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    little stream

    1. Brubaker was speckled in red dots, running down in little streams now

    2. After cooking our dinner we deposited our mandatory bear proof canister away from our tent and sat on a knoll overlooking a little stream and pond where a beaver was actively building its lodge

    3. And the fact was that everything in Eisenbaum was of an infinite exquisiteness, its cobbled streets, its houses with sight to the sea, its wavy hillsides, its greenish avenues, its splendid sceneries, its rainbow-colored twilights, its wavy little streams, its complaisant lake, its irreverent ocean, everything seemed molded by the meticulous hands of a God who polished much especially the day of its creation

    4. One day when he and Stephen had sneaked into McCoy’s farm which lay at the back of his house, Matthew out of boredom decided to gather up some wood and stones together with some clay and build a dam across the little stream that ran through his farm

    5. There’s a little stream here, and we

    6. There was so much water that it even ran through the towns, little streams or rivers, and some towns were completely surrounded by water, sitting on land

    7. est trees, this cool mountain air that washed off the little stream

    8. A stony path has been marked by white crosses to guide us over a little stream, but even with a torch it’s hard to make out and I often see the imprints of a pair of wet feet at the entrance of the room

    9. In the same street I find a public laundry corner, and I brush, rub and wash the bike tirelessly under the little stream of the tap

    10. It came down in heavy sheets, soaking our skirts and forming muddy little streams between the cobblestones

    11. “Remember that time we lay on the grass at Tratford” Sarah wistfully said as they sat on the neatly coiffured carpet by the little stream

    12. “That is a beautiful little stream but the water is very cold

    13. little stream in the valley

    14. and the little stream that ran along the property line

    15. When the banks of the little stream were gained, Hawkeye made another halt; and taking the moccasins from his feet, he invited Heyward and Gamut to follow his example

    16. But the little stream would not be comforted, and still kept telling its unintelligible secret of some very mournful mystery that had happened—or making a prophetic lamentation about something that was yet to happen—within the verge of the dismal forest

    17. Otherwise there was only the calling of plovers and the tinkling of little streams

    18. I watched the course of the little stream as it came in from the moor, and my fancy followed it to the top of the glen, where it must issue from an icy fountain fringed with cool ferns and mosses

    19. following the course of the little stream which flowed from our spring, as it should always serve us as a guide on our return

    20. A little stream

    21. Presently they came to a place where a little stream of water, trickling over a ledge and carrying a limestone sediment with it, had, in the slow-dragging ages, formed a laced and ruffled Niagara in gleaming and imperishable stone

    22. And children came to bathe in little streams

    23. The lace had been torn from his neck, and a little stream of blood ran from one sleeve

    24. In the camp there was a low murmur of voices, constant and varying and changing tone like the voice of a little stream

    25. The wind blew softly over the willow thickets, and from the little stream came the quiet talking of the water

    26. Gradually the little stream crept up the bank toward the low flat where the boxcars stood

    27. A little stream slipped through

    28. The little stream of water whined into the mossy tub

    29. The Wandle, the Mole, every little stream, was a heaped mass of red weed, in appearance between butcher's meat and pickled cabbage

    30. Innumerable little streams overlap and interlace one with another, exhibiting a sort of hybrid product, which obeys half way the law of currents, and half way that of vegetation

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