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    little bit

    1. Sporadically you might earn a little bit more but consistently you will not earn the type of money that you want to earn

    2. Remember every little bit of toxin adds up to a lot

    3. You can add a little bit of soap to the left over soda, etc

    4. It was cramped but if he cinched up the laces, it was a little bit warmer at night

    5. Follow the Law of the little bit when spraying

    6. There was a little bit of water in an excavated pool, enough to grow enough vine to cover the lodge and fill the kegs within

    7. A little bit later the

    8. meant a little bit of exercise before scoff

    9. When he did, he hung on, getting his head up this little bit helped the blood flow and did clear his brain a little

    10. I shifted along the mattress to be just that little bit closer to this alien sound

    11. The world shifted in that moment, spinning just that little bit faster on its leaning axis

    12. Inland meant up hill and that meant a little bit of exercise before scoff

    13. Go give two another couple turns and bring the nose around a little bit more

    14. The smaller claw he saw earlier was certainly real, that straight-edged point on the flying claw was certainly real, but what if this huge claw that one was holding was nothing more than a stick? That would even things up a little bit wouldn't it?

    15. They were sitting backlit by the fireplace staring out toward where the sounds were coming from and a little bit behind the most convenient trunk

    16. That gave them a little bit more time

    17. He got out and went over and up the stairs to the door thinking to him self; She gave me the code, so she trusts me a little bit

    18. Once I actually got some sleep, I was allowed to integrate with the general public a little bit

    19. 'I think you're a little bit too relaxed, that's not very nice

    20. Her great-aunt watched over her throughout the afternoon, revealing snippets of family history, and sketching pictures from her own life story, all of which seemed to consist of too many broken hearts and broken heads, until, with the football results due in and Leonard Cohen starting to become a little bit overbearing, she turned to her young relative and asked, “Do you want to stay for dinner? There’s a DVD I want to watch and we could phone out for a curry”

    21. fits, she might cry a little bit, but that’s about it

    22. In the bedroom, Dave has created a dressing table area for me where I can sit to do the little bit of titivating which amounts to making up as far as I am concerned though I have to say that seeing my bits of toiletries looking so at home, feels extremely strange

    23. For Davie the round of check-ups at bars and the odd meeting with Jock’s business contacts moves him that little bit closer to the streets of Glasgow

    24. It’s a start, a little bit of the mundane seeping into his consciousness

    25. 'No…I do not miss the tannery, one little bit!’ he shook his head

    26. His best endeavours to keep various little bits of information from the probing policemen had failed miserably, they seemed to know when he was covering something over and the sheer effort required to keep a guard on his words was beginning to tell on him

    27. I decided to test him a little bit

    28. still taste the grapes in my mouth, and they make my cheeks hurt a little bit from

    29. “Monica, you’re a little bit old to still be believing in monsters under the bed!” Her father said sternly

    30. It took no time at all then for the younger man to complete that octave and the next, with that little bit of knowledge

    31. I was relived a little bit when they ignored me and

    32. The wide range of nationalities made her realize just how accurate her Grandmother was, when she would call her a Heinz 57, meaning a little bit of all

    33. I told her me and my wife lived overseas for 17 years, so we were a little bit used to the international world

    34. Desa would have just walked back but she remembered that Alan didn’t have anything warm with him, and tried to jog a little bit, but soon gave that up in favor of a loose amble

    35. She was having a bad cold and a little bit of a fever

    36. bluntly, I used to snore a little bit

    37. A little bit of investigation

    38. “Unfortunately, there is just a little bit more of me coming out of the top

    39. ” Tetloan stammered, knowing his healing skills were more than a little bit lacking

    40. The little bit of money that she had scraped together, Hankins spent on a hotel

    41. She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, `Which way? Which way?', holding her hand on the top of her head to feel which way it was growing, and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size: to be sure, this generally happens when one eats cake, but Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way

    42. Though his stay at the High Tower was involuntary, Alec had learned a little bit about mages because of it, their dress code being one such bit of knowledge

    43. The people who lived here were still urban but they lived in detached or semi-detached houses with little bits of ground behind them or on top of them where they might grow a few salad fixings and some spices and/or sit outdoors in the shade of a tree

    44. It was like this, he is a little bit straight laced and does not like to be woken with a blast of ultra modern music

    45. He left his clothes here, they would reek too much from the scrounge's mattress and a little bit more from the kvarit tank

    46. " It was looming over her now, straightened her arm out a little bit

    47. Domingo, when they were first discovered by the Spaniards, used to wear little bits of gold as ornaments in their hair and other parts of their dress

    48. ” His withering stare did not move Betty one little bit

    49. In fact, healthier alternatives would include a little bit of nonfat cottage cheese or nonfat yogurt

    50. ” Try a little bit of butter or even a little cottage cheese

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