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legislator примеры предложений
1. was the sixth and is known as a legislator
2. He was their judge, and in some respects their legislator in peace and their leader in war
3. To judge whether such retaliations are likely to produce such an effect, does not, perhaps, belong so much to the science of a legislator, whose deliberations ought to be governed by general principles, which are always the same, as to the skill of that insidious and crafty animal vulgarly called a statesman or politician, whose councils are directed by the momentary fluctuations of affairs
4. " But if we consider the matter more closely, we shall find that this interested diligence of the clergy is what every wise legislator will study to prevent ; because, in every religion except the true
5. these government organizations the power to write their own rules the EPA has become a legislator, an
6. Since Congress gave these government organizations the power to write their own rules the EPA has become a legislator, an executor and a judge over their own actions
7. Buonarroti foresaw “the establishment of that sublime worship, which, by blending the laws of the country with the precepts of the divinity, doubled, as it were, the force of the legislator, and armed him with the means of extinguishing
8. ” - State Legislator N
9. Maybe Ivan should be a legislator
10. “It has been said, that a legislator should have two things in view when he frames his laws, the country and the people
11. Thus the Sovereign Ruler is also the Supreme Legislator
12. As Legislator, He gives His subjects adequate prescriptions to carry on their personal and social lives
13. “Though they were enjoined but to worship Al’lah by adopting His religion faithfully with inclination of love towards Him,”: so, Al’lah, alone, (glory to Him) is the Maker of religion as He is the Great Omniscient Creator; and only Him is the legislator for man and the Source of legislation
14. If, then, the Divine Legislator, the Divine Spectator of wrong, the Divine Ruler and Lord, has an account with rebellious free agents, and burns in the awful depths of Deity with a resolution to take vengeance on such offenders as have trampled on His law, and on His Son, and who have done despite to His Holy Spirit, we may rest certain that that satisfaction of the Divine Nature is a sufficient end in so calling wicked men to account; even if the result of that terrible punishment be their destruction
15. condemning that, reforming one practice and abolishing another, each of the three setting up for a new legislator, a modern Lycurgus, or a brand-new Solon; and so completely did they remodel the State, that they seemed to have thrust it into a furnace and taken out something quite different from what they had put in; and on all the subjects they dealt with, Don Quixote spoke with such good sense that the pair of examiners were fully convinced that he was quite recovered and in his full senses
16. But he has not yet found out the truth which he afterwards enunciated in the Laws--that he was a better legislator who made men to be of one mind, than he who trained them for war
17. The Hebrew prophet believed that faith in God would enable him to govern the world; the Greek philosopher imagined that contemplation of the good would make a legislator
18. Greater matters are to be determined by the legislator or by the oracle of Delphi, lesser matters are to be left to the temporary regulation of the citizens themselves
19. At the beginning of Greek history, in the vestibule of the temple, is seen standing first of all the figure of the legislator, himself the interpreter and servant of the God
20. The additions which were made to them in later ages in order to meet the increasing complexity of affairs were still ascribed by a fiction to the original legislator; and the words of such enactments at Athens were disputed over as if they had been the words of Solon himself
21. Plato hopes to preserve in a later generation the mind of the legislator; he would have his citizens remain within the lines which he has laid down for them
22. But much may be said on the other side, nor is the opposition necessary; for a person may rule by law, and law may be so applied as to be the living voice of the legislator
23. I conceive, I said, that the true legislator will not trouble himself with this class of enactments whether concerning laws or the constitution either in an ill-ordered or in a well-ordered State; for in the former they are quite useless, and in the latter there will be no difficulty in devising them; and many of them will naturally flow out of our previous regulations
24. The city will be courageous in virtue of a portion of herself which preserves under all circumstances that opinion about the nature of things to be feared and not to be feared in which our legislator educated them; and this is what you term courage
25. But when the cobbler or any other man whom nature designed to be a trader, having his heart lifted up by wealth or strength or the number of his followers, or any like advantage, attempts to force his way into the class of warriors, or a warrior into that of legislators and guardians, for which he is unfitted, and either to take the implements or the duties of the other; or when one man is trader, legislator, and warrior all in one, then I think you will agree with me in saying that this interchange and this meddling of one with another is the ruin of the State
26. Shall we try to find a common basis by asking of ourselves what ought to be the chief aim of the legislator in making laws and in the organization of a State,--what is the greatest good, and what is the greatest evil, and then consider whether our previous description has the stamp of the good or of the evil?
27. Yes, I replied, ours in most respects; but you may remember my saying before, that some living authority would always be required in the State having the same idea of the constitution which guided you when as legislator you were laying down the laws
28. You have again forgotten, my friend, I said, the intention of the legislator, who did not aim at making any one class in the State happy above the rest; the happiness was to be in the whole State, and he held the citizens together by persuasion and necessity, making them benefactors of the State, and therefore benefactors of one another; to this end he created them, not to please themselves, but to be his instruments in binding up the State
29. Now, when a man is in this state, and the questioning spirit asks what is fair or honourable, and he answers as the legislator has taught him, and then arguments many and diverse refute his words, until he is driven into believing that nothing is honourable any more than dishonourable, or just and good any more than the reverse, and so of all the notions which he most valued, do you think that he will still honour and obey them as before?
30. I think not, said Glaucon; not even the Homerids themselves pretend that he was a legislator
31. His dialogues Timæus and Critias were drafted with the poet and legislator Solon as their inspiration, as it
32. I remember getting into one argument about this issue that ended with me telling a very powerful legislator, “With all due respect, we’re talking about a bill that will save the lives of millions of people
33. All the rest is to show what sort of legislator a philanthropist is likely to make," ended the Rector, throwing down the paper, and clasping his hands at the back of his head, while he looked at Mr
34. To obtain per fas et nefas a terrestrial paradise of luxury and earthly enjoyment, to harden the heart and macerate the body for the sake of fleeting possessions, as the martyrs once suffered all things to reach eternal joys, this is now the universal thought—a thought written everywhere, even in the very laws which ask of the legislator, "What do you pay?" instead of asking him, "What do you think? " When this doctrine has passed down from the bourgeoisie to the populace, where will this country be?
35. The one nearest me was the renowned legislator Senator Richard Nottingham, Elizabeth’s husband
36. History and philosophy have eternal duties, which are, at the same time, simple duties; to combat Caiphas the High-priest, Draco the Lawgiver, Trimalcion the Legislator, Tiberius the Emperor; this is clear, direct, and limpid, and offers no obscurity
37. Can there not be a government in which majorities do not virtually decide right and wrong, but conscience?—in which majorities decide only those questions to which the rule of expediency is applicable? Must the citizen ever for a moment, or in the least degree, resign his conscience to the legislator? Why has every man a conscience, then? I think that we should be men first, and subjects afterward
38. ‘Most learned judge!’ said he, ‘picture this unhappy man, crippled by age and infirmities, who gains his living by honourable toil—picture him, I repeat, robbed of his all, of his last mouthful; remember, I entreat you, the words of that learned legislator, “Let mercy and justice alike rule the courts of law