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    jeweled примеры предложений


    1. Her long and thick grey hair was tied in multiple tails with jeweled bands

    2. Instead of fussing with her skin, most of the time Ava sat there was taken on the elaborate hairdo and jeweled headdress that was worn during the ceremony

    3. She used jeweled combs to catch the luxuriant hair on top of her head

    4. And a jeweled ring for his finger; and shoes! And kill the calf we have in the fattening pen

    5. After that came completed items of jewelry for Mark, mostly rings and the rest bracelets, brooches, necklaces, and jeweled daggers and other weapons

    6. She noticed the jeweled dagger and note attached to the head of Guardon’s Dais

    7. That matched a pair of jeweled shoes

    8. Let her slim hand move toward the jeweled dagger in her girdle, and a buffet of his open hand would stretch her senseless on the deck

    9. Like a true queen she lay, with her plunder heaped high about her: silks, cloth-of-gold, silver braid, casks of gems and golden coins, silver ingots, jeweled daggers and teocallis of gold wedges

    10. He was exactly like the others they had encountered: tall, well made, clad in purple garments, with a jeweled girdle

    11. Then the Brythunian's fluttering hand closed on something in the dark—a jeweled dagger-hilt jutting from Thalis's gem-crusted girdle

    12. Gold anklets clashed as she moved, jeweled bracelets weighted her bare arms

    13. Jeweled scales that burn with fame,

    14. He recoiled, dropping the jeweled dagger in his perturbation

    15. Conan got one glimpse of her as they thundered by—a slim, dark girl in silk trousers and a jeweled breast-band, flattening herself against the ravine wall

    16. He was taller than the others, and wore a jeweled head-band

    17. Yet there they were—gold breast-plates set with concentric circles of small gems, gilded sandals, and a short silken skirt upheld by a jeweled girdle

    18. The body still lay as he had first seen it, silent, motionless, in breast-plates of jeweled gold, gilded sandals and silken skirt

    19. Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen- eyed, sword in hand, a thief, a reaver, a slayer, with gigantic melancholies and gigantic mirth, to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet

    20. Over the jeweled spires was rising a dawn crimson as blood

    21. It was no slender stiletto, selected because of a jeweled hilt or gold guard, fitted only for dainty murder in milady's boudoir; it was a forthright poniard, a warrior's weapon, broad-bladed, fifteen inches in length, tapering to a diamond-sharp point

    22. And he spoke of cities, and fertile plains, marble walls and iron chariots, jeweled towers, and horsemen in their glittering armor riding to battle

    23. The Witch smiled and took a sip of sweet strawberry wine from her jeweled

    24. It’s not form lack of belief in the realities awaiting realization, but my laziness – A pilgrim may ardently long to reach the golden city and yet loiter on the way, making unnecessary night stops, because he is tired of plodding thru clinging mud or lingering at village fairs because, although their tawdry attractions fall far short of the jeweled splendors awaiting him, they are to be had now, whereas the golden city lies scores of leagues away

    25. "Like a pointed hat or a jeweled dagger? Hardly! It sounds like you're not that comfortable with the idea

    26. A small jeweled crown was placed on her head, and matching necklace, around her neck

    27. Spurious stared at it with delight as he looked upon its silver and jeweled sheath

    28. From special feed, to jeweled halters; pre-fabricated habitats, to ‘attitude adjustment’ consultants, the commerce generated by human petdom created billionaires overnight

    29. Everywhere there were windows to bring in the sun, clear glass that sparkled and windows in rich, jeweled colors

    30. The unwelcome interruption forces Brandy to glance at her sparkling jeweled wristwatch

    31. Therese had never seen anything like this jeweled crown in all her life

    32. ) The airy fabric gathered at her waist with a wide jeweled band before continuing all the way to her toes

    33. ” She moved over to the closet and brought back a stunning ball gown, a jeweled mask shaped like a blooming rose, and an elaborate powdered wig

    34. Refusing to relent the Devata spread out his jeweled net over the Ashura and trapped him

    35. first they welcomed the Spanish and presented a jeweled

    36. Stendhal’s introduction to his book explains that his book is merely a mirror passing on a road: reflecting the mire of the mud of the earth below, and the jeweled fancy of the rich above

    37. There was a swish of sound and the chamber lit up with a jeweled array of color, as light tunnels from the surface reflected down light that was refracted by the use of crystals into a glittering intensity of color that swept throughout the entrance of the Queens’ Haven

    38. It’s an attractive and drizzly winter’s night, scraps of melting snow shored up against the edges of the Place de la Concorde, the city looking ghostly, its windows jeweled with raindrops

    39. When he had finished, he thanked her kindly and oiled himself thoroughly with his jeweled oil-can, to guard against mishap

    40. He was perhaps ten years older than me and beautifully dressed, down to the club scarf in his pocket and the jeweled pin in his necktie

    41. “Oh lovely, lovely…the spires, the jeweled windows, the lonely and deserted courtyards filled with dust

    42. They stood in the center of the perfect, jeweled lawn, over which one set of prints, hers, had run, leaving marks, and another, his, had walked in great slow strides to meet them

    43. ’ A jeweled hand waved from the prow of a blue ship

    44. ” A jeweled hand waved from the prow of a blue ship

    45. I had forgotten how rich and beautiful is the countryside—the deep topsoil, the wealth of great trees, the lake country of Michigan handsome as a well-made woman, and dressed and jeweled

    46. In an instant all was confusion; a thousand drawn swords menaced me from every quarter, and Sab Than sprang upon me with a jeweled dagger he had drawn from his nuptial ornaments

    47. When the sun shone on it it burst into a hundred colors, sparkling like a jeweled palace in a fairy-story

    48. It was for her one of the jeweled hours of life that gleam out radiantly forever in memory

    49. As the noise approached his chamber, he drew from its jeweled sheath his broad curved sword, and, placing it on the table before him, proceeded coolly to examine the ancient blade, which was inscribed with unknown characters

    50. And that square package—toilet things; useless hairpins and unusable jeweled shell combs; and here, in tissue paper—oh, the forethought of Ned!—the very locks of hair of which she had shorn herself so recklessly, bound together by the hairdresser’s skill into a lustrous coil that had distinct possibilities

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