection through me

    46. “Who are you?” NuFaith finally turned from her introspection to attend to the others speaking

    47. For whatever is, celebratorily participates in the pinnacle of the universe's self-reflection, introspection and exploration

    48. To see oneself, the insight of enlightenment, the self-awareness of self-conception, is a freeing to a trapped introspection, seeing only what the reflection allows

    49. “Y R U U?!” The eternal reflection, where the introspection is predetermined to conclude with one's own self-condemnation, conviction, and damnation

    50. To reduce all cases of it to incidents of a disorder is to regulate insightful introspection with a beta-reflection blocker

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    Синонимы для "introspection"

    introspection self-contemplation self-examination