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    lead the way

    1. Son had offered the old hunter a great sum of gold to lead the way but the

    2. Let Creativity Lead the Way

    3. “Ok then, Lardyme lead the way” said Cosmicblasto

    4. ’ He answered, gesturing to Ben to lead the way

    5. Kassim lead the way through

    6. Grinly lead the way followed by Filbert with the

    7. “I’m just not that casual,” Ava kept trying to tell her as she lead the way upstairs

    8. Please lead the way

    9. Lead the way

    10. ‘Lead the way, Lance corporal

    11. I’ll have Tragus lend me Hesper to lead the way back

    12. “You’ll have to lead the way, then

    13. Jamil will lead the way, then the ladies, then Shelley and I’ll be bringing up the rear

    14. “I will lead the way back from here Pte Lamb just follow me

    15. The definition of hegeomai to lead, go before, go first, or lead the way could be translated as a positional or

    16. “Lead the way, Your Majesty

    17. “Lead the way,” Amaranthe said

    18. Jules urged me to move and I duly complied; he kept walking right behind me, while Steve lead the way, heading for what appeared to be a nondescript, pretty characteristic barn

    19. From inside poured some soft candlelight, and while I waited for Jules to step in and lead the way, he instead showed me in and said in awed overtones:

    20. He then picked up a three-piece candlestick, and lead the way through the bookshelves, straight on ahead:

    21. Thomas signaled for Stinger to lead the way

    22. I must be able to lead the way to restore the outcasts among us to a useful place of respect

    23. Junya lead the way through „excuse me's" and „watch out"s" and got

    24. We’re supposed to lead the way to the control rooms

    25. “Lead the way

    26. Comrade Gore and others would lead the way

    27. I elbow him and lead the way down the hallway

    28. Bisdah agreed but insisted that the Pinco auxiliaries lead the way while the Ocro and Lampa forces bring up the rear

    29. “Yes, you lead the way

    30. Sorcer is mine now; he shall lead the way to the storages

    31. “Mallika! Will you just be still for once in your life, and let someone else lead the way?” he lectured in an agitated tone

    32. "You can lead the way, Monica," he said, walking over to the door to open it for her

    33. He smiled briefly, and then gestured for me to lead the way

    34. that if Paul could understand the map, he should just lead the way

    35. This time, however, it would not be the traditional socialist parties of the left that would lead the way, nor would the organization of the industrial working class be the main concern of the new radicals

    36. To lead the way

    37. They let John lead the way

    38. He grinned and let her lead the way

    39. “Please lead the way

    40. Mahli, if you still can, lead the way to those storehouses that you told us about! And everybody, listen to me!” He held his hands spread out high over his head

    41. He had already ordered the assembled groups of hundreds to move toward the lowlands, after having assigned Benjamin to lead the way

    42. “After all these years of devoted service,” he growled, “now, I am not to be the one chosen to lead the way into the Promised Land? After all these years of laying my life on the line, how many times?”

    43. The Spirit will lead the way

    44. lead the way to those storehouses that you told us about! And everybody, listen to me!” He

    45. For the moment, Simon is happy to let them lead the way, and Johan can sense his exhaustion and relief

    46. assigned Benjamin to lead the way

    47. years of devoted service,” he growled, “now, I am not to be the one chosen to lead the way

    48. Two uniformed Primagnons moved forward to escort the Senator, who hesitated a moment before falling in step with them as Parker lead the way

    49. Lead the way to the truck

    50. “I will lead the way!” Rita exclaimed leaping onto her feet then racing over to the door

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