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    keep still

    1. Unable to keep still in my exasperation, I rise to my feet and move over to the wall where there is a poster about something or other … I stare at it blindly, annoyed with myself for losing control

    2. Staring up at the concrete statue face of Jupiter surrounded by his Oracles in the fountain, she shuffled her feet, unable to keep still

    3. —Stop fucking about and keep still!

    4. Forcing himself to keep still so that the sheets did not rustle nor the bed frame crack, he listened for evidence to support his anxiety

    5. Maintenon looked at Andre, wishing he would keep still

    6. So the house of Ahaziah had no power to keep still the kingdom

    7. Carlotta would not keep still and John couldn’t bring himself to hurt the animals

    8. I keep still, fighting the urge to peer over the lawn couch to see where Chris is standing

    9. There’s a feeling of serenity, an atmosphere that almost compels one to keep still

    10. A sudden clash of small claws and feathers above her, near the flowering limes, made her gasp and peer upwards, pressing her nails into the palms of her hands in order to keep still

    11. “Hold on buddy, keep still

    12. -motion: first stage: keep still (Rhus

    13. v, Ign); wants this and that and then rejects when offered-cannot keep still although

    14. But Peter and his friends did not care; they just wanted to have the time of their lives, they could hardly keep still until the ride stop

    15. "Keep still, don't move," said Peter, as the birds were now sleeping

    16. It seemed he was lost in his own pleasure as well, ignoring his demand that I keep still and therefore his grip on my hips loosened

    17. When evidence of the disdain of the publican would become manifest, Levi would burn to reveal to them his generosity, but always he managed to keep still

    18. I tried to watch the siblings but the moment I twisted to look for them, Amarice barked at me to keep still

    19. As much as I tried to focus on the task in hand, I couldn't keep still and my eyes flitted across hundreds of nameless faces, searching for Paul's, convinced he was going to show up

    20. “Joey, keep still, would you?” she said

    21. Graisse wiggled in her arms, so excited he couldn’t keep still

    22. He must then learn to keep still, physically and mentally, irrespective of the nature of their inner experience

    23. ‘Keep still! I have to get these thorns off

    24. “Keep still Diane,” she says

    25. ‘That’s it, keep still,’ he said as he struggled with the button on the waistband of my jeans

    26. ‘No, keep still now

    27. He began to pace, he couldn’t seem to keep still

    28. The little girl wouldn’t keep still

    29. Unable to keep still, she shoved to her feet, tucking her hands beneath her arms

    30. her, but couldn‘t keep still

    31. Whenever I heard that kind of music, I found it hard to keep still

    32. #callar#, to be silent, keep still; omit to mention, conceal

    33. “Keep still,” whispered Mike, even though I was already acting like a statue

    34. "Difficult as it is to imagine," she could hear the explainer saying, "that old lady over there in the corner, Lady Frances Skeffington--yes, the old lady with the stick, whose head won't keep still--used to be a celebrated beauty

    35. She could not keep still, but walked about the sitting-room while Robert ate his supper at the table, pressing her cold hands together, trying to reason herself into tranquillity again

    36. What would be the effect on her of this final blow? The thought of it haunted Lucy and spoilt all the last days before her marriage, days which she otherwise would have loved, because she very quickly became infected by the boyish delight and excitement over their secret that made Wemyss hardly able to keep still in his chair

    37. He didn't keep still in it

    38. He found her, however, very trying that night, the way she would keep on turning round, and it reached such a pitch of discomfort to sleep with her, or rather endeavour to sleep with her, for as the night went on she paid less and less attention to his requests that she should keep still, that at about two o'clock, staggering with sleepiness, he got up and went into a spare room, trailing the quilt after him and carrying his pillows, and finished the night in peace

    39. “I’ll cook you some soup!” said his mother who couldn’t keep still anymore

    40. ‘Remember to try and keep still when you are riding

    41. t keep still 1 2 3 4

    42. The lights did not keep still

    43. But never strain yourself to keep still

    44. He couldn’t keep still and fidgeted

    45. “You two sit down and keep still

    46. Nevertheless, among many other representations made to him, the housekeeper said to him, "In truth, master, if you do not keep still and stay quiet at home, and give over roaming mountains and valleys like a troubled spirit, looking for what they say are called adventures, but what I call

    47. The best way's to let it go, and keep still about it

    48. “You keep still when you’re told,” he said to Ben

    49. Try to keep still, will you?”

    50. “Keep still,” he said

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