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    long play примеры предложений

    long play

    1. She gave a cute yawn and closed her eyes, hoping she could fall asleep and spend all night long playing with all the fun horsies she had read about in her story-book

    2. Eventually Edison invented a process that created the equivalent of a master, not unlike what was around with long playing records

    3. into motion long play times

    4. The pronouncements of trance oracles have long played a crucial

    5. Re-evaluating Diamond Head Crater’s original long players is a revelation

    6. She felt sure now that the worst was going to happen to her; but first there was to be torture, a long playing about

    7. Accordingly, towards the midsummer of the year 1816, I commenced in a far off way to give notice, that at Michaelmas I intended to abdicate my authority and power, to which intimations little heed was at first given; but gradually the seed took with the soil, and began to swell and shoot up, in so much that, by the middle of August, it was an understood thing that I was to retire from the council, and refrain entirely from the part I had so long played with credit in the burgh

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