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    Используйте «letter writer» в предложении

    letter writer примеры предложений

    letter writer

    1. It might take longer than most applicants think to secure the letters of reference, so contacting letter writers early helps to ensure they will have enough time to craft and share their recommendations

    2. He also recorded the page set-up and all other editing quirks used by that obsessively neat letter writer

    3. Duke’s reply was that it was impossible since the blood of the American Negro was so mixed with that of the letter writer that Ellington might not be accepted in Africa

    4. Now, you have to understand: MY GRANDFATHER WAS NOT A LETTER WRITER! This

    5. Although he was not a prolific social letter writer he did used to write to Sarah when she was younger, and she still had them all in her dressing table drawer at home, bundled in purple ribbon

    6. Omar was not much of a letter writer and after I left the only contact I had with them was through occasional letters from Juliet

    7. “I am not much of a letter writer and, anyway, what was there to write about?

    8. Cohen, began a weekly polling of newsletter writers and other investment advisers about their current stock market views

    9. The longer a trend continues, the louder the letter writers proclaim it

    10. When the mass of letter writers turns strongly bullish or bearish, it's a good idea to look for trades in the opposite direction

    11. Maybe investment newsletter writers, whose specialty this is, might help us do better

    12. When it comes to newsletter writers, remember Malcolm Forbes’ famous dictum: the only money made in newsletters is through subscriptions, not from taking the advice

    13. Listening to the many market newsletter writers, technical analysts, or strategists who pore over 30 to 50 different technical or economic indicators and then tell you what they think the market should be doing is generally a very costly waste of time

    14. (Remember, even newsletter writers would rather be right than make money

    15. Michael Murphy, a short seller and newsletter writer, covers automatically after a 25 percent price run-up and waits to short again

    16. They were carefully examined, and showed that he was a keen student of international politics, an indefatigable gossip, a remarkable linguist, and an untiring letter writer

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