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    1. Although it was 20 years ago, I still have a clear memory of huddling under a tree (a leaky tree) while waiting out a vicious squall

    2. dripping of a leaky pipe

    3. She could hear the wind howling through the leaky

    4. But no, it was her leaky boobs leaking through

    5. Although leaky, dirty and smelly, they were both able to drink their fill

    6. ‘Exactly! We put up with bits falling off, leaky bladders, shit in the pants, having to be washed and fed… because there’s nothing we can do about it

    7. been damaged by leaky gut syndrome

    8. Bring back the leaky boats with broken oars

    9. The lad with the leaky firehose

    10. “Then you would have leaky canoes for dwarf

    11. better name?" The next week he came with this: "Leaky Faucet

    12. This is most commonly found around leaky windows

    13. Perhaps you’ve been in denial about the condition of this leaky old

    14. His boots were leaky and sodden with mud and rain

    15. `And suppose they were always ill, and suppose that the house was badly built, the walls so constructed that they drew and retained moisture, the roof broken and leaky, the drains defective, the doors and windows ill-fitting and the rooms badly shaped and draughty

    16. For years the old drain-pipes had been defective and leaky

    17. When all this was completed, as no other work came in, they all had to `stand off' with the exception of Sawkins, who was kept on because he was cheap and able to do all sorts of odd jobs, such as unstopping drains, repairing leaky roofs, rough painting or lime-washing, and he was also useful as a labourer for the plumbers, of whom there were now three employed at Rushton's, the severe weather which had come in with January having made a lot of work in that trade

    18. Again among the tiers of shipping, in and out, avoiding rusty chain-cables frayed hempen hawsers and bobbing buoys, sinking for the moment floating broken baskets, scattering floating chips of wood and shaving, cleaving floating scum of coal, in and out, under the figure-head of the John of Sunderland making a speech to the winds (as is done by many Johns), and the Betsy of Yarmouth with a firm formality of bosom and her knobby eyes starting two inches out of her head; in and out, hammers going in ship-builders' yards, saws going at timber, clashing engines going at things unknown, pumps going in leaky ships, capstans going, ships going out to sea, and unintelligible sea-creatures roaring curses over the bulwarks at respondent lightermen, in and out,—out at last upon the clearer river, where the ships' boys might take their fenders in, no longer fishing in troubled waters with them over the side, and where the festooned sails might fly out to the wind

    19. The remainder of the Brothers consisted of half-starved, pale-faced working men and women, most of them dressed in other people's cast-off clothing, and with broken, patched-up, leaky boots on their feet

    20. It’s not ideal, but at least it’s not a leaky phone booth

    21. Sweat dribbled from it like a leaky faucet onto the top of his shoe

    22. As the rain continued to fall and the wind to blow, their rickety old boathouse on the Highland side of the river, with its leaky roof and cold river-water showers, seemed by comparison to have been designed to make them as miserable as possible

    23. His men were sick, starving, with worn-out, leaky boots and uniforms indistinguishable from beggars’ rags, and their fighting spirit was virtually nonexistent

    24. Chronic inflammation caused by a leaky gut is one of the most common culprits for the triggering of fat-storage mechanisms and genes connected to metabolic disorders like insulin resistance

    25. Taking Aricept and Namenda felt like aiming a couple of leaky squirt guns in the face of a blazing fire

    26. Luckily he was very light, and the barrel was a good big one and being rather leaky had now shipped a small amount of water

    27. I feel that my Heart is a leaky Boat, tormented upon Storm-cross’d Seas, that should I fail to see you again, I am little better than a Crusoe without his Friday

    28. Now the banner was dingy, the silk stained brown with drips from the leaky roof

    29. came rushing into the house yelling, “Those goddamn leaky slop buckets have gone and got themselves the best goddamn criminal defense attorney in the South!”

    30. He also had the feeling he’d just been floated down the Potomac on a leaky raft

    31. "Captain Peleg," said Bildad steadily, "thy conscience may be drawing ten inches of water, or ten fathoms, I can't tell; but as thou art still an impenitent man, Captain Peleg, I greatly fear lest thy conscience be but a leaky one; and will in the end sink thee foundering down to the fiery pit, Captain Peleg

    32. Stubb; it was a little leaky, I thought

    33. It is only when a leaky vessel is in some very out of the way part of those waters, some really landless latitude, that her captain begins to feel a little anxious

    34. Aye! leaks in leaks! not only full of leaky casks, but those leaky casks are in a leaky ship; and that's a far worse plight than the Pequod's, man

    35. It was a crazy vessel, shattered and leaky; but it afforded some shelter, bad as it was

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    blabbermouthed leaky talebearing tattling