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    line of thought

    1. It was also clear that there was probably no one alive who could follow his line of thought, at least not very well

    2. chase!' Henri had been following his own line of thought

    3. No, stop that line of thought

    4. This job was not helping my career at all and, would this environment be conducive to my Christian life? I pondered along this line of thought for most the day yet drew no conclusions

    5. I dismissed that whole line of thought as a bad analogy

    6. Was it the offering itself? If so, I mulled, that would present a line of thought worth pursuing for its own sake, but maybe later on

    7. Roger knew what was at play: Fidel Castro found it necessary to send Antonio to fight Roger’s anti-Castro influence in an industrial center like Ponferrada where “workers” had been indoctrinated in Castro’s line of thought

    8. not have kept a straight line of thought

    9. This mainly shows itself in a thickening of the line of communication, for there is a line of thought connecting each member of

    10. Tony corrected the misconception, anticipating Albert next line of thought

    11. I-” He stopped, knowing well the pain this line of thought would bring

    12. She wondered if he was as nervous as she was, if- oh, shut up, Dana!- she scolded herself sternly, knowing that if she kept up this line of thought she’d make a fool of herself, and that was the last thing she wanted to do

    13. Such a line of thought and action is obviously disastrous to the

    14. Hank was becoming nervous as he realized where Ishan was going with this line of thought

    15. her line of thought with an important statement

    16. Following this line of thought, if God ordained that you would be born during our current

    17. because it may interrupt your concentration and line of thought

    18. Feltus nodded but remained hesitant even though he knew she followed his line of thought

    19. Max pursued her line of thought

    20. This line of thought was not panning out

    21. But before proceeding with this line of thought, the sequence of events leading up to Pearl Harbour and the immediate aftermath needs to be recapped

    22. The big question remained: who was Adrian Clements? Until now, no, until Clegg’s coffin had been opened, the South African, Shark, had been the only nomination for that position, but Eileen Cauldron’s statement had changed that line of thought

    23. Louie interrupted my line of thought before it could descend to the depths it was destined for

    24. Therefore in order to go along with this line of thoughts the first kinds of details are going to be given out have to be imaged out from the initial experiences that we had collected out as soon as we were all born over here

    25. Evidence of the continuation of a line of thought and action consistent with these commencements is supplied by Dr

    26. this line of thought is mistaken

    27. It was precisely this line of thought that brought

    28. Any line of thought persisted in cannot fail to produce its result in the character, health, and circumstances of the individual

    29. Whom do these Congressmen represent? They represent you and me, so that our line of thought begins with the Battleship and ends with ourselves, and we find in the last analysis that our own thought is responsible for this and many other things, of which we seldom think, and a little further reflection will develop the most important fact of all and that is, if someone had not discovered the law by which this tremendous mass of steel and iron could be made to float upon the water, instead of immediately going to the bottom, the battleship could not have come into existence at all

    30. Switching to yet another line of thought Samara said, “None of those

    31. It seemed to her monstrous to take a man off his thinking, to tear its threads, perhaps to spoil for good that particular line of thought, with demands that he should write advertisements for a cook or go with her in search of one

    32. I needed a cold-shower line of thought

    33. I shoved that line of thought aside

    34. concentrate on a new line of thought

    35. evenings that you have and call forth an entirely different line of thought so as not to use the cells which

    36. To the beginner in this line of thought some of the things stated in this book may sound

    37. However, since the explanations that I provide holds a completely new line of thought, there are just too

    38. The clamor of the phone destroyed that line of thought for the moment

    39. That was my line of thought before I got

    40. have to say about a new line of thought, because the few others that replied were extremely aggressive

    41. validated proof and only after I realised that, was I able to start forming another line of thought on gravity

    42. By humans acting-thinking-feeling linearly, they create a separated awareness which is exclusively focused on one idea, one goal, one function, one mechanical function… when the line… becomes sacred, unquestioned… everyone follows that line… that lie, whether it be a line of thought, or a line drawn on paper, or a line-road drawn into the ground

    43. If we rationally follow this line of thought through to its inevitable end then reason and science suggest some other form of energy with intelligence created these first forms of energy that make up the atoms that make up the universe no? What would you call this unique other form of energy that must have intelligence and must have always existed?

    44. If we rationally follow this line of thought through to its inevitable conclusive reasoning backed up by science would strongly suggest some other form of energy with intelligence created these first forms of subatomic energies that make up the atoms that make up the universe

    45. He couldn’t let himself follow that line of thought, so he cut it off

    46. That line of thought was faulty in so many ways, Cami couldn’t begin to list them all

    47. Their opinions and general line of thought belong to an earlier epoch

    48. Some of the most distinguished philosophers of past and present ages have adhered to this line of thought, without surrendering their faith in God as the Supreme and Everlasting Energy and Life of this universe

    49. Or was this line of thought just another form of victim-blaming? This wouldn’t have happened to me

    50. Duchairn cut off that line of thought and inhaled deeply

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