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    last judgment

    1. Best known of his paintings is"The Last Judgment"; of his sculpture "Moses" and "Slaves

    2. Hastings, "The Last Judgment," 1853

    3. verses are not to be understood of the last judgment but, as we said, of the destruction of Jerusalem

    4. the real state of the wicked after the last judgment

    5. All these things proved to me that at the last judgment, the wicked would

    6. foregoing verses are not to be understood of the last judgment but, as we said, of the destruction of

    7. God at the Last Judgment

    8. to think of the real state of the wicked after the last judgment

    9. that at the last judgment, the wicked would be punished with everlasting destruction, which would be their

    10. All these things proved to me that at the last judgment, the wicked would be

    11. "This year, in June, my attention was cal ed to think of the real state of the wicked after the last judgment

    12. proved to me that at the last judgment, the wicked would be punished with everlasting destruction, which would

    13. it unless it was true; therefore, it is the truth" The Last Judgment, Page 22

    14. that the foregoing verses are not to be understood of the last judgment but, as we said, of the

    15. Hastings: "In all classical literature no instance can be found where the word death has this signification of eternal torment" "The Last Judgment," 1853

    16. Then he says Revelation 20:14 speaks of all human standing before God at the Last Judgment

    17. An Atrocious Slander On God: Henry Ward Beeches speaking of Michael Angelo's painting, The Last Judgment said, "Let anyone see the enormous gigantic coils of fiends and man; let anyone look at the defiant Christ that stands like a superb athlete at the front, hurling his enemies from him and calling his friends toward him as Hercules might have done; let anyone look upon that hideous wriggling mass that goes plunging down through the air-serpents and man and beasts of every nauseous kind, mixed together; let him look at the lower parts of the picture, where with the pitchforks men are by devils being cast into cauldrons and into burning fires, where hateful fiends are gnawing the skulls of suffering sinners, and where there is hellish cannibalism going on-let a man look at that picture and scenes which it depicts, and he sees what were the ideas which man once had of Hell and of divine justice

    18. "This year, in June, my attention was called to think of the real state of the wicked after the last judgment

    19. All these things proved to me that at the last judgment, the wicked would be punished with everlasting destruction, which would be their end

    20. The greatest of the modern Rabbi, Maimonides, Abravanel, Kimchi, Bechai, with one voice teach that the punishment of impenitent sinners is literal and absolute extermination at the last judgment, and they represent this as the tradition of the Jewish Church in interpreting the law

    21. Darby, in his early days, rightly said:—'It is commonly supposed that the judgment which is spoken of in this chapter is the last judgment,—the general judgment: this is a mistake

    22. The transition of the Universe from Manifested state to Unmanifested, from Manvantara to Pralaya is called in the Stanzas of the Books Dzyan the "Great Day “Be with Us”, and in the Bible – “Last Judgment "(or "Day of Judgment")

    23. Hastings, The Last Judgment, Page 22

    24. Henry Ward Beeches speaking of Michael Angelo's painting, The Last Judgment says, "Let anyone see the enormous gigantic coils of fiends and man; let anyone look at the defiant Christ that stands like a superb athlete at the front, hurling his enemies from him and calling his friends toward him as Hercules might have done; let anyone look upon that hideous wriggling mass that goes plunging down through the air-serpents and man and beasts of every nauseous kind, mixed together; let him look at the lower parts of the picture, where with the pitchforks men are by devils being cast into cauldrons and into burning fires, where hateful fiends are gnawing the skulls of suffering sinners, and where there is hellish cannibalism going on-let a man look at that picture and scenes which it depicts, and he sees what were the ideas which man once had of Hell and of divine justice

    25. I will swear to you by my soul's salvation, my faith as a Christian, I have told everything to you as it occurred, and as the recording angel will tell it to the ear of God at the day of the last judgment!"

    26. And at ground level, obviously, shades of the Last Judgment

    27. "Just what in hell is going on here?" thundered the voice of Kingdom Come and the Last Judgment

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