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    jackass примеры предложений


    1. “Kevin Harlow? That jackass doesn’t even have the right to come around here

    2. Griggsy! She'd never know what he'd put in there, what he'd done, what ridiculous, crazy, stupid, arrogant, pompous, jackass technology he'd gone right ahead and rammed into the thing's very registers, into its very fibers, into the permanent read-only fixtures of its central core

    3. I was ready to make this jackass wish the freaks had eaten him

    4. Who else would it be? Jackass

    5. That jackass didn’t even Cloud

    6. This was a real disappointment for me, I would have to stop calling the jackass

    7. The jackass said, ''Are you still there?''

    8. You learn that "Bachelor" is a nicer term for a jackass

    9. "Talk about being a jackass out of the same mold as the psycho tester, Monica, the personnel man said I didn't give the tester a chance to remedy his error

    10. Now you have a royally pissed off self-centered jackass

    11. kids, and was basically a jackass

    12. They knew it was not easy going, and one of them sent me pages 128 to 131 on father-and-son relationships from a book by Harry Levinson, entitled The Great Jackass Fallacy

    13. 35 Harry Levinson, The Great Jackass Fallacy © 1973 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College

    14. Pompous jackass! This jerk hadn't the faintest idea what he was blathering about

    15. "What amount I know makes me think he's a real jackass

    16. One could almost see the jackass ears growing

    17. I’ve been called a jackass before

    18. other than being a inconsiderable jackass his body makes up for all the bullshit that comes out of

    19. Joey sighed, said, “I almost called S’us a damn lizard—like a real jackass

    20. Jackass II was the number one movie in America

    21. “So I was a Greeg at some time is what you’re saying? That’s what those officials were after before we hyper-jumped into the maze? That’s what those spidery creatures were really angry about? I’m nothing but a good for nothing Greeg that you taught how to read and behave somewhat normally just so this jackass could win a bet, which it turns out was just a minor piece of a much larger and more confusing bet, that never actually happened until we just recently shot out of a worm hole, because the Universe doesn’t like to be confused?”

    22. That jackass put a huge

    23. “No wonder men hate women, they pick the worst pieces of shit just because they have the biggest mouth and strut around like a fucking jackass

    24. “Ok jackass, do something

    25. For the time being, I only had to tolerate him, and it would be quite easy to ignore one jackass while I was bouncing atop another on my way down into the Grand Canyon

    26. "Without getting shot jackass!" Andy said

    27. “Just in case it isn’t a ghost, but some jackass trying to screw with us

    28. Landon is such a jackass, Derrick thought angrily

    29. And somewhere beneath that: And it’s not like you could hear them with your headset off, anyway, jackass

    30. When you lead your entire family into a war for no reason except fucking ‘glory’ and lose that war because you are an imperial jackass, and allow millions of your people to be slaughtered and starved to death and frozen to death just to satisfy your fucking imperial ego: you deserve to be shot to death not just once: you deserve to be shot to death a million times over

    31. The result of that fucking warmongering incompetent feudal jackass who led his Russian empire into total destruction, was that he and his entire family was assassinated

    32. And what of the Austrian senile old doddering ass of a fool emperor Franz Joseph who was still clinging to his medieval empire which would have fallen apart at the seams naturally without much fuss if that fucking Tsar Nicholas of a jackass hadn’t intervened? He was actually the first instigator of WW1 by sending Serbia a humiliating ultimatum: blaming that nation for the action of one anarchistic individual who happened to be a Serbian anarchist

    33. The girl Prince Eddy fell in love with was the German princess who was instead, married off to that stupid short midget of a Russian jackass Nicholas

    34. If The Kaiser had not been a bumbling incompetent jackass, just like his Russian counterpart; the eastern front would have been terminated, Russia would have been defeated quickly and decisively; and Germany would have had the necessary resources to end the war in the west front before America was pulled into the war, and millions of lives would have been saved

    35. And was exposed for the bumbling incompetent jackass that he actually was

    36. Hitler, Bismarck and Wilhelm had the exact same ambition: imperial dynastic rule of Germany over the world as a war nation: crushing other nations under its booted heel as vainglorious conquering heroes; the myth of an obsolete Teutonic warrior culture being not only preserved but acted out by this pompous spineless jackass

    37. And yet it still stings her deeply to hear the jackass mutter “bitch”

    38. One of these days I’m just going to snap, Yes, and I’m the jackass that chased her into the Hall of All Days, so crucify me and put me out of my misery

    39. Claire said, “That skeevy jackass who got Dad arrested still runs the place

    40. No sir smile neighbour shall covet his ox or his wife or his manservant or his maidservant or his jackass

    41. I said, "Don't do nothing of the kind; it's one of the most jackass ideas I ever struck;" but he never paid no attention to me; went right on

    42. God blew on the bullet, and I gut-shot the jackass

    43. God blew on the bullet, and I gut-shot the jackass

    44. “There are two of them, probably your new pal Bozo and a jackass I refer to as Jimmy

    45. We wait another forty-five minutes, Campbell solicitous (“Probably got hit with some last-minute deadline,” she says, and smiles toward good old John, who never lets last-minute deadlines interfere with his wife’s plans); Insley’s anger thawing toward her husband as she realizes he is only the second-biggest jackass of the group (“You sure he hasn’t even texted, sweetie?”)

    46. I assume he meant it as a fancy synonym for jackass

    47. “I feel like a jackass here

    48. Cut to the photo of me at the press conference, the jackass grin

    49. As always, they made it sound as if I were the jackass

    50. ” The commander chuckled softly; he’d been a jackass joker the last time too, I remembered

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    Синонимы для "jackass"

    jack jackass bozo cuckoo fathead goof goofball goose twat zany oaf dolt idiot moron rascal jerk