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    labor union

    1. The recent passage of NAFTA is a certain indication that labor unions are gradually losing their political clout

    2. But almost all credit for ending Somoza's dictatorship goes to the popular Sandinista movement, a wide coalition of Nicaraguan business, churches, farmers, labor unions, and students

    3. Communist partisans still controlled the northern mountains, and it was only because of the guerrillas’ connections with the Italian railway labor unions that rail travel moved relatively unscathed

    4. writing there have been 1300 waivers granted to big businesses and labor unions and to 38 hotels and

    5. Corruption is the theft of campaign dollars through forced labor union deductions

    6. They undertake to restrain and to regulate free enterprise by government interference with business and by labor unionism

    7. They undertake to regulate and restrain free enterprise by government interference with business and by labor unionism

    8. Johnson and his ally, labor union leader Walter Reuther, despite the fact that half of those over 65 had their own medical insurance back then

    9. She was so urgent and so poorly Informed that she explained to them In another letter that there was no such state of agitation and that everything was the result of the lunacy of a brother-in-law of hers who was fiddling around at that time in that labor union non-sense just as he had been involved with cockfighting and riverboats before

    10. According to this unbiblical system, missions would instead research social problems, provide schools for social workers, and work with businessmen, labor unions, and communists to bring social change

    11. Had corporations been more responsible, there would have been no need for labor unions

    12. A very intriguing proposal comes from a group of labor unions led by the Steelworkers – of which I am a member –

    13. A very intriguing proposal comes from a group of labor unions led by the Steelworkers, Machinists and Electrical Workers

    14. People will argue that we can’t have the resurrection of the labor union because of all the corruption that took place during the twentieth century

    15. The National Labor Union was established in 1866 to come to the rescue of many workers

    16. A few years later in 1881 the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions came into existence

    17. Even before the signing of the Declaration of Independence, certain skilled workers got together in organizations that were the precursors to later day labor unions

    18. The labor unions were weak and didn’t do much for the common man but over the years, that changed

    19. Eventually labor unions came to have less influence than they had in the early part of the twentieth century

    20. Father was proud of his local labor union and working with

    21. Lucy tracked down a ring of labor union thugs who planned to blow up the Boeing airplane factories in Everett

    22. Other groups of whose interests the management is keenly aware (and whose interests are at least partially adverse to the interests of some of the stockholders) are other securities holders, such as institutional creditors, labor unions, suppliers, customers, and the staff of the company itself

    23. Prior to a money default, most troubled companies have to act as supplicants in order to obtain relief from bank lenders, trade suppliers, labor unions, government agencies, and so on

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