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    line of argument примеры предложений

    line of argument

    1. But is this line of argument as convincing as it first appears? The first and most major hole is that, even according to pre-trib theory, there are a group of saved children of God who do go through the

    2. This line of argument seemed to do the trick, as

    3. THOSE theologians who are agreed in the main on the line of argument pursued hitherto, are divided in opinion on the question of the survival and condition of souls in an intermediate state preceding the resurrection; in this respect not differing from such as maintain the traditional belief on the future state

    4. “Of course,” said Simeon, giving up that line of argument

    5. Fritz Muller, in order to test the conclusions arrived at in this volume, has followed out with much care a nearly similar line of argument

    6. This line of argument seems to have had great weight in leading Fritz Muller to accept the views maintained by me in this volume

    7. A similar line of argument holds good with fruits; that a ripe strawberry or cherry is as pleasing to the eye as to the palate—that the gaily-coloured fruit of the spindle-wood tree and the scarlet berries of the holly are beautiful objects—will be admitted by everyone

    8. Lewes has remarked, this line of argument proves too much, for the ancient domestic races figured on the Egyptian monuments, or embalmed, are closely similar or even identical with those now living; yet all naturalists admit that such races have been produced through the modification of their original types

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