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    Используйте «italic» в предложении

    italic примеры предложений


    1. “Don"t worry about it – the message is well blended with the italic letters – it will be fine

    2. It is for this reason that I will refrain from using quotation marks, but still display my translation in bold and italic text

    3. The writing in italic handwriting over a list of options added recently

    4. By now, you should have an optimized title; meta tags; headers; content; possibly bold, italic,

    5. In this chapter you will also hear from my wife’s all their opinions will be written in italic the only difference will be the color that their thoughts are written in

    6. * At the same time the fact deserves to be mentioned not as a basis of argument but as a matter of interest, and those who know the weight assigned by Von Tischendorf to similar examples will be ready to allow it a certain degree of importance, that the two most ancient, and several more modern, manuscripts of the Italic Version, or ancient Latin translation of the New Testament, in popular use in Italy, in Spain, and in Africa from the middle of the second century, before Jerome's Vulgate appeared at the end of the fourth, here have distinctly, in verse 46, 'These shall go away ad ignem aternum, into the eternal fire,’ not ad supplicinm aternum, into eternal punishment

    7. In the given quotes these definitions will use bold italic

    8. Van Horne moved to strike out the words in italic, as he understood them as committing the House to express an opinion on the subject of the petitions

    9. Smith, Troup, Van Dyke,* Van Horne, and Wynn*; of whom those marked (*) have not appeared in their seats during the present session, and those in italic are known to be absent from the city

    10. Emott moved to amend the same by striking out the words in italic, and to insert in their place, "or merchandise

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    italic italic language