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    little known

    1. She led him thru little known passageways to the Queen’s chamber

    2. It seems to be common in all nations to whom commerce and manufactures are little known

    3. Among nations to whom commerce and manufactures are little known, the sovereign, upon extraordinary occasions, can seldom draw any considerable aid from his subjects, for reasons which shall be explained hereafter

    4. Among nations, to whom commerce and manufacture are little known, the sovereign, it has already been observed in the Fourth book, is in a situation which naturally disposes him to the parsimony requisite for accumulation

    5. The words "Uhuru" and "Mau Mau" struck fear in many white Africans for decades which show you how a little known uprising in Kenya affected Africa

    6. I used a little known and esoteric technique for producing work

    7. We have been watching his activity for a while because he is one of a group of people that Dr Jacob Abraham controls by using a very nasty drug which is a little known derivative of PMA, paramethoxyamphetamine and is called 3

    8. A heap of rules that are unclear, little known and not even disclosed with precision, or even when they are disclosed, they appear incomprehensible

    9. This new order of society the world has little known because it has refused to practice the principles of the gospel of the kingdom of heaven

    10. 1 THE day and a half that Jesus' mortal body lay in the tomb of Joseph, the period between his death on the cross and his resurrection, is a chapter in the earth career of Michael which is little known to us

    11. group of little known historical events that

    12. There is little known about the childhood of Jesus Christ; it is believed he lived a fairly normal childhood and spent most of it in Egypt

    13. Starting with the battle in which he had lost most of his men and received the wounds that afflicted him now, he hardly found time to smoke his pipe that, little known to him but quite amusing to the listeners, he had forgotten to light

    14. George and his wealth of research material was a little known jewel in

    15. Once he got to the garden there was a little known path

    16. A little known fact about me is that I LOVE

    17. But little known by the United States of America's intelligence

    18. Since I suspect that few have understood and grasped the meaning of this little known reality, and this concerns me, I will touch on this subject off and on in the future as well

    19. Discover how little known body science that when combined with

    20. and strolled to the little known two-acre common area on the roof of the centre

    21. A little known fact was that the ARI was owned exclusively

    22. saw the mention of the Aquarium, a little known security unit that was a great deal more

    23. There was simply too little known

    24. There was little known about the Aqueous Passage other than it was the longest and largest canal in the world

    25. I used a little known and

    26. It's a little known fact that some appetizers have more calories and fat than the main course

    27. "If she had not known him to be in town she would not have written to him, as she did; she would have written to Combe Magna; and if he is in town, how odd that he should neither come nor write! Oh! my dear mother, you must be wrong in permitting an engagement between a daughter so young, a man so little known, to be carried on in so doubtful, so mysterious a manner! I long to inquire; and how will my interference be borne

    28. The real state of things between Willoughby and her sister was so little known to herself, that in endeavouring to explain it, she might be as liable to say too much as too little

    29. Ah! the wholesome restraint of discipline is but little known among this selfabandoned people

    30. And there came over Levin a new feeling of love for this man, till then so little known to him, when he saw how slowly and tenderly Kitty kissed his muscular hand

    31. "Living, as I do, in an educated and scientific atmosphere, I could not have conceived that the first principles of zoology were so little known

    32. Yet as is the way of Elvish words, they remained graven in his memory, and long afterwards he interpreted them, as well as he could: the language was that of Elven-song and spoke of things little known on Middle-earth

    33. He had resolv’d, therefore, e’en at the Age of Twenty-Seven (when I met him), not to be a Victim like his hapless Father; for he aspir’d to Great Things, knowing himself blest with the Gift for getting the most telling Likeness with two Strokes of a Quill or Brush, and possess’d, as well, of the Lit’ry Gifts his Father had so little known how to exploit

    34. The rambler, if he risked himself outside the four decrepit walls of this Marche-aux-Chevaux; if he consented even to pass beyond the Rue du Petit-Banquier, after leaving on his right a garden protected by high walls; then a field in which tan-bark mills rose like gigantic beaver huts; then an enclosure encumbered with timber, with a heap of stumps, sawdust, and shavings, on which stood a large dog, barking; then a long, low, utterly dilapidated wall, with a little black door in mourning, laden with mosses, which were covered with flowers in the spring; then, in the most deserted spot, a frightful and decrepit building, on which ran the inscription in large letters: POST NO BILLS,—this daring rambler would have reached little known latitudes at the corner of the Rue des Vignes-Saint-Marcel

    35. The complex and little known laws governing the production of varieties are the same, as far as we can judge, with the laws which have governed the production of distinct species

    36. Of these so called Whalebone whales, there would seem to be several varieties, most of which, however, are little known

    37. Except one who was rather younger, they were gray-headed men, little known in society, who had vegetated on a pitiful salary, and who probably had elderly, unpresentable wives and crowds of children, perhaps even without shoes and stockings

    38. The forms in which energy may manifest itself are very diverse, and it is one of these new and as yet but little known phases of energy, that we are investigating to-night

    39. There is a remarkable, although little known, work entitled "Unpartheyische Kirchen und Ketzer-Historie," 1729, by Gottfried Arnold, which treats of this subject, and points out the illegality, the perversity, the lack of sense, and the cruelty of employing the word heresy in the sense of refutation

    40. But why do we speak of, or sit in judgment on, the past, which may be falsely represented, and is, in any event, but little known to us? The churches, with their principles and their works, are not of the past; we have them with us to-day, and can judge them by their works and by their influence over men

    41. The inner life of this Huguenot city is little known to the public, because Charleston won’t have it known

    42. If the following descriptions and notices of some of the animal productions of our country, chiefly fossil, and of which some are but little known, should be found of sufficient interest to occupy a place in the Journal of Science, they are very much at your service for that work

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