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    1. The current monitoring logs of all the logic all his programs ran in had to be edited, then he had to edit out the current traces that process took manually, before he could close

    2. Luray came down too, so the trio who'd boarded logs in Yoonbarla a year and a half ago were standing together at the front rail

    3. Then he looked around in some system logs

    4. He saw Heymon’s men had put in long hours over that auxiliary veron store, but if they had anything to report, it wasn’t in the logs

    5. If Ava had been around she probably would have had the conversation in that room recorded, but he couldn’t find that in any logs he knew of

    6. The next thing he did was look over the logs to see when and how she disappeared

    7. It wasn’t easy to find, but since he knew Ava kept logs that the remaining officers on the ship didn’t know about, he kept digging

    8. From what he could see in the logs, it looked like Thom and Darryl were at a total loss

    9. Ava, however, has system logs that will show what he actually did, and it was for those logs, as well as his belief in the church, that he acted the way he did

    10. She would have no reason to review those logs if he didn't bring the time and place to her attention

    11. "I know you have logs, look it up

    12. Look for breaks in the current such as stumps or logs; these are often the areas where you’ll find trout hovering in schools

    13. In between the wooden pilings is a special cement/wood mixture that binds the logs together

    14. He went over to the fire and added two more logs

    15. split logs drying on the hearth

    16. They enjoyed roasting the meat over hickory logs, but I never cared for it

    17. “My habit was to turn in all the shift logs on my way home every single shift I stood

    18. Harry politely checked the receipt logs knowing what he wouldn't find

    19. “My habit was to turn in the boat sheet, along with all the other shift logs, on my way home every single shift I stand

    20. He repacked his texts in his trunk and picked up the daunting stack of correspondence, orders, and status logs which Mr

    21. A Ford Mondeo crawls past the open drive entrance, the driver peering through the passenger window at the names of houses painted on logs and cast iron plates

    22. ‘Doesn’t look as though the logs are being consumed

    23. Titania was returning from the livery stables after putting out fodder and watering the resident beasts; Hipolyta was sitting in front of the Mercantile enjoying the evening breeze while finishing the weekly logs, and Jameson was soon to leave the kitchens for the day

    24. When she responded that it was, he came in carrying an arm full of logs, some appeared to be wet, but for the most part the rest were dry

    25. It wasn’t a terribly cold Nightday, especially for this time of year, but it was still damp and a few more logs couldn’t hurt tomorrow’s shower water any

    26. Returning to the living room with tray in hand, she discovered that Jim had the blackened logs a blaze, in the fireplace

    27. Four huge logs spanning thirty feet each

    28. Now the whole South Street Park that wasn’t taken up with the already-blazing firepit and awning-covered table was full of logs

    29. He’d had nothing better to do while he waited so long, so he had reviewed the logs

    30. But by the time he crawled his way to the wall of logs, the gate was already burning

    31. When a tree had fallen he instructed the saw holders to start sawing the logs into two-foot lengths

    32. One of the men then started his chain saw and started to cut the tree into logs

    33. The logs offered waypoints, sightings

    34. “That and a certain little Command memo inserted into their Com logs

    35. “We found some old logs on the third level”, Elizabeth said coming into the main living area with her arms filled with slender curved logs

    36. “Someone stored logs in the guest room

    37. Probably been there for years,” she said, dropping her load of logs by the pile Kurt had built next to the fireplace

    38. In the clinical white-greyness of the observation room Torbin once again poured over the monitor logs, despite the b’tari technician’s insistence that if any anomaly had occurred it would have been detected

    39. Internet? I suppose it's possible, yes, but you'd have to ask Motorola for their network logs

    40. When we got into their front line trenches we found that they had been roofed over with pine logs and some of these were really elaborate constructions and we kept pushing to find a way in

    41. “Some of the blokes fired through gaps in the logs while others poked their bayonets through

    42. The fire burned down and Shelagh put some more logs on

    43. For what it was worth he checked the sensor logs, confirming they had not wanted him to know of their visit

    44. Someone had started fires in each of the three hearths in preparation for the couple’s return—someone who might come in at any time to stir the logs

    45. Barbed wire fences barred the way, but Lieutenant Wise, of Military Kite fame, and other officers smashed the posts with logs

    46. I managed to drag him half-way over the river toward a place of shelter; but he turned in the water, with his wound bleeding and the bullets splashing around, and instructed the men to place logs and stones over the pit-top for further protection

    47. The judgment of these officers that several “guns” the enemy had mounted were but logs of wood proved correct

    48. Amaranthe ended up in front of the fireplace, its burning logs warming her back

    49. andirons, where noble logs of wood could be laid for the burning, nor

    50. with its roaring, crackling logs, in her quaint, short-waisted dress,

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