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legislative body
1. Hutchins, former President of the University of Chicago, happily styled the Court “the highest legislative body in the land
2. It was clear to Hap the members of the legislative body
3. order of this legislative body that the President has already
4. Is there any significance that the first three letters of the legislative body of government are “Con?”
5. The legislative body needs remediation
6. They resolved the dilemma by allowing each state to determine its own voter qualifications, requiring only that each state use the same qualifications that it used for electing representatives to its largest publicly elected state legislative body
7. In 1813 the cowardly breach of silence of that taciturn legislative body, emboldened by catastrophe, possessed only traits which aroused indignation
8. This deputy had been a member of the legislative body of the Empire, and shared the religious ideas of a father of the Oratoire, known under the name of Fouche, Duc d'Otrante, whose creature and friend he had been
9. Every legislative body, every person invested with power of any kind, is morally bound to use only those means which are necessary and proper for the correct execution of the powers delegated to them
10. I ask the House to consider what is that principle of civil liberty, which is amalgamated and identified with the very existence of a legislative body
11. But whenever a legislative body assumes to itself the power of stopping, at its will, all debate, at any stage of deliberation, it assumes a power wholly inconsistent with the essential right of deliberation, and totally destructive of that principle of civil liberty which exists, and is identified with the exercise of that right
12. Strictly speaking, a Legislative body never "acts
13. And it will be found, that all the cases in which this necessity of "action" has been urged, have been cases in which the Legislative body has departed from its appropriate duties of deliberation and decision, and descended to be an instrument, or engine, of the Executive
14. It was an Executive haste to its own purposes, which prevailed upon the Legislative body to deny, to its own members, their privileges
15. It is not true, that this power ever was, or ever can be necessary, in a Legislative body
16. said it was merely his object to make the acts of the Legislative body tally with the proclamations of the President
17. what is that principle of civil liberty which is amalgamated and identified with the very existence of a legislative body? 469;
18. it is not true that this power ever was, or ever can be, necessary in a legislative body, 470;