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    leave again

    1. ” (at that point I begin to suspect he means me) “She has asked to return to Janus lately, I accepted, but I know she will leave again soon; nevertheless, I am not going to take her back for a second time, I won't allow such a disciple to come back

    2. I can feel her settled inside me, never to leave again

    3. When I get some leave again, I will go consult with my spirit guide

    4. - I also think you better leave again - she said before leaving the

    5. Then he would leave again for a few more years

    6. “What if the newcomer doesn’t like it here? What if she wants to leave again?”

    7. “Oh, so if that’s completely healed, I would have to leave again?”

    8. The aroma of thousands of flowers and plants! In a way, it was like coming home, never to leave again

    9. we’re all rested up we can come back and then leave again

    10. They still need the Eryx, and we simply need to collect the cash, tell them where they can find the Eryx, and leave again

    11. The woman heard: “Come to the island, you will be ours forever, come to the island and never leave again

    12. " he turned to leave again

    13. Now that the I and the You have been fused into One, Ulysses can leave again for the other end of the world, as Teiresias predicted

    14. Once he has returned to Ithaca he must leave again and begin a new journey, this time short by sea and long on land, and stop only when he meets someone who will mistake his oar for a winnow

    15. Once the Suitors have been massacred, Ulysses must leave again for another long voyage, this time first by sea and then by land

    16. think we’re going to have to leave again

    17. It was exactly a week before he was able to force himself to leave again

    18. I begged him not to leave again

    19. Having mentioned to Jeff that he would need to leave again soon to attend his father’s funeral, Jeff had asked if he could work at least half a day the next Saturday to run an inventory of powders

    20. themselves and leave again to go clean the clearing

    21. I’m afraid of what will happen if you decide to leave again

    22. Don’t ever leave again without warning me” I couldn’t believe that I was saying this to him

    23. “No… Kyle, that wasn't your fault!” She was afraid he was going to apologize and then leave again

    24. Shattered, he had nothing else to do but watch her leave again

    25. ” He folded his own arms, staring at her with a smile, suddenly not wanting to leave again

    26. When he steps into his office, I follow, realizing only after the door slides shut that I’m stuck in here until he decides to leave again

    27. By June she must have money enough to give her at least some little protection Only till June! By June she must have the mill well enough established for her to leave against misfortune

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